3.5 During your sleep (part 2) FANTASY

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Next day was Jack's day off so he wanted to spent it all on playing computer games. At the afternoon he heard his mother screaming:
-Oh my god! What happened to you!
Few seconds later:
-Jack! You have a guest!
When Jack went out of his room he saw his neighbour with a leg in a cast.
-Can we talk for a while?
Man asked and when Jack nodded then went out. Man was walking with difficulty but stopped only when they reached small playground surrounded by wooden benches. He sat on one of them and looked Jack in the eyes.

-How did you know?
Man asked seriously.
-I was in a hurry, because of the meeting with my potential publisher that was going to start in a 15 minutes. And while crossing the street I was hit by a green car. How did you know?
Jack was silent for a long time. Man grabbed his hand and pulled him, so he would sit beside him.
-I... I have a dreams. The dreams that shows me what will happen in the future.
Man's eyes opened widely.
-When I was ten I almost died in an accident. I was in a coma for almost six months. And after that it started. I see many different things... and it all became true.

Man was thinking for a while and then asked again:
-What else did you saw? What else did you saw about me?
Jack didn't answered, but his face became red.
Man shouted, shaking Jack's shoulders.
-I saw us, kissing.
-Are you a gay?
-So it's not gonna happen, right?
Jack didn't answered.

Jack get to know that the handsome neighbour name is Tom, but they didn't saw each other for a few weeks, when he saw the man in his dream again.
"""Jack was lying on a couch in the living room, watching movie, eating popcorn...
He shouted when his mother turned off his movie and switched it to the news.
-Be quiet, I've heard that our new neighbour has some problems and it's even on the TV.
Jack was heavily surprised and wanted to ask what exactly happened, but then Tom's face appeared on the screen. He was standing next to other man and the text below stated that he's his publisher. Above was the big text, written by red.
Jack whispered and looked at his mother.
-You can never know.
She said with a pitting expression."""

After waking up Jack wasn't sure if he should go to Tom and tell him about it. A man was obviously avoiding him.
"But it's for his own good..."
Jack thought and went to the door of a nearby building. It was a pretty woman who opened.
-Can I speak with Tom?
Jack asked unsure. She nodded and shouted, turning around the house.
-Bro! The cute guy wants to talk with you!
Jack was stunned.

-Hi, Jack. What's wrong?
-I saw you again. I saw like you're at the TV, you were accused of plagiarism.
Tom opened his eyes wide in surprise.
-Ok, thank you. I have to think about it...
Man said and went back into the house, without saying goodbye, focused on his own thoughts.

Week later, when Jack was at work, his mother called him.
-Jack, have you heard, our new neighbour is accused of plagiarism!
She was all excited, being able to chat about someone she knew that occurred at the TV. Jack was the fifth person she called.

Jack get off work earlier and went straight to Tom's house. After a long time of knocking and waiting the door finally opened. It was Tom.
-What happened!?
Jack asked, still hardly breathing after a run. Tom was completely calm.
-It's ok. Those are just rumours. It's already taken care of, when the media will calm down a bit we will make a statement. Don't worry. And thank you.
The way Tom smiled, made Jack's heart melt.

Next time when Jack had a foreseeing dreams there were a few of them at one night. There was a plane crashing, but he didn't even get the name of the airlines. Second was the four lottery numbers what let him to win a teddy bear instead of the main price, newest iPhone. And the third... Tom being in a hospital room. Jack didn't know if he should tell the neighbour about it.
"If it's going to happen anyway... why by afraid of it before it even happens?"

It's been a week and Jack still couldn't decide of he should say something about the hospital. He was only making sure every day that Tom is all right. It was already late evening and he was coming back home from his friend's place. Suddenly his phone rang. It was unknown number.
Jack asked unsure.
-Jack? It's me, Tom. I have your number from your mum.
-Oh, I see...
-Did you have any dream about me?
-Well... kind of, but...
-Stop! Where are you?
-I'm on the west bridge, but...
-Don't move. I'll be there in a minute.

Ten minutes later Jack was slowly walking along the bridge and then he saw Tom running to him.
-What happened?
Jack asked surprised.
-My mother had a stroke. I was in a hospital today. I have to know if you saw something. If you saw that she ok. Or of you saw that she's...
Tom didn't finished. He didn't have to.
-No... I just saw you at the hospital. And it wasn't even clear... I thought that you are the one being hospitalized. I'm sorry.

Jack looked at Tom with sadness in his eyes.
-I'm sorry that I can't be of any help. That my ability sucks... I would like to help you, soo much..
Man sighed, looking at the big eyes of Jack.
The red sun was slowly going down, hiding behind the dark sheet of water. The lights of speeding cars were shining constantly, making everything around colourful.
"He's soo handsome..."
Jack thought, when Tom looked into his eyes and touched his face. Warm hands of the man was holding Jack's chin gently.
-What should I do with you?
Tom asked, looking at Jack's little face. Man's gaze was so alluring...
-Just kiss me.
Jack whispered, moved closer to a man and kissed his sweet lips.

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