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Courtney arrives at the airport in the UK (Britain)  and for her it's day time and it takes Georgia awhile to make it to the airport in Austrila, it's very dark in Australia, it's suppose to be night time over there but Georgia is still tired although she tried to have sleep, she just couldn't because of her parents and hopefully things are about to change for this girl and her upcoming new friends.
As from right now...
Georgia and Courtney both flew to an American airport and Courtney went to get a box of chips and she is about to talk to Georgia...
Courtney: "Hi" (With the box of chips in hand)
Georgia: "Hey there"
Courtney: "Sorry just loving the chips"
Georgia: "I suppose it's ok"
(Drinking her bottle of Pepsi)
Courtney: "How are you anyway?"
Georgia: "I'm ok, what about you?
Courtney: "I'm ok myself actually, I'm just a girl from London England who lived in Liverpool for quite awhile and I'm looking forward to this American Adventure"
Georgia: "And I'm a girl from Sydney Australia, I'm a loving daughter who wanted to get away from her argumentative parents and I'm looking forward to it too"
Courtney: "So are you signed to the wrestling too?"
Georgia: "Yeah how did you know?"
Courtney: "I already believe that we have a lot in common and you are already face to face with me talking for the very first time, I know I can tell"
Georgia: "There is a third person but she's already here I just know it"
Courtney: "Same so I was told in the interview"
(Georgia smiles)
This actually wasn't too bad so far, all they have to wait for is to meet Noelle and their new friendship will become a unit and they'll be on their new adventure with one another in no time.
Georgia: "Will you quit with the chips?"
Courtney: "Would you like one?"
Georgia: "Ok if you don't insist, chip girl"
Courtney: "Yes my first nickname"
(Courtney hugs Georgia)
Georgia: "Im glad you like your new nickname, anyway we have to find out who the third piece to the puzzle is"
Courtney: "I think we found her"
As they walked right into the company doors, there standing was the bored brunette Noelle, this is where the real journey begins.....

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