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*Noelle's P.O.V*
My lights in life were out, I had no idea what was going on at the time and I can only ever remember what Nicole did to me before I got rushed into hospital.
~ FlashBack~
I was talking to Brie and I never discussed Nicole because I knew that Brie didn't want to talk about it and we were backstage.
I was only seeing how she was until Nicole walked past, she accused me of giving her the evil eye, I didn't even look at her and she was gonna attack Brie, I got involved to save her then the fight turned into Me vs. Nicole, Nicole threw me onto a wall then she ragged me hair and bashed my head on the radiator twice.
My neck didn't feel right and my head was banging, I felt like I wanted to throw up every minute but it didn't go through, I was dizzy and that's when all the girls came along, I could hear what was getting said and I listened to Nattie perfectly well when she was talking to me. They are good friends for getting me here.
~ FlashBack Ends~
I was sitting in the doctors and he was checking me to see if there was damages then there came Nattie with Brie, Trin, Summer, Rosa, Rosalie, Georgia and Courtney. Eva and Nicole had this all set up and I have a feeling that Ariane got involved in this little plan too I honestly do believe that this was a set up.
Rosa: "Are you ok Noelle?"
Me: "I don't know, my neck is seriously hurting"
The Doctors were treating it the best that they possibly can and they also asked her if she feels sick.
Me: "Yeah a little, I can't throw up"
Natalya: "Have some water"
Me: "Thanks"
I took the water and I had a drink, yeah my head was banging too but the damage wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be.
I got told to stay off work for a little until it gets better, I have a feeling that this is gonna take a life time to get better, this is all Nicole's fault and she throws the blame on her sister, everyone else accept herself. I will get my revenge weather for me it's gonna be sweet or not.
Yet again I'm sitting back here and watching the other girls shine and I'm as dul as a light bulb.
Noelle: "I'm good to go home now girls"
Rosa: "Ok"
Natalya: "Just rest, keep yourself still and hopefully you'll be ok, when I see Nikki I swear down"
Courtney: "No Nattie, like what you said before, she isn't worth it, for Brie's sake please"
Natalya: "Oh alright, for Brie's sake"
Rosalie: "She's short of a smack in the mouth after that little episode she caused"
I thought to myself, I have mixed views on this situation because Courtney is right and so is Rosalie.
Everyone should just give Nikki the silent treatment for Brie's sake but at the same time it will only teach Nikki a lesson if we give her a good smack. Eva and Cameron were later confronted by Nattie and this is what's been going on as of late when Rosa was with them.
Natalya: "You 2 had something to do with this"
Eva: "What are you talking about Nattie?"
Cameron: "Like yeah, girl bye"
Natalya: "Don't walk away from me. I want answers and I'm not leaving until I get these answers"
Rosa: "No it wasn't our plan Nattie. It was Nikki's plan, Ariane, Eva and I were dragged into it"
(And I think that they are bullshitting her)
I can tell that Rosa is the biggest bullshitter because she hides that smile, she hides that evil smile and I've seen it on odd occasions and even Courtney agrees with me on this one, she might as well as give up while she can.
As for Eva and Ariane, well they've crossed the line so many times already, they've sucked up to the right people to get where they are at, where as Georgia , Courtney and I well we are naturals, something they'll never be in their lives, I'm not fake and neither are my friends.

The Social ButterfliesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon