🍳 Chapter.69 🍳

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*Courtney's P

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*Courtney's P.O.V*
I had no idea what time it was and my alarm goes and the baby cries and I'm just like "Oh My God, seriously?"
I got breakfast done for myself because Alex is not there and the baby has been fed already,
I never knew how hard it was for me, I mustn't of lived a full life if I don't know how to cook an omelet. 
I heard that the Raw after wrestlemania some of the NXT stars could debut and Rosalie did warned us before hand, Alex is now doing commentary over there right now, this is why I'm on my own now.
Me: "Oh Katie I wish daddy didn't have to go to work"
She couldn't speak yet, she nodded her head and she misses him too, she really loves him, they'be been close ever since her birth.
No one said life was easy and for me it isn't, Katie didn't ask for this life so I owe her and I have no problems carrying out my duties as a mother but the other girls better take note before they mess up, I know it's a nightmare but Katie will always be my baby but won't be a actual baby for long.
One day I know that Katie is gonna find out about my parents and I wish it wasn't that wat but it was and she has the right to know about what happened to her grandparents but I'm only going to tell her when the time is right, when she is old enough to understand, my life didn't change until Rosalie became my friend and Katie just might find it the same way one of these days.
I heard a knock on the door after I cried so hard, I opened the door and it was Alex.
Alex: "Courtney, what's wrong why were you crying?"
Courtney: "I can explain"
He sees Katie and she starts crying because she missed Alex so much and since he came back I was thankful he came back sooner that time, father or not, husband or not.
I'm lucky and grateful luckily no parents are here to give us a blessing but I miss them every day, now I'm a Mother things have changed for me.

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