15. Visiting parents-in-law.

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Jack's parents lived in a little twinhouse with beautiful garden, the proud of Jack's father. Tom parked his car next to Sam's, Jack's older brother. Jack and Tom walked thru an old gate and exactly at the same moment Jack's mother came out with garbage.

-Hi mum! I'll take it.
And saying that, Jack took from his mother heavy and stinky bag. She was looking at Tom surprised.
-He's my friend, Tom. He offered me a ride so I could came earlier. He can stay for dinner, right?
-Of course. The more the merrier.
Jack's mother smiled to Tom and waited till her son will threw the garbage. Then they all went into the house.

-Hi dad! Happy birthday!
Jack shouted and hugged his father who was sitting in his favourite armchair in the style of Ludwig XVI. Which, by the way, wasn't even a bit compatible with the rest of a modern room.

Tom also wished the birthday person all the best and gave him the gifts. Jack's father was impressed by the wine and stated that:
-This is the most fashionable necktie I ever had.
And he tied it right away which made him look really elegant. As if the party would be at 3 stars hotel, not in an old house's dining room.

-Mum! Neighbours bought a new car. It's soo awesome!
Jerry shouted while walking down the stairs. An year younger brother went to living room and stared at Tom, very surprised. He understood that the black car belonged to their guest. Soon after that Sam and his wife also get to know Tom. Sam's beloved woman's name was Samantha what at some point were very funny for everyone who know them. But maybe their names is the reason why they get together. Sam&Sam 2Sams or double Sam... but Tom tactfully didn't laugh.

When most of people sat at the table Rick, Jack's nephew, three years old boy with curly hair, was running around the table.
-Chuchu, chuchu!
The child screamed happily while holding above his head a toy, train driver named Chuchu. That reminded Jack about one song. He heard it a long time ago and even though the song wasn't really good, it was coming back to Jack's head regularly. He thought that when one will listen to this song once, will never be able to forget it. People were siting at the table, eating and talking but Jack's head was filled with song and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Kiss me Chuchu! Dancing tutu! Senya yureru, yaneura. Lovely Chuchu! Singing tutu! Nezumitachi, oosawagi."

[A/N "Kiss Me Chu Chu" by Megamasso. Something about this song... I just agree with Jack.]

When it became dark outside Jack realised that Tom didn't stay just for a dinner. At that point it became obvious that he will have to stay for a night. All the guests, except for three years old Rick and his grandmother, drank a little or much more than a little and Tom was one if them. Jack remembered how drunk he was when they first meet.
"I hope that this time he won't be talking about beings from another planets."

No one knew that before but Samantha was a fan of Tom's writing. He didn't plan to tell everyone about his career but as they drank and asked him... he didn't hold back and started to talking about his books. He was talking in a very interesting way, but after some drinks many people wants to talk... But the most important thing: Samantha get an autograph, so everything's ok.

When Jack's mother decided that her husband drank enough she suggested that everyone should go to sleep. Or if needed under the shower. Sam and his wife get Sam's old room, in the room that in the past belonged to both Jack and Jerry that night slept Jerry and his son so for Jack and his friend left a couch in the living room.

After a quick shower Jack prepared a place for sleep. Moved the table, opened the couch and changed bed sheets. He was almost sleeping when Tom came to him and lay beside him. The couch was so tight that their hands touched.

Tom was the first to fall asleep and Jack, lying right beside him heard his slowly breathes. Sleeping under the same sheets Jack felt warmth of Tom's body. He turned a little and looked at the handsome face of the man who was lying next to him. With that sight in mind Jack fallen asleep.

Next morning the first thing that Tom felt, before even opening his eyes, was something heavy on his legs and chest. As he opened his eyes he understood that it was Jack's body. The boy was keeping one of his legs on Tom's and his head was lying on the man chest. Tom gently touched boy's soft hair but Jack didn't woke up. Tom was lying still and thought if he should move and woke boy up.
"But he's sleeping so soundly..."
Tom closed his eyes and tried to get a little more sleep.

After light breakfast, the food that left from yesterday's dinner, Jack and Tom said goodbye and went to the car. Jack once again looked at the kitchen window where his mother stood up and waved.
-Tom is a nice boy, isn't he?
She said to her husband who was sitting at the kitchen chair.
-He is indeed.

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