9. Side effect

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"4 hours about mythology..."
After that Jack went straight to bed. He didn't expect such a marathon. When someone spends much time focusing on one thing or subject it's quite common to dream about it. And such a thing happened to Jack...

Apollo loved Coronis, but Coronis loved Ishys. Coronis, beautiful girl with long brown hair agreed to live with Apollo. Who would oppose to a god? But in her heart was someone else. Young boy named Ishys. One day Apollo, handsome god who looked strangely similar to Tom with his hair dyed blonde, left his beloved woman alone for a few days.

When Apollo was absent white crow was supposed to spy on Coronis. The same day Coronis went to meet Ishys, the man who looked just like Jack in brief white tunic, with his ears pierced and with longer hair. The crow immediately flied to Apollo and said him about it. Apollo was so mad that he painted the crow on black.

Distressed god went to his sister Artemida, he cried and told her about his broken heart.
-I love her soo much... And she's hugging another man. How can she prefer a human over a god? How could she betray me...?
Apollo cried and his tears left wet drops on his sister's tunic.

The goddess became so angry that she decided to get revenge instead for her brother. She took her bow and shoot an arrow into Coronis's heart.

When Apollo came he was devastated seeing terrifying scene. Dead Coronis's dress was all covered in blood. Ishys was seating next to her, crying. And Artemida was looking at them with feeling of justice.

Then Apollo looked into the beautiful eyes of Ishys. The man stood up and came to the god.
Man whispered and moved his face to Apollo's.
-Where have you been all my life?
Apollo said, gently touching Ishys face. Man blushed and hold god's waist. Ishis licked Apollo's heavenly sweet lips.

-No... It wasn't like that...
Jack murmured. He was out of his dream Again alone in his quiet bedroom.
-There was something about a doctor and a snake, wasn't there? Oh, I don't remember.
And he fallen asleep again.

Eros, the son of Aphrodite and Ares, was always a playful god with no worries. He never loved but for centuries made people love. He was tall and deadly handsome. If someone would see the photo of Tom with wide, white wings attached to his back and slightly curled light hair... They could've been confused.

One day Aphrodite saw an incredible pretty boy. His skin was fair and soft, his eyes was mesmerizing, his body was slim, his moves were charming. He looked just like Jack, just with a little bit better complexion. This human made both woman and men fall in love with him. Aphrodite was angry that some human may be more beloved than her so she asked her son to make the boy fall in love with a monster. She thought that the boy would go to the monster and be eaten by it.

Unexpectedly Eros was the one who fell in love. He decided to hide the boy and build for him a castle. The god gave him a wonderful place to live, delicious food and fragrant cosmetics. But he didn't show the human his true self so the boy wouldn't know that he is a god. Eros wanted the boy to be in love with him because of his character, not because he's a god.

The god was coming to the boy's chamber only at night and ordered him to always keep the light off. Eros was telling various stories, he was feeding the boy with juicy fruits and embracing him in the cosy darkness of their bedroom. Every time Eros was staying almost to the dawn and leaving before the sun comes out.

The boy was really curious how the person he already started to love looks like. One night when Eros fallen asleep the boy lighten on the candle. Seeing the beautiful face of Eros, his muscular body and his fair skin he was stunned. And that's when god woke up.

-Why did you do that?
He asked furiously.
-Don't be angry.... I love you.
The human said, holding smooth hand of a god.
-You don't love me! You only love that I'm a god.
And Eros spread his wings and flew out of the window. The boy didn't even had a chance to say anything else.

Days was passing by. Human waited for the god in a castle, every day crying. But Eros didn't show up in a week, month and even after an year. The boy was so desperate that he decided to kill himself. He went by the river and wanted to commit suicide there.

The river was mesmerized by good looking boy and wouldn't let him kill himself. The human tried to jump into the water many times but each time the soft waves grabbed him and tucked like a soft cocoon.

The news about this human reached heaven. When Eros heard that his beloved boy is trying to kill himself he flew to him as fast as he could.

The boy screamed standing in a cold water. The god with wings went into the water and hugged him.
-I missed you soo much...
Human whispered to the Eros's ear.
-I really love you.
The crying boy said it looking into the deep eyes of god.
- I know.
Eros pressed his lips to the boy's and clasped his wet body.

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