2. And so, they meet again

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Jack is a second son of his parents. The older brother Sam is quite average. He works as salesman, has a wife, doesn't have children. The younger brother is not as mediocre as the oldest one... he's still a high school student with not so good grades, doesn't have a wife, has a child. Their parents are quite well of so there's no problem with paying alimony, but mother thanks God that the youngest is a boy, cause if he were a girl he wouldn't even know who the father of a child is.

Jack and his math talent were quite unexpected and his parents didn't really know what to do with such an extraordinary child. And so... they just let him be. "You want do to this? Yes, sure. You'd like to this or that? Yes. Of course." And that's how his talks with his parents looks like.

Jack's brain is surely incredible when it comes to mathematics, but some other things... well, let's say that it doesn't works so good. With his 100% math all the universities would welcome him with a smile. But! How can he get into any if he fails English... While learning for next exam (and waiting for easier questions) he started to work part time in a nearby coffee shop. In some eyes Jack might be found good looking. According to his boss he's even charming, and so she calls him "prince charming"-the only male staff. He doesn't especially likes the job, but it's easy and the salary is not bad, so...

The day after an unconventional meeting with 3rd floor resident was the day of a pay check. Wonderful time when Jack can feel the actual weight of his salary (the more coins in his pocket the better).

It was almost the time for Jack to get off work when someone entered the cafe. Unexpectedly it was the resident of 3rd floor apartment. His hair was a mess, his face didn't look soo good and he barely walked. Man reached the counter without even looking at Jack's face and when he did, he definitely didn't recognized him.

-Hi. How can I help you?
-Tbwo cobbwy plebbs.
-I beg your pardon?
Jack was quite confused and thought "Did this guy speak in some foreign language?"
-Two coffee please. Make it black. Take-out.
-Yes sir.
And so Jack started to prepare the order.

-How do you feel?
Jack asked while waiting for the coffee being made by the machine. The man looked at him strangely with his red eyes.
-I bet you didn't sleep well.
Jack continues this small talk. The man looked really tired and the way he was looking at Jack wasn't pleasant.
-Ok. Seems like you'd prefer to talk some other time.
Boy, with a smile on his face, backed off from the "conversation" and switched the cups to fill another one.

-Do we know each other?
Finally man asked piercing Jack with his sinister gaze.
-Oh. I guess you don't remember. Yesterday evening I took you home. And it occurs that we live in the same building.
Jack couldn't read from the man's face what exactly is he thinking.
-Yeah. I don't remember.
Said men coldly and lower his tired head. The floor of the cafe seemed to be more interesting and worth of looking at than Jack.

-Here's your coffee.
Man took the bag with two hot cups inside and left without a word.
-Have a nice day...
Jack murmured to the closing door. "I can't tell that he's a one nice neighbour" Jack thought and went back to cleaning cups before his shift ends.

After work Jack, as usually, went back home, ate dinner and prepared for his lessons. He tried to remind himself what were they doing yesterday but it didn't quite work.
-F*** literature!
Jack screamed while putting his books into the bag. He really didn't get it and every time he thought about it all this made him frustrated.

Jack was already getting ready for going out when he heard some noise. It sounded like something heavy felt on the floor in the apartment above. For a while he didn't move, only listened.
"Is this guy ok? Maybe something happened to him..." Jack thought looking at the ceiling and thinking of the man living above him. "Maybe I should check it out..." And with such a thought Jack left his home.

This time instead of going downstairs he went one floor up. He knocked the door of 3rd floor apartment. At first lightly, but after few seconds of waiting he did it again with more power. Still nothing. Jack did it again and again. He became pretty worried. Even though he didn't really know the man, he didn't want do have a dead body over his head.

Finally the lock cracked. The door opened. In front of Jack stood a man who looked even worse than when he was getting a coffee. He barely stand on his legs. One second he leaned back and almost fall... and right after that came back leaning on the door way.

Man asked with his sharp voice. Jack was taken aback and hesitated a while before he managed to speak.
-Oh... I've just heard some noise... I were wondering if everything's all right.
-Yeah. Everything's great.
And so the man slammed the door right in front of Jack's nose.

-What a charming man... And so well-behaved. I guess the word "yeah" is an important part of his dictionary.

This meeting wasn't too pleasant but Jack didn't let it ruin his mood and lower his determination to study. Unfortunately Jack's high spirit ends pretty quickly when it comes to studying English...

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