14. You're my saviour

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At next Jack's exclusive lesson his teacher wasn't really content.
-So... how is it?
Jack asked when Tom was looking at the boy essay for strangely long time.
-I'm starting to wonder if we were watching the same movie.
-Is it that bad?
Jack was near being devastated.
-Did you even read the text I gave you? Or did you read something else instead?
Tom wanted to say some more harsh words... but when he saw sorrowful face of Jack he changed his mind.
-Ok. Let's do it once again.

Next few lessons went quiet smoothly. They were practicing writing, talking about books and characteristics of ages of literature. Jack didn't make a huge progress... but Tom was patient and explained him everything as many times as needed.

-Do you work this weekend? Should we have a lesson then?
Tom asked and Jack thought for a while.
-No. Surprisingly I have a free weekend.
Jack said happily while packing his notes. So it was decided.

At Saturday morning the thing that woke Jack up wasn't a alarm clock but his ringtone.
// Baby if you take me high... If you catch me, oh when I'm falling down//
It was his older brother calling. Last evening Jack was playing computer games with his friends and finished a little after 5 am. When he answered the call at 10, he wasn't fully conscious.

Jack asked yawning.
-When are you coming?
And then Jack remembered why he had weekend off. He especially asked for it because of his father's birthday.

Pretending that he didn't forget about celebration. He said firmly:
-I had to submit an essay this morning so I couldn't make it to early bus. I will be coming by the one at 12.
He never was a good liar but this time he made it.
-Ok. Mum was asking. I'll tell her. See you.

Jack started to putting one some clothes in a hurry.
"Present! I don't have a birthday present! Shit!"
His parents lived in a nearby city but at weekends there was only a few buses. He couldn't be late for this one.
"What to do...?"
Jack thought in despair.

Jack took an iPhone and quickly typed:
Me: We have to dismiss today's lesson. Sorry.
A few minutes later when Jack was brushing his teeth in a hurry, the reply came.
3rd floor: What happened?
Still brushing his teeth Jack replied:
Me: I forgot about my father's birthday. Have to go parents home.
And after spitting out mint foam:
Me: And I don't have a birthday present!
Me: Bus at 12 :(
The reply came immediately but Jack read it few minutes later.
3rd floor: I'll drive you.

Twenty minutes after that message they were sitting in Tom's car. Only then Jack understood that Tom really is a bestseller writer. Fancy, black sportscar, labelled suit, golden watch and matching links. Having the handsome version of Tom Pritchett as a private driver...countless number of girls dreamed about it.

-Where do you want to buy a gift?
Tom asked, turning on the car.
-I don't even have idea what to buy...
-Well... usually when I don't know what to buy for an adult man I choose good wine and universal necktie.
Tom proposed and when Jack nodded the man spoke again.
-I know a good place.

When they entered tiny winery Tom went straight to the owner.
"Seemed like he's a regular here."
Jack thought and went after Tom.
-We need something for a middle aged man for his birthday.
-So it should be something special I suppose.
The old man said with a smile.
-Medium dry as usual?
He asked and before the answer came he took out a bottle hidden on the back of one of the low shelves.

-What do you think about this one?
-I trust your taste.
Tom answered. Than Jack saw the price on a bottle and freeze.
-Ee... I don't think this price is suitable for a part time working student...
The old man standing behind the counter looked at him surprised, but Tom said.
-Don't worry I'll pay. Let's say that's a gift from us both.
Jack didn't say anything but he wasn't sure if he should be happy about this situation.

After exiting winery Tom walked the other way than they came there.
-Where are you going? I thought the car was...
-For a tie of course.
-I don't think it's necessary.
Jack said that, thinking about small amount of cash in his wallet.
-The cleaning company would take much more than that for what you've done.
Tom smiled and walked into another shop. Behind the windows was presented identical suit as the one which Tom was wearing that day.

-Oh, Mr. Pritchett. Nice to see you.
The young women stopped arranging shirts and welcomed them. Especially Tom.
-I'll take the necktie which I was considering last time.
-Of course. It's a great choice. It suits you really well.
Woman charttered.
-It'll be a gift... But I agree that it's a great choice.

When they came back to the car Tom turned on gps.
-Fasten the seatbelt.
Tom said gently.
-Half of an hour and we'll be at your parent's place.
Jack thought for a while.
-You paid for gifts... and you're going all the way there anyway... You'll stay for a dinner, right?

"That was my purpose. Going to new place, meeting new people, doing new things. All in one day!"
Tom thought with satisfaction and smiled to himself.

In his imagination he was giving
Stew a perfect novel that didn't even need a retouch. The publisher was complimenting him saying that he's the best writer in the world. Stew was sorry that he criticized Tom earlier.
"What a beautiful scene..."
Tom thought with pleasure.

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