2.2. Lovely-dovely

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Last week Jack's friend told him about great restaurant with delicious pancakes.
-Should we go there?
Boy asked Tom when they were considering where to go on their first official date.
Man agreed and get into the car.

The restaurant was quite big, but full of tables and people it didn't seemed spacious at all. They ordered two portions of pancakes. One with bananas and caramel syrup, one with strawberries and chocolate. When the order came they shared the portions, couldn't decide which tasted better. They were eating and talking almost 3 hours and fortunately, Jack didn't has any dirty thoughts while being in a public place.

-What should we do next?
Tom asked. It took him quite a while to realise that there's many people waiting for a table while they are sitting there chatting.
-Maybe we could go for a drink?
-A drink, you say... I know a nice place.

Half of the hour later they were entering an underground pub. After walking down a few steps they went into the dark room with only few sources of warm, yellow light. There was a bar, few tables and small stage.
-Live music, wow.
Jack whispered and followed Tom to one of the tables. When they sat down waiter came to them and took the order. After few minutes he came back with their drinks.

-How did you found this place?
Jack asked, looking at the stage. Three musicians were playing quietly. Jack didn't really liked jazz, but that music didn't bothered him at all.
-For the first time I was here at some concert during my time as university student.
He thought a while, drinking.
-I guess it was with your extra classes teacher.
Jack tensed. He imagined Tom with a slim teacher hanging on his arm. Smiling sweetly and giving him small kisses on the cheek. He asked with trembling voice:
-You were a couple?
-No way! Back then she was with Mike.
Jack felt relieved.
"But still... what will I do if I will meet his actual ex girlfriend?"
Jack asked himself with unpleasant feeling somewhere around his heart.

When Tom and Jack get back home it was already very late and they both were really tired, probably because of all the alcohol they drank. Jack opened his door and Tom was just about to go upstairs when boy called him.
Tom asked. Jack made a step closer to him. Boy put his hands around man's neck and pulled him gently. Their lips meet halfway and stayed like that for a while. Linked in sweetness.

Jack whispered right into Tom's ear and cause a pleasure chill on man's neck. Tom wanted to do something, but before he took any action, Jack already was inside of his apartment behind the closed door. Man was standing on the corridor, looking at the place where just a few seconds earlier stood lovely boy with hair in colour of morning sun.

Days were passing by and Jack's face was always decorated by a beautiful smile of happiness. While waking up he was thinking of Tom, sending him "morning" messages and smiling. During his working hours he was thinking about Tom, sending him "What you're doing?" messages and smiling. After coming back home he was seeing Tom, thinking of Tom and smiling. During lessons he was trying his best to think about the topic... but still smiling. Under shower, he was thinking about Tom taking a shower (and than he was smiling like crazy). Lying in bed, sending "goodnight" messages and trying to fall asleep he also was smiling.

One day at work Jack was smiling and whistling some cheerful melody.
-You've been acting really suspicious.
Cris said, looking at Jack. Her complaining personality couldn't let go anyone who's abnormally happy.
-What? You've found yourself a girlfriend and you're all lovely-dovely, hm?
She asked with viciousness. How stunned she was when Jack replied with self-confidence:
-Yes! I've found myself an outstanding partner.

After a few month of acquaintance Jack finally had a chance to watch a movie based on Tom's story. They sat in Tom's living room, earlier cleaned by Jack, with a bowls of chips, gummy and other snacks. During the movie Jack was scared, sad and anxious. It was so interesting that Jack didn't even noticed how fast time passed by.

Tom for the other hand wasn't so much into the movie. He saw that few times and known the story better than anyone else. Almost all the time his gaze was focused on Jack. On his lovely face and various expressions that occurred during the exciting movie. Tom was looking at boy's neck and ears lighten by the TV screen. He was thinking about his soft skin and its sweet taste.

-How did you thought about such a story?
Jack asked, impressed by the movie. Tom only moved his shoulders.
-You said that there will be another movie based on your other book, right?
-Yes. It's supposed to be released at the end of this year.
-We have to see it together!
Tom laughed, seeing the enthusiasm not only on Jack's face but even all over his body.
-I was hoping that you will come with me for the premiere. If everything goes well it's planned to New Year's Eve.

Then Tom added:
-And I hoped that you will read at least one of my books.
And that's when the wide smile on Jack's face became much smaller. Tom was sweeten. He moved closer to Jack and kissed his ear. Jack gently touched Tom's chin. Slowly moved his hand down to the chest and lower. He kissed man's lips with passion and moved his hands under Tom's shirt.

Right then Jack get a phone call. It took him a while to move away from Tom's magnetic body. It was Gus.
-Hi Gus! What's up?
-Can I come to your place for a while?
Gus's voice was shaking.
-For a while, what do you mean? What happened?
Instead of respond Gus started crying.

Something about opposites [ Boyxboy ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora