3.15 Where is happiness?

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Since coming back home Tom was reading one and the same book. It was already two weeks and for Jack the new semester started. And all this time on Tom's desk was only one book, not soo big at that. At least not as big as many other Tom's books. He was reading it almost all the time. He wasn't writing or anything.

-The art of happiness
Jack read aloud. At that moment Tom came into the study and asked:
-Want to read it?
-I'm not crazy. If you're reading it for soo long then what will I do.
-I'm reading it for the third time. And its not reading that requires time, but thinking about what you've read.

Jack wasn't sure if he understands.
-So what is this book about?
-Shortly, it's about being sympathetic and finding sympathy in people. And also about finding happiness in everyday life, in a small things that happens each day.
Jack nodded slightly, but he wasn't sure if he gets it completely. Tom probably saw all of that on boys face and said:
-For example there's a task. Find ten good things that happened to you last week.
-Ten? I don't think that there were even five!
-I'm sure that there was much more.
Tom said with a smile.
-And you have such a list?
-Of course. It's easy when you start to think in a right way.

Tom took out from the book a sheet of paper with his handwriting.
-1. I was healthy all week.
-Does it even count?
Jack was sceptical.
-If I would be sick than I would be unhappy, so it I was healthy, feeling good physically, then I should be happy.
-Make some sense...
-2. My boyfriend was healthy.
-Oh, come on. It's just stupid.
-Not at all. It's just about appreciate those things. For me this one is even more important than the firs one. Just thinking how unhappy I would be if you would be sick... but I shouldn't think about what didn't happened.
Jack blushed a little, but didn't say a word.
-3. I was able to write next chapter of my new story.
-But you're writing all the time!
-There was a time when I couldn't write anything that made sense, so it is a happy thing that now I can.
-Let's say so... what's next?
-4. My boyfriend was making for me delicious dinners for all week.
-Finally something that you really should be happy about.
Tom smiled and continued:
-5. I went for a date with my boyfriend and I had a great time.
-Me too.
Jack whispered and looked at Tom. Man gave him short kiss and said the sixth happy thing.
-I gave my boyfriend a gift that he liked.
One day when Tom was in a store he saw a new album of one of Jack's favourite bands and just bought it. It was a great surprise and Jack was extremely happy.
-7. My mother called me. She's fine and everyone at home too, and she won't be coming here this month also. That's actually a three things but I wrote it as one. 8. This Monday I had onc of the best sex in my life.
Jack became all red. Even he cooled down he was trying to remember what exactly were they doing that day in a bed.
-9. I made my boyfriend a breakfast. And he ate it all. I don't do it often so it's especially meaningful.
It was Wednesday. Jack was almost late for his lectures so Tom made for him scrambled eggs.
-And finally 10. I was watching my favourite movie with my boyfriend. It was his first time seeing it so he was getting very emotional. I could enjoy not only the movie but also watching my cute boyfriend.

Jack blushed a little and thought:
"Those all are just some silly things, but it seems that it really could make a person happy."
-Looks like I'm pretty much the main reason why you're happy.
Jack said cheerfully. He just said so casually and didn't expect Tom's serious answer.
-Yes. You are the main reason why I'm happy.
Man kissed the stunned boy and smiled to him lovingly.

All next day Jack was sitting at the lecture hall, but didn't think about professors words. He was trying to find his 10 reasons to be happy last week.
-Jack, are you listening to me?
Alex said little loudly.
-No, sorry, what did you said?
-Aren't Olaf and Patrice pretty close those days? I think I even saw them holding hands. But it's impossible, right?
-Who knows... he was saying something about asking her out.
-It was the last time you had a cold I guess...
That day Olaf and Patrice were talking to each other's openly in front of Jack and Alex. They were spending together all breakes.
-Looks like you've became pretty close during the winter break.
Jack noticed, looking at Olaf buying extra sandwich and coffee for the girl.
-Yeah, well... we're kind of officially together.
He said blushing.
Alex said with a strange smile. He still remembered what Olaf was saying a few months earlier about Patrice appearance.

After coming back home Jack was still thinking about the happy things, but it was really hard for him.
-So, how is it going?
Tom asked, looking at Jack's iPhone where was the numbers 1-10. Half with a sentences.
-You have something.
Jack covered a screen and blushed, but later decided to read it to Tom.
-1. I was on time at every lecture so o had no troubles with my professors.
Tom nodded and took a sip of fragrant tea he was holding.
-2. I helped my friend giving him notes. He was very grateful and it felt nice. 3. I was with my boyfriend and Little one in a park and it was really relaxing. 4. I cleaned the bathroom what made me feel kind of good. 5. I have a wonderful boyfriend who's with me all the time, making me happy.
-It's a beautiful list.
Tom said, put away the warm cup and started do kiss Jack. The next happy thing was about to happened.

[A/N the book in this chapter is "The art of happiness. A handbook for life" written by Howard C. Cutler and I like the book just as much as Tom did, I find it really meaningful.]

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