19. Breakthrough

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Since morning Tom was trying to write his story. The day before he encounter a part when his main character was still young. Tom wanted to write about his first love. He came to a scene where Ralph was about to kiss Janet for the first time. And then Tom stopped. He was thinking for a long time and still wasn't able to write it in the right way, so he decided to do it next day. And when the next day came... he still couldn't think of anything. Looking for inspiration Tom went to a bookstore.

That day was quite cold. It was the end of a winter and Tom thought that he's prepared for the weather, but it turned out that he wasn't. After getting off the store he was walking very fast hoping that it will make him warmer. Unfortunately it didn't. He already regretted that he even get out of home.

Jack was getting out of work when, at the other side of street, he saw Tom who was walking in a hurry. He called the man and run to him.
-Going back home?
Tom asked. Jack noticed that the man was shaking a little. His hands and nose were dark red.
And saying that, Jack took off his warm jacket and put it onto Tom's arms.

The man looked at boy surprised. He already opened his mouth to say something but Jack didn't let him. He grabbed Tom's hand and pulled him.
-Let's eat something warm.
He said with a smile and walked quickly.

Five minutes later Tom and Jack were sitting in a tiny restaurant. Jack ordered for them both his favourite soup with a lot of noodles and delicious meat.
-How was your day?
Jack asked still eating.
-Not so good... I wasn't able to write anything, in the bookshop didn't have a book that I wanted and over all of that I frozen to death.
Jack smiled a little.
-Looks like you don't like winter...
-I like winter. If I don't have to go outside.

During their lesson Tom was sitting next to Jack and thinking about his novel.
"What would Ralph think while looking at his beloved person's plump lips...?"
Tom thought while looking at the Jack's mouth.

He didn't really planned it. He just did it. Tom grabbed Jack's wrist and pulled him. Man's second hand went behind boy's back and Tom pressed his lips into Jack's. They stayed like that for a little. None of them would be able to say for how long.

When Tom moved back a little Jack was staring at him stunned. The boy stood up roughly and said quickly:
-I better go.
And went out in a blink of an eye.

The next day Jack was supposed to come to Tom's place. He was afraid of that and thought really long about what to do.

Tom get up unusually early. He wanted to sleep some more, but couldn't. His thoughts was filled with one thing. Yesterday's kiss.
"What do I do if he will come today...?"
He thought worried.

Then Tom's cell phone received a message.
My Cutie: I can't make it today. Sorry.
Tom was relieved. But somehow also a little bit disappointed. Another message came:
My Cutie: I'll send you an essay by messenger. Can I?

Jack was looking at his iPhone with anxiety. When the answer came he looked at it immediately.
3rd floor: Yeah.
"And that's all...?"
The boy thought strangely sad.

Unexpected kiss caused an awkwardness between Tom and Jack. That unpleasant atmosphere last much longer that any of them wanted. Unfortunately none of them had a courage to do something about it.

Tom was sending articles and his notes, Jack was sending essays and questions. They lived in the same building. Jack's ceiling was Tom's floor... and still they didn't saw each other for almost two weeks.

One afternoon while Tom was trying to write something, without writing anything, someone called him. It was an old friend of him who was working as TV presenter.
-Tom, I know that I've asked you about it many times already, but maybe you could change your mind...
-Is it about that TV show again?
Tom was a bestsellers writer but he rarely agreed for an interview. And he never attended any TV program. This friend of his called usually to talk exactly about this matter.

Tom was about to decline but then he thought about something.
"I'm supposed to do new things, right?"
-So... will you come?
-Yeah. When?
-Seriously? Great! Next Saturday. Wow, I'm soo glad...

At that time Tom decided to break the silence between him and Jack.
Me: I got an offer to give an interview on a morning TV show "Asking coffee". It's next week at Saturday, so I'm going to the capital for two days.
And after a while he wrote the second, critical message:
Me: Do you want to come with me?

Jack was at the cafe, washing dishes and putting them into the cabinet. When he got the message he didn't even pay any attention to it. That day he wasn't expecting to hear from Tom so he ignored the message and focused on his work. Is was a busy day after all and he couldn't let himself to slack off.

Tom was looking at the cell phone every minute. The reply didn't came for a ten minutes, half of the hour... then passed one hour and the second one. Tom was waiting with anxiety. He was walking around his house which became all messy again. At that time Tom was the worst version of him with a greasy hair, stained t-shirt, and unkempt facial hair.

When Jack was getting out of his workplace it was already dark. He looked at his iPhone and freeze in surprise.
The notice on the screen stated. Jack opened the messages and read them. And read them again and again. Tasting each word with excitement.

Tom already accepted that Jack won't reply for his proposal.
"What were I thinking? It's obvious that he won't come. And like that I only put him in a difficult position. We should be pretending that I didn't ask anything."
At that moment the reply came.
My Cutie: Ok.

One word, two letters. That was all an excited Jack could've write. He was soo happy...

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