1. Intro to our love song

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It all started in the evening. There was only two things that little Jack wanted to do. First: brushes his teeth. Second: lie on his beloved bed. Unfortunately none of this things were about to happened. It was already half past ten, thirty minutes after the time that he usually goes to sleep. He was going back home from his extra classes. His head was completely empty.

"There's no way I'm gonna get it..." Jack thought to himself while trying to remind what poem did he read this day (only one hour earlier).
As long as anyone can remember, he was a math genius. His first word was: "one". And no matter how many times his parents said to him "mum" and "dad" his second word was "two". He could sum and subtract in preschool, when most kids only know how to count from 1 to 10. In primary school he could do as much as his teachers and in middle school he could do with numbers even more than they.

Only problem is... he don't get English. Not at all. He can read, of course. But all this poetry with its hidden meanings... iconic dramas which he doesn't get... and texts with more than 100 words which make him fall asleep. He couldn't even read it so how could he write an essay or something like that!? This all is beyond his ability. And that's the reason why, second time in a row he couldn't pass his Matura exam. Math 100%, physics 95%, chemistry 92%. English... don't even ask. Each time someone asks him about it he turns all red and refuses to answer.

He walked slowly, hoping to get to home as soon as possible, and only sound he could hear was his quiet footsteps. As he was passing by the 24/7 shop he heard some arguing. "Probably someone drank one glass too much." Jack thought and kept going without paying much attention to what happens in the store.

Shortly after to his footsteps joined another sound. Someone walked behind him and Jack presumed that it was drunk guy from the store. He started do walk faster and faster. But the guy seemed to also speed up. Jack was getting ready to run. He adjusted his backpack and hardly swallowed the saliva.

Suddenly the person behind Jack fell down and hit the ground loudly. Jack stopped abruptly. More than few second he was thinking what to do. Leave that person and run back home. As fast as he can, preferably. Help the guy. "And get some HIV, aids, hepatitis or other funny reward."

Finally Jack decided... He turned around slowly and saw a man around his 30s lying on the pavement. He didn't try to get up... he didn't even move... "Maybe he's dead!" That terrifying thought crossed his mind.

-Hey... Hey!
Jack shouted to the lying body while moving a little bit closer to "it". The body didn't move.
-Hey, are you all right?
Jack asked and carefully touched the shoulder of lying man. He was completely drunk. That's for sure. And he was completely handsome.
-You can't lie in here. Where do you live?
Jack knelt and tried to wake up this man.

-Hee? Who are you?
Lying guy opened his eyes with a great effort. He obviously tried to focus his vision on Jack... but it probably didn't work cause after a while he gave up and closed his eyes frowning.
- I'm Jack. I can help you get back home. Where do you live?
-Where do I live exactly...?
-How am I supposed to know!
Jack already regretted his decision. "Why the hell did I have to meddle with this guy things?" He asked himself and sighted loudly.

-Sorry boy, you can't get me back home. I'm trapped in this awful world...
And saying that, the man stated to sob. A minute earlier he looked quite handsome... but where did this handsomeness go? Quickly all his face become filled with tears and snots. He covered his head with hands and started to sway. Baffled Jack set beside him and pat his shoulder.
-Everything's gonna be all right... There's no need to cry...
-No... You don't get it... No one can understand me... Ssoudo came from his planet especially for me. He travelled thousands years to be by my side. He's so small, so green, so cute... and still he decided to stay with me. And what!? They told me to throw him away! How can I...? How!
And he returned to his terrible cry.

"He's some freak." Jack thought. "But what do I do with him...?"
-Ok man. Let's go. It's time to sleep, not to weep.
And so Jack stood up and tried to pull up the man. Unexpectedly this guy was really heavy. And Jack never was the strong one, so...
-Oh, come on! Stand up and go home if you don't want to be robbed, raped or killed. Or all in one.
The man probably didn't even hear Jack's words. But that because he was already trying to stand on his own feet. After a few attempts man finally managed to stand up, though he was hanging on Jack's shoulder.

The man took three or four deep breathes and murmured:
-Let's go home.
-I like your idea, man.
And so they began to walk. Or rather Jack was walking while pulling this half asleep guy.
-So, where do you live?
-You need to go there, then turn right, and go... go... and then turn again... and then turn once more... and...
-Ok, stop!

After some time, some missed crossroads, some misunderstandings, some blocked alleys... They end up in front of the drunk man's house. And unexpectedly it turns out to be also a Jack's house.

One year earlier Jack decided to move from his parents house and live independently (or so he thought, they still were paying his rent). Jack was sure that while living alone he will be able to learn a lot and prepare for the next exam properly. How foolish of him... But after another failure he insisted on living alone and so he did.

Jack lived on the second floor of the building with 3 floors. Above him was living some strange guy. None of the neighbours known how does he look like, what is he doing etc. Even the landlord wasn't sure. The tenant was always sending the money on time, there was no problem like loud music or barking dog... So there was no need to visit him. If asked, the landlord wouldn't even be able to say if the man living on 3rd floor is young or old.

That night Jack was able to get to know the mysterious man living in the apartment on the 3rd floor... And the first impression wasn't too good.

Jack carried the man up to his 3rd floor and get back down to the 2nd. "I'm so lucky that I have this one floor less to walk every time." And while thinking how blessed he is, Jack slumped over on a couch. "Maybe that's why he barely leaves his home... One have to think twice before walking down from the third floor."

And so Jack, the guy who never liked sports, walks or CARRYING A DRUNKEN MEN. Jack, the guy who always brushes his teeth before sleep and is strict about his plan for a day... Has fallen asleep, just like that, on the couch, without a blanket or pillow, with his shoes still on. "It is the end of the world." Those are the words that he will think first in the morning after he wakes up.

[A/N when I've written this first chapter I weren't really satisfied and I thought something like "Maybe I should give it up...". But then I wrote the second one and started to write the third... and I fell in love in my own story ;) I hope you can enjoy it too :) ]

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