3.22 What if they would meet earlier?

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It was a sunny, spring day. Warm sun was shining brightly, pouring pleasant light on the playground. There was a lot of children playing, running and laughing. But one child wasn't. Small Jack, blonde hair boy, student of primary school, was sitting alone in the shadow of a big tree. He was looking at some book, sad, almost crying.

High school student, tall boy with dark hair, was looking at him from afar. The lonely boy reminded him of one of his younger sisters. She was always shy and alone, with no friends... Suddenly teenager frowned. To the lonely boys came two others.
-Jack, are you coming?
-No... I can't.
-Come on! Play with us! You're the best runner...
Blonde boy shakes his head and looked down, focusing on a book once again.

High school student slowly walked to the boy, sitting alone.
-Hi, buddy.
He said and the small boy looked at him confused. He greeted older boy briefly and came back to what he were doing.
-What are you reading? It has to be some very interesting book...
-I'm not reading.
Boy said angrily, without even looking at stranger.
-Oh! Then what are you doing?
-I'm looking at the letters.
Teenager was silent for a while, thinking.
-I don't think I understand...
Boy answered sarcastically.
-I don't understand either. Why is reading soo hard!?
Boy looked like he was about to start crying. Older boy sat next to him and patted his shoulder.
-It's ok... you don't have to cry...
-But everyone in my class can read. Why am I the only one who can't?
At the point boy was openly crying.
-You know what, I will teach you read.
Boy looked at him with hope.
-Yeah. I'm pretty smart. And reading is one of things I'm the best at. Trust me. With me as your teacher you will be able to read, for sure.
Boy nodded enthusiastically.
-So, what's your name?
-I'm Tom.
Teenager smiled to the small boy and started their first lesson.

-Why are you soo late?
Asked Mick, one of Tom's best high school friends, when tall boy came into his house.
-Weren't you supposed to come by the bus at 4?
-Yeah, I came. But I saw the unusual boy at the playground. Jack.
-Blonde skinny? Kinda cute?
-Yeah, that's right. You know him?
-He lives neighbours. It's a younger brother of a guy I was in nursery school with. He's a math genius or something.
Tom was surprised. He didn't expect anything like that from a boy who can't even read. But that fact made him even more unusual.

Week later Tom came to the same playground at the same time. Jack was there, waiting for him. They were meeting every week for few months, and magically at the end of an year Jack was the second in his class at reading.
-Tom, Tom!
Jack called teenager's name, running to him with a sheet of paper in his hand. He was soo proud of himself... and soo excited to tell Tom about his grades.
It was a graduation diploma.
-Great! I'm soo proud of you...
Tom said pleasantly, smiling warmly and patting boys soft hair. He thought:
"If I would have a younger brother, not only sisters, I hope that he would be just like this boy."

For the next few years Tom and Jack saw each other only a few times, incidentally bumping to each other they were talking for a while, but nothing more. Tom was busy with his university life, writing books (two of them was already published) and writing essays for other students for money.

It was just the beginning of the year. Early autumn came with the cold wind and colourful leaves. Tom was in a hurry to hide himself in a warm coffee shop when he saw Jack. He was at the same playground they met for the forts time. He was hanging upside down on an iron tube, wearing only a T-shirt.
Tom called the boy, walking in his direction.
He nimbly jumped down and came to the young man.
-What are you doing here?
Tom asked, but jack didn't answered, just lowered his head.
-Come, let's drink something warm together.

They were sitting at a small table in a nearby cafe, drinking tea with ginger and a lot of honey.
-So, what's wrong?
Tom asked, looking right into Jack's eyes.
-Last year I barely graduate... Literature is killing me.
-Come on, it can't literally kill anyone.
Tom said with a laugh.
-If it's me, it can.
Jack replied surely, took a sip of got drink and continued:
-If it goes wrong I won't be able to graduate and enter high school.
-It can't be that bad...
But when Tom looked at Jack's expression, he realized that it is that bad.
-What about I tutor you?
-Of course. We did it once and it went well. Maybe this time will be successful too.
Tom said with a gentle smile. Jack was delighted. He stood up and jumped onto Tom, started hugging him and repeating:
-Thank you, thank you...

Weeks were passing by and Jack's grades were slowly rising. At the end of the year he has no problem with passing all exams. Instead he had another problem... With every lesson with Tom he was liking him more and more. And at some point Jack realised that it was a romantic way of liking. He was struggling for a long time, considering if he should reveal his feelings or not.

At the end of holidays Jack made a decision. At the day he entered high school, he was going to finally confesses his feelings to Tom. He called him and asked of Tom would go with him to the cinema. They saw together a great action movie and later went for a pizza. When they came out of a place and Tom walked Jack to the bus stop, boy finally found enough courage. He looked at Tom's face and said quietly:
-Tom... I... I wanted to tell you that I admire you and... and I love you. Like... in romantic way.

Tom was confused. He was looking at the red face of Jack with kind of painful feeling.
-Jack... I'm sorry, but... I don't feel that way about you. I love you too, but like a little brother.
Few tears fell down from Jack's eyes. He felt terrible.
"If it doesn't feel like dying, then I don't know what is..."
Boy thought. His heart was broken, totally crushed.

It was really hard for Jack to get over his first, unrequited love. He managed to do that two years later, because of one wonderful person. Jack was observing him for a long time. Tall, well build boy who had a beautiful hair, brown with a little bit of red. It took Jack almost an year to realise that he wasn't fascinated by their school basketball team, but only their leader, Drake. Their first kiss took place at the school party at the end of the year. The second one in a school rooftop, after the graduation ceremony. The third in Jack's room, when they were lying on his bed, pretending to be watching a movie. The fourth was right after that one. And all the next... they didn't count.

That was the best summer in Jack's life. At the last day of holidays he was with his loving boyfriend at the nearby playground. Drake was sitting on a bench, looking at the sky with a delightful smile. Jack was lying, with his head on Drake's laps, with his eyes closed.
-It's soo comfortable...
Jack whispered, smiling happily to his boyfriend, looking at his handsome face.

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