3.16 Autograph

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It was just an ordinary Friday when Olaf asked his friends if they want to go for a drink after evening lecture. What excuse for drinking students need? None. So after the lecture that ended at 5 pm they went to the nearby bar. There they meet other people from their speciality and they were all together drinking and talking and even dancing. That's about one of the boys from last row, Ben who after pouring into himself great amount of beer, started to dancing and was going to strip. Fortunately his friends stopped him from that.

Jack looked at his iPhone.
Secret lover: When are you coming back?
Me: I'm out with friends. Not sure...
Secret lover: Remember to call for me.
Me: Ok.
Secret lover: I'm serious.
Me: I know.
Me: Won't disappoint you for the second time.

When they were getting out of the bar it was already midnight.
-How are you going to go back home?
Drunk Olaf was, as always, very concerned.
-My roommate will pick me up. Let's go and wait for him at the bus stop.
-He's a great roommate of yours.
Olaf said, unintentionally pushing Jack onto the bushes.
-I'm all right, I'm all right...
Jack said loudly, getting out from the leaves and they continued walking. They didn't manage to reach the bus stop and Tom was already there. He helped Jack get into the car, made sure that Olaf is sober enough to go to the dorm on his own and drive them home.

Next Monday Olaf was waiting for Jack impatiently.
-Jack, I need to ask you something.
-Good morning to you too.
Jack said, pretending to sulky.
-Good morning is not important right now. Who is the man who picked you up at Friday? I'm sure that I saw him somewhere and I was thinking about it all weekend... is he someone famous or something?
Jack wasn't sure what to say.
"How can I explain my relationship with Tom? Why famous writer would need a roommate?"

-I know!
Sudden flash came to Olaf.
-It's Tom Pritchett, right? Right?
Jack didn't really had a choice and just nodded.
-He's an author of my favourite books! Can you get for me his autograph?
Jack was glad that Olaf didn't ask any uncomfortable questions.
"For now at least."
-I'll bring the books tomorrow.
Olaf said, all excited.

Next day when Jack and Alex saw Olaf, they were shocked. He brought 10 books. All thick and heavy. The plastic bags barely managed their weight.
-Isn't it a little bit too much?
Jack was rather sceptical.
-But I would be soo glad... and I've already brought it all...
Olaf said sadly, looking at the heavy bags.
What else could've Jack said?

For Tom it wasn't any problem to sign all the books.
"He's not even surprised that I wanted him to sign this all... as if he would've been doing it for years. Well, I guess he did."
Jack though, watching Tom signing the books.
-You have an unexpectedly nice sign...
Jack murmured, more to himself than to Tom.
-What do you mean by unexpectedly? Why should I have ugly sign?
-It's not what I mean! I just thought it will be... just a sign. But it looks almost like an art...

Suddenly Jack got an idea.
-Give me your autograph!
Tom looked at him surprised, but took a new sheet of paper and sign it.
-What are you going to do with it? Sell?
-I'm not gonna tell you.
Jack said and went out of the room, taking the paper and a bunch of books with him.
-So the trade, it is.
Tom murmured in disbelief.

The same day Jack went out to meet Matt.
-I'm sorry to call you soo suddenly.
Blonde boy said, a little bit embarrassed.
-That's ok.
-I just didn't really had anyone to go with... and I didn't want to go alone.
-It's really fine. But... where exactly are we going?
-Tattoo parlour.

Two hours later Jack was going back home, happy and sleepy. He took soo many painkillers. Boy washed his body carefully only with a wet sponge, put on long pyjamas and went to bed. Tom looked at him a little bit surprised, but didn't found it strange enough to ask about it.

For the next few days Jack was seem to be excited, but at the same time haven't done anything exciting with Tom.
-Is everything ok?
Man asked one evening, lying in bed beside Jack. Boy was watching some movie on his iPhone. Stopped it, gave the man short kiss and continued watching.

Finally came the day of taking off the dressing. Jack looked at his tight with proud.
"It was painful, but it was worth it."
He thought and stated to wonder that Tom's reaction will be like. He came to the bedroom with shorts only and lied down beside Tom, waiting for his boyfriend to notice the tattoo.

-What's that on your leg?
Tom asked and only then looked at it carefully. With his eyes wild open he touched the tattoo. He touched his own sign engraved on Jack's leg.
-Is it permanent?
He said quietly, as if only talking about it out loud could make it unable to wash out.
Jack said cheerfully.
-Now it's official and unchangeable that I'm yours.

Tom looked into Jack's eyes and at the tattoo once again. He was kissing boys tigh and tightly covered the tattoo with kisses. Jack felt pleasure coming from that place. Tom took off Jack's shorts and started to kiss other part of boys body. Warm shivers were running down Jack's body with every move of Tom's tongue.
"It was definitely worth it."

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