18. Something about Gus

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At Monday Gus came to work as usual. He didn't expect from that day anything special and after opening the salon he started to prepare everything for a daily work.

It was already past 3PM when the reception phone called and someone asked for Gus.
-Gus's speaking.
He said with a scissors in his hand, he just was going do sterilized it.
-Hi, it's Patrick Jones. From Pepe. I have a favour to ask.
Gus shouted with excitement, but only in his thoughts and said:
-This week I have to go for a business trip and I won't be able to come at Wednesday.
-I see...
-Could I come with Pepe today?
-Well, I'll see if there's some...
-But I will have time only after 7.
-It'll be hard...
-I expected that... Are you sure there's nothing that can be done?
Gus thought a little but how could he not agree?
-Ok, I'll wait for you.
-Thank you very much!

When Patrick and Pepe came the dog instantly run towards Gus. All the dogs in the salon liked him which was a proof that he's good at his work. Gus told Patrick that he can sit in a waiting room and took Pepe for a relaxing shower in the scent of roses.

When Gus came back with Pepe and took from Patrick the money man thanked once again and said:
-I'm sorry to bother you. You had to stay longer just for me...
-If you're sorry you can always treat me a meal in return.
Gus said and blushed a little. He lowered his head to hide it and pretend to be looking at the dog carefully.

The silence seemed to be never ending...
Man took out from wallet one of his business cards and gave it to Gus.
-Call me when you're free.
Patrick said with a smile and after taking the dog went out.

Gus looked at the business card.
-So he's an owner of rent-a-car...
He said to himself and hid the card in the case of his iPhone. He was glad that he proposed the dinner but also was sure that it won't happened.
"When I would have a time... I have a time every day. But from what I can see you are a rather busy person."
Gus thought sadly while looking at the little part of white business card.

At next Wednesday Patrick and Pepe came at their usual time. Everything was as usual, but...
-Why didn't you call?
Patrick asked after taking on his hands shining Pepe. Gus was surprised. He was sure that the man won't even remember that he gave Gus his business card. The boy wanted to say something but before he did Patrick said:
-Give me your phone.
He took Gus's iPhone and after he gave it back, went out of the salon. There was a new number on Gus's contact list named as "Patrick".

Gus dreamed about a lot but didn't expect anything. When the next afternoon he saw a new message he opened it excited.
Patrick: At what time are you getting off work?
Gus's heart stopped beating for a while.
Me: 6pm

"Do I look good enough? Why didn't I apply a mask yesterday? This shirt... I knew to wear the blue one!"
Gus was thinking and waiting for reply.
Patrick: I'll come at that time.

That day was the first time that someone picked Gus up from work. And it was a great feeling. After getting on a car Patrick moved closer to Gus. Dangerously closer. Gus froze. Patrick was slowly moving closer and closer. The man grabbed the seatbelt and fasten it.

Gus was sitting next to the man that he was admiring for a last few months. In this closed space he had a feeling that it's abnormally hot. All the way he didn't have a courage to say anything.
"What's wrong with you Gus? Where did you lost your mouth which never close?"
He asked himself as he was getting out of the car.

Patrick took him to a famous restaurant. Few weeks earlier Gus read an article about the new chef of this place who won some important awards.
-What do you like to eat?
Patrick asked while looking at the menu.
-Everything's fine for me.
Patrick ordered some fish with a name that Gus heard for the first time in his life.
-Nice place, isn't it? Do you come here often?
Gus asked and tested the wine.
-I'm here at least once a week with my business partners, but it's my first time being here in private.
-I see. So, you have rent-a-car business. Is it hard field of work?
-I've been in this for the last 10 years... I guess every kind of work is hard, but important thing is to like a job.
-You're probably right.

When the waiter brought the food they eat for a while without saying anything.
-So... I know that you're working at groomers salon. What else should I know about you?
-20 years old, used to live in a small town... don't have a driving licence so I'm not your potential client.
Gus said and smiled to Patrick.

Man asked which made Gus choke with a piece of potato. Man quickly tapped his back and gave him water.
-Are you ok?
-Both "yes"?
Gus blushed like never before. He was looking into the man's eyes for a long time and than nodded.

After they ate Patrick asked:
-Should I drive you home?
Gus nodded and get into the car. Right after he started the car Patrick said:
-It's incredible... For almost four months I were wondering what excuse should I come up with so that I can ask you out.
Surprised Gus looked at the man's face. As if he was looking for confirmation of the words he heard.
-And at the most unexpected time you suggested it yourself.
Man continued with a smile.

When they parked in front of Gus's house the boy was reluctant to go out. In his head he was arguing with himself.
"It would be great inviting him in... No! You've just meet him."
Many other sentences similar to those went through Gus's head.

And when Gus finally decided to go Patrick held his small hand. Gus looked at him waiting. The man moved forward and with his other hand he grabbed Gus's chin and pulled it gently. At first they lips only touched shyly. A second after they were tasting each other's palates.

That night, after coming back home, Gus was unable to fall asleep for a long... long time

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