3.4 During your sleep (part 1) FICTION

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[A/N Inspiration for this chapter was Korean drama "While you were sleeping". This drama has a great soundtrack, one of my favourites song is "You belong to my world" by Roy Kim, a great singer by the way. Entire soundtrack is worth listening and of course the drama is great. And with Lee Jong Suk as main character! He's just soo my type.. Imagine him playing role of Tom. I could die watching it. ]

Jack, 27 years old bachelor was still living with his parents. They loved him, of course, but they also wished that he could be independent. His younger brother already had two cute children, beautiful wife and a successful work life, as he was a manager in an insurance company. Jack from the other hand didn't even passed his graduation exams and was working only part time at bars and restaurants, changing his job at least four times an year.

Even tho Jack didn't look special, there was one very special thing about him. He could foresee feature in his dreams. No one really knew about his ability. His parents knew that Jack says so, but didn't really believe him. He never had foreseen a lottery numbers so...
"What's the use and where's the proof?"
His friend Gus wanted to believe Jack, he thought that it would be great to have such an ability, but he treated it as Jack's fantasy. Beautiful and fascinating, but still only a fantasy.

"""Jack was standing on the bridge, looking at the red sun hiding behind dark sheet of water. The lights of speeding cars were shining constantly, making his vision colourful. In front of Jack was standing tall, black haired man in a suit.
"He's soo handsome..."
Jack thought, looking at the man who was just about to touch his face. Warm hands of the man was holding Jack's chin gently.
-What should I do with you?
Man asked looking right into Jack's eyes. His gaze was so alluring...
-Just kiss me.
Jack whispered, moved closer to a man and kissed his sweet lips."""

Hearing alarm clock Jack started to slowly waking up. He always had a hard time getting up from a bed.
-What a nice dream...
He said with a smile on his face.
-Tho I don't think it's one of the dreams that will come true. I don't even know the man. If I would saw him before I'm sure that I would remember. This kind of handsome face is unforgettable.

Jack slowly moved to the bathroom and washed his face and teeth. He had to go to work, but...
-Oh gosh I don't want to go there... maybe I should pretend to have a fever and stay at home? No, it was a week ago.
He put on some clothes, without even thinking if he's going to wear his clothes or his mother.
-Or maybe I should say that I have to go to a funeral! Aa, last week was my grandmother funeral. Or maybe it was an uncle.
He went to the kitchen for breakfast.
-I know! I should pretend to break my leg. Or should I actually break it...
-Don't even think about it and go to work.
Jack's mother's sharp voice cut off all his hopes.

When Jack was getting out of home he saw a van with its back filled with boxes and small furniture.
-Looks like someone is moving in...
He thought, looking at the house next to his. Second later he was hiding beside the tree.
-That's the guy! That's the guy from my dream!
He shouted whispering. He took another look. It really was that man.

Being at work Jack was still thinking about his new neighbour. He was so distracted that broke two glasses and spilt the drink of one of the "not so nice" customers. When he came back home he was happy that the day already ended. But it was not the end...
-Jack, did you saw that we have new neighbours?
His mother asked, washing dishes.
-I borrowed them scissors this morning, go get it, I'm gonna need it.
Jack was terrified.
-No buts! I'm making your food every day, so just once you can do something for me and go there.
Jack wanted to say something more, but his mother's gaze was more scary that the meeting with a man from his dream.

Handsome man opened the door a few minutes after Jack knocked.
-Hi. I'm Jack. Living there. Mum lend you scissors or something...
-Oh, yes. Tina! Bring the scissors!
Man shouted into the house. Second later came the beautiful woman, in sexy dress, with a provocative make up, holding scissors in her hand. Jack felt like his blushing.
"How could I think that such a handsome man doesn't have a girlfriend? Is my superpower broken or something?"

"""All afternoon Jack was cleaning the kitchen at his workplace. It was Wednesday and he hated Wednesday's. It was his day of cleaning which was the worst activity ever. He always liked order, but getting rid of all the dirt in that place was a terrible task. On his way back home Jack went into the store. He needed something sweet to cheer up. He talked for a while with his friend who was working there and went to the tour. When Jack was getting off the store, with a popsicle in his mouth, he saw the handsome neighbour across the street. He was in a hurry, almost running. Then things happened very fast. Neighbour went on the street, the green car appeared in a sight, a handsome man was lying on the ground, covered with blood."""

Jack woke up with his heart beating fast.
-Take it easy, take it easy...
He was repeating to his running heart.
-Keep calm and breath slowly...
It was only 5.30 but Jack decided to go and warn his neighbour right away. It was Wednesday after all. Putting on only his father big jacket he went out of house.
The door was opened by handsome man, shirtless, what made him even more handsome. Jack tried to look into man's eyes, and only there.
-You have to be very careful today! Remember to walk slowly while crossing the street. Look around and avoid green cars.
Man looked at Jack as if he would be crazy. Someone saying crazy things, at crazy time, I'm crazy outfit: yellow pants with ducks, violet slippers with eyes and much too big jacket. Who would believe him?

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