23. Will you be mine?

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When Jack and Tom came back home they both were dragged out. As soon as Tom's head touched the pillow the man fall asleep. Jack took a shower, which sobered him a little and lied on his bed. He was intensively thinking, but to all the questions he asked himself he couldn't find any answers.

The day after coming back Jack needed to spend extra time at cafe. Free weekend isn't something that a worker of such a place can have for free. He texted Tom:
Me: Sorry, I won't be able to come today. Soooo much to do at cafe...

When Tom got Jack's message he was in the middle of writing. Last few days it was going so smoothly that he almost couldn't believe it.
"If it isn't good then I don't know what is."
He thought to himself while looking at the sentences he'd just wrote.
"If Jack isn't coming I should probably write a little more."

That day Tom was in trans. He loved this kind of feeling when he was sitting by the laptop and writing without any break. The words were just flowing from his head to fingers and stopping on a computer screen. He didn't even noticed that it's already 9 pm when someone knocked his door.

Tom was surprised seeing a boy in front of his doors.
-Have you eaten?
-Yes. Breakfast. Probably...
-I thought so.
And Jack gave him a big sandwich with cheese, meat and all kind of vegetables and a bottle of fresh orange juice.
-You have to eat it all. Goodnight.

After receiving some energy Tom went back to writing. He was looking as the worst possible version of him, but that's how he felt the best. Who cares about showering or anything like that when there's so many meaningful sentences to write?

Next day Tom got a call from his publisher and with a FINISHED BOOK he went for a meeting.
-So... what do we have here?
Stew asked while looking at the pages Tom gave him. He didn't expect much or rather he was sure that it won't be anything special.
"In such a short time he couldn't..."
But occurred that Tom could.

Stew was reading... and reading... and reading. Tom messaged Jack:
Me: I'm at the meeting and won't be able to come today.
My Cutie: Remember to eat something.
Me: Yeah, I know.
But of course he didn't ate anything.

Tom was leaving stew office late at night.
-I don't know how you did it, but you did it. I'll be frank, when I've heard about your interview and that you said how good your new story is... I was a little angry. But that's great. It's like your old good thriller story, but at the same time it isn't. Prepare for buying yourself a new car or something. I smell big money in this pages.
Stew was saying that and patting Tom's shoulder. The publisher was already thinking about new parts to his classic Chevrolet and the weeks that he's going to spent at 5 stars hotel on some exotic island.

At Wednesday Tom and Jack finally managed to have a lesson. That day they were talking about Shakespeare's works "Macbeth" and "Romeo and Juliet". About the first one Jack already knew a little because Tom was talking about it during Jack's extra classes. Tho he didn't remember everything so Tom talked a little to remind him.

Tom was talking for a while about "Romeo and Juliet", about characters, the most important facts and the most known scenes. Then proposed:
-How about we read some part aloud. That way you can see what language did Shakespeare use and how the drama is written.
Jack agreed and Tom opened the thin book on a selected page.

Jack wasn't stupid. He knew that "Romeo and Juliet" is a love story. Reading it together... he imagined some sweet love talk which made him even excited. It's just that he didn't expect that there will be so many difficult words... After a few minutes of reading Jack stopped suddenly.
-What's wrong?
Tom asked surprised.
-I don't understand what I'm reading. Not only that. After I've read this I don't even understand what you were saying about this story earlier.
Tom laughed, put away the book and started to explaining again.

At the end Tom said:
-It's a wonderful story about loving someone so much that living without this person is unbearable.
Jack thought a while and asked shyly:
-Do you have someone like that?
-I'm not sure.
Jack slowly nodded.

The lesson was supposed to end so Jack started to pack his notes. Then suddenly Tom continued:
-But if there would be such a person it would be you.

Jack slowly turned his head and looked at Tom. When their eyes met a man moved closer and gently put a short kiss on Jack's lips.

Tom was waiting unsure. Jack grabbed his wrist and put second hand on Tom's shoulder. He started kissing man's lips, cheeks and neck. Jack's hands were exploring Tom's body through his clothes. Jack went back to Tom's lips and after a long kiss stopped moving and looked into Tom's eyes.

-Will you be my Juliet?
Jack whispered. His lips were intensively red. Tom felt on his face a warm air coming out of Jack's mouth.

Boy dived into Tom's mouth and tasting its sweetness forgot about all the world.

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