2.17. Is hangover a part of university life?

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At the next morning Jack was woken up by a annoying clock alarm. Tom was nowhere to be seen, but the water and painkillers were on the drawer.
-Thank God...
Jack whispered and realized that he can barely speak. With aching head he looked into study and said "Morning" without even looking at Tom. Boy was having hard time taking shower and putting clothes on.
-I'm going.
He said, putting his half dead head into the room where Tom was sitting in front of the computer screen.

That day Jack got to the lecture hall 15 minutes before the class started. Olaf was already there and waved to Jack. They sat together in the middle of the room. Alex was the last person who walked to the class. He was all red, sweating.
-Looks like someone had to run.
Olaf whispered to Jack, looking at the Alex who was trying to get to them thru crowded class. When the lecture started Jack noticed that in the last row sits a boy who was at the same tube train as he. The boy was very tall and very skinny, to the point that it looked grotesquely.

Beside this strange looking guy there was also another one kind of strange thing. The amount of girls. That year math faculty entered 98 boys... and 2 girls. One of them was, gently speaking ugly. At first Jack wasn't sure if it's a boy or a girl, but green skirt didn't left any doubts. The second girl was really pretty and in the room filled with man she seemed just gorgeous.

Waiting for a train back home, Jack saw the boy from his class, went to him and started a small talk. At the beginning the boy wasn't very talkative, he looked very intimidated. But Jack's cheerful personality made him open a little.
-Why are you living so far from the university?
Jack asked and explained his situation:
-I live with my friend. It's his house so I don't have to pay a rent.
-I'm renting a place, but the room at suburbs is much cheaper than the one near university.
-Why won't you live in dormitory?
Boy answered shyly:
-I'm repeating an year, so I'm not allowed.
Jack looked at him shocked. He asked afraid:
-Is it really that hard do pass?
-I'm not sure... it's just that math isn't really my thing.
-So why did you decided to study it?
Boy didn't say anything for a while.
-Well... it was king of my father last wish...
Jack didn't know what to say, so they were silent for a moment.

When the train reached "Southern gardens" station boy said:
-I'm getting off here. I'm working part time at grocery store.
-Don't you need someone for help? I'm looking for a part time job.
-I'll ask. By the way, I'm Matt.
And the tall boy get off the train.

On his way from the metro station Jack realised that he didn't eat anything all day and now he becoming hungry. He went into the store and bought ingredients for stew. After entering home he greeted Tom and went straight to the kitchen island. He felt kind of strange when Tom didn't say a word to him, but thought that maybe he's reading something important. It was a messed up version of Tom so Jack concluded that he probably had some hard time writing.

After a while Jack started the conversation, he couldn't bare that tensed silence.
-Did you came for me yesterday?
Tom said, visibly angry.
Jack asked surprised and stopped cooking.
-Because you didn't call me.
Jack murmured and looked at Tom. Only then he realised that a man was really angry, not just annoyed.
-Are you mad?
He asked and came to Tom.
Man answered roughly, piercing Jack with his sinister gaze.

-I was really worried, you know?
Tom said when Jack sat next to him. Boy held man's face with his wet hands and said truly:
-I'm sorry.
Tom moved his head away.
-Don't sulk...
Jack said and quickly added:

Tom didn't answer and finally Jack spoke again:
-You can't be mad at me. Tomorrow's my birthday.
Tom looked at him shocked.
-Mine is the day after.
Jack laughed amused and asked:
-I don't believe in fate... but there must be something.

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