3.2 Lovers Game

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Jack, Olaf and Alex were sitting at the university cafeteria. They were eating miniatures portions of spaghetti, waiting for their next lecture. There was still almost two hours to wait and they didn't really have anything to do.
-Hey, guys...
Alex said, looking at the screen of his iPhone.
-The book we have to read for next month's... there's only one in an university library. And it's booked of course.
He said depressed.
-Why don't we just buy one in a bookstore and make copy?
Olaf proposed and they all agreed that it's a great idea.

The bookstore was crowded. Boys quickly found the book they needed, but they still have to wait for a long time in queue. Alex, as the most patient one, was standing in a row, when his friends were walking around the store. Suddenly Olaf patted Jack's shoulder and showed him something with a grin on his face.
-What's that?
Jack asked, looking at the small box with a picture of kissing couple on it.
-It's a Lovers Game. You can play it with your girlfriend. There are questions and tasks. Plenty of dirty one too.
Olaf said grossly and read aloud what's written on the back of the box.

When they were getting out of the bookstore the only thing they bought was a book... but few hours later Jack said goodbye to his friends, explained Matt that they won't be going together cause he have something important to do... and he went to the bookstore for a box with a Lovers Game inside it.

First thing Jack said to Tom after coming home was:
-We're going to play cards in the evening.
Tom was heavily surprised, but didn't say a word. Jack didn't really let him to...

-Do we really need to play it?
Tom asked sceptical, looking at the box filled with cards. They were sitting on the bed in a warm room... and Jack was wearing winter scarf, hat and gloves.
-Yes. I even read the instructions. Appreciate that!
Jack said firmly and took the cards off the box.
-I'll explain you the rules.
Tom looked at his boyfriend, defeated by his excited smile.
-There are 40 cards. Each have a task to do or a question to answer. Except two "saviours"
Each of us gets 10 cards. We give the cards by turns and the other one have to do the task or answer the question. When you don't want to, than you have take off one of your clothes and take an additional card. Or you can give the "saviour" if you have one. The person who will be left with no card wins and the other one have to grant his wish.
Tom thought for a while.
-Ok. But first, take off that winter clothes.
Jack wasn't happy to hear that, but he was truly glad that Tom agreed to his idea soo easily.

Jack shuffled the cards and gave each of them the right amount. They both looked at their cards carefully. Jack smiled foxily, seeing that he got a "Saviour".
-Ok. I'll go first.
Jack said and put in front of Tom one of his cards. Tom looked at it horrified.
-You couldn't pick anything easier for the start, could you?
Tom barked, took off one of his socks and took new card from the box. Jack was heavily disappointed.
-Hm? I was hoping to see you doing something like that at least once...
-Maybe in my next life...
Tom murmured and choose one of his cards.

-I'm more considerate. Tho maybe I shouldn't.
Tom said putting in front of him a card with a question:
-That's not so easy...
Jack said quietly and thought for a while.
-I think that I started to like you somewhere during our lessons... but the time I've realised that I really love you was probably when we had a fight. You know, when Gus was living at my place for a while.
Tom nodded slightly.
-Looks like we needed that tough time, after all.
Man said and smiled to Jack.

Boy asked:
-And when did you started to like me?
-Probably when you cleaned my apartment...
-But that was just at the beginning.
Jack noticed, surprised. Tom blushed a little and said, with his head lowered:
-Your turn.

-Ok... so you're saying that you want something easy to warm up...
Jack said slowly and took out next card:
Tom get close to Jack and gave him short kiss in a forehead.
-It shouldn't count, but ok...
Jack said, looking at Tom reproachfully. Man held once of his cards, but before putting it in front of Jack, he asked:
-And where would you kiss me?
-You would have to take your pants down.
Jack said with a grin.

Before Tom had a chance to put his card down, his phone called.
-I'm sorry, we have to stop here today. It's Stew, we have to discuss a few things.
Tom said and walk out of the room, leaving alone disappointed Jack. Boy looked at Tom's cards. One of them was separated, the one that Tom choose.

[A/N There will be a continuation of their game. What questions will be answered... what tasks will be done... Even I'm curious.]

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