3.6 It's not a happy anniversary

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It was Saturday morning, the late autumn wasn't a time when Tom was happily leaving warm home, but he had to go to the bookshop. There were planned an event regarding publication of his new book. He put on one of his best suits and went to meet his fans. Jack wanted to go with him, but:
-Don't you have some exams coming soon? I don't want you to fail because something like that.
Tom said firmly and went out of the house, leaving Jack alone with his notes and textbooks.

University student was supposed to learn... but unable to focus, he was wandering around the house. Sometimes cleaning, sometimes eating, sometimes just looking out the window. Looking around study he saw Tom's calendar on the man's desk. On the next day's date Jack noticed red circle and text:
And all afternoon he was thinking about it, making guesses, what anniversary could it be.

Next day Tom didn't said anything about any special plans for a day.
-Are you going somewhere today?
Jack asked getting ready for going work.
-No, why? Want to go for a date?
Jack frowned, but didn't say anything, just shake his head and went out.

After coming back home, Jack was still thinking about the suspicious text in Tom's calendar. While eating dinner he asked again:
-Today really isn't any special day?
-No, why?
-I saw the note that today is some anniversary.
-Oh that...
Tom seemed to be kind of sad. Jack asked after a while of silence:
-What is it?
-It's not a happy anniversary...
Tom said quietly. Jack was looking at him concerned.
-It's the anniversary of my brother's death.
Tom said finally, looking at his own hands.

Their food became cold. They were sitting in silence, deep in their own thoughts. The one to break this was Jack.
-Should we go to see him?
He asked softly, looking into Tom's eyes. Man looked at him slightly surprised.
-I wasn't at his grave since... since a long time.
He said a little embarrassed.
-Well, today is a good day to do it.
Jack said with an encouraging smile.

After a long drive Tom and Jack reached the cemetery. It was around 7pm and already getting dark. They bought a small, heart shaped lamp and went thru rows of graves. Tom stopped in front of the small tombstone, one of the many similar in the row.
-He died as a child?
Jack asked quietly, looking at Tom lighting the candle.
-He died in a hospital, few days after the birth.
Tom said sadly. Jack grabbed his hand and clenched it slightly. Tom continued:
-He was the youngest of my siblings. My mum was almost 45 years old when she got pregnant. All those 9 months was a hard time for her.
At that moment Jack became just as sad as Tom.
-It had to be really hard for you too.
-For all of us. Nathan died I had to tell o lot of beautiful stories to my siblings. We were all sad and terrified... so I were telling them stories about how happy he is, living in heaven. Playing with another children that died early and how angels tells them stories for goodnight. There was stories about Nathan looking at us, crying when some of us is sad and laughing when we're doing something funny. I had to think about some funny situations, like Nathan wandering around our house and runs away when he smells Fred's farts.
Jack smiled warmly.
-You are a great brother. You had to be soo strong...
In Tom's eyes appeared small tears. He hugged Jack and whispered:
-Thank you. Thank you for saying that. Thank you that we came here.
Jack hugged Tom back and felt man's warm tears falling down his neck.

When they were walking out thru main gate suddenly someone called Tom's name. They looked around and saw a teenage girl running to them. Jack thought that he resembles Tom in some ways.
Tom looked surprised seeing his youngest sister.
-Mum saw you walking away from Nathan's grave when we were coming.
-I didn't expect to see you here...
-Mum said the same thing.
Girl laughed as they were walking back.

A woman was standing in front of the small grave of her son who died, being soo tiny. When she heard someone's talking, she turned around and came to the three young people.
-Tom... I'm soo glad to see you.
She said gently and hugged her son. When they parted she looked at Jack.
-It's my friend, Jack. I told you about him, we live together.
-Right. We should eat together while you're here.
-I don't think it's a good idea. Jack has lectures tomorrow morning and...
-That's ok.
Jack interrupted him and smiled politely.

Tom's family were living in a big house at suburbs. It was soo crowded that Jack thought that his family house looks like that only at important family event. Most of Tom's siblings were adult, but they still were living with their parents. The oldest brother even had a wife and two children living together with them.
-It's soo... lively.
Jack said to Tom, sitting at the table and waiting for a dinner. Everyone was doing something, making the place look a little bit like an office second before an inspection.
-You see why I moved out?
Tom said to him with a total normally range of voice, but the place soo filled with noises that Jack barely heard him. All this talking, laughing, closing the door, opening the drawers, walking and even jumping made the place as loud as a playground.
-I totally understand you.

Tom's mum and one of sisters prepared delicious dinner. Clean table with neatly arranged dishes quickly became a total mess.
"I think I understand why Tom is so sceptical about cleaning..."
With all that people making house dirty, cleaning really seemed pointless. For a second Jack felt deep respect for Tom's mother because of that. They were eating and talking. There was soo many people talking at the same time that Jack was unable to focus on hearing any of them.

During the conversation Tom's mum asked:
-How is your girlfriend? She didn't mind you moved?
-You have a g...
Jack started to ask, shocked, but Tom squeezed his hand under the table.
-No. Actually she's glad, because she also had to move.
-Ah! And I was wondering what a crazy thing came to your mind that you've decided to move to the capital. So that's because of her!
Tom's mum seemed to be very content.

When Jack and Tom came back home it was already past midnight. Jack took a shower and brushed his teeth, he was a person who wouldn't let it pass unless being heavily drunk, and went to the bed. He fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

Something about opposites [ Boyxboy ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon