2.11. Back in time (part 2)

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Jack's school's team won. After the match Jack was standing in front of the stadium patiently waiting. He was aware that many people want to congratulate the team, and especially its leader, whose play was brilliant.

Finally a group of people, mostly team members, came out. Drake instantly noticed Jack, said something to his friend and run to the boy who was waiting for him.
-Hi! I'm soo glad that you came.
He said with a smile what made Jack blush.
-I'm glad too. It was a great game. Especially you.
-We're going for a "winning pizza", come with us.
Drake proposed, but Jack refused. He was too shy to go out with a boy he was attract to and his friends.
-I'm sorry, I've already promised my mum that I will help her with something at home.
Jack opened his bag and started to search for something. In the end he took out a CD. New album of his favourite musician with an autograph on a cover.
-I don't know if you like this kind of music, but I hoped that it'll be a good prize.
-Wow, it's awesome! I love this guy music. Thanks!
And saying that, Drake gave Jack a very short, but also very warm hug.

Gus knew his sexuality since he was 12 and Jack was the first person he said about this. One day the roles exchanged. Best friends were sitting in front of a school, waiting for their first lesson. It wasn't natural for them to be at school too early, but that day they forgotten that his chemistry teacher was sick. They had nothing better to do, just sitting, waiting, drinking some bubble juice.
-How do you know that you're a gay?
Short boy thought a little.
-I don't know... I just know. If I find attractive man, not woman... if I feel good looking at a man and thinking about kissing him, ant not a woman... doesn't that mean that I'm a gay?
-Yes... I guess it is like that.
Long silence was stopped by Gus.
-Why are you asking?
-I'm just not sure...
Short boy looked at Jack surprised.
-What exactly are you not sure about?
-Do you know Drake? Basketball team leader.
-Yeah... I know who you're talking about. What's wrong with him?
-I have a feeling that there's something wrong with me, when I'm looking at him.
Gus looked at his friend with his eyes wide open.
-And what about him?
-I guess that he might like me too...
Gus was speechless.

Few weeks after that, school's principal organized a party to celebrate the end of the school year. There was loud music great for dancing, yummy snacks great for filling one's belly... and no alcohol great for relax and became courageous. Most of students were prepared for that and came after drinking "something". Gus and Jack weren't an exceptions.

Jack was trying to find Drake but he couldn't. When he finally gave up and went back to Gus, dancing in the crowded gym, Drake was the one who found him. They were dancing together, at first they both were trying their best not to touch each other. The gym was filled with jumping people and at some point Jack and Drake stopped to pay attention to the fact that they became very close. In fact, they were enjoying that their bodies were rubbing each other with almost every move.

Jack took Drake's hand and pulled him out of the crowded area. He didn't stop and took Drake to the empty bathroom on the second floor. Without even locking the door he started to kiss Drake's juicy lips and the soft skin of his neck. None of them knew how long they've been kissing. Satisfying the hunger of each other's bodies.

When Jack heard some noise he moved away from Drake, looking at the door.
-We better go.
Drake whispered and they came back downstairs. In the crowded gym they lost each other. That evening Jack was self confident, happy about what had happened. But the next morning...

"Gosh... what have I done?"
He was sitting on his bed, holding in hands his hurting head.
"I'm not a gay... I can't be. Why would I be? Then why did I do something soo stupid? And embarrassing!"

For the next few days at school Jack was purposely avoiding Drake. He was afraid of what confrontation with him. He was scared like never before. Next Monday Jack was waiting in the queue in the cafeteria when someone grabbed his hand and pulled out of the room.

Drake stopped when they were far enough so no one could hear them. Only then he let go of Jack's hand.
-Why are you avoiding me?
He asked, trying to look into Jack's eyes. The shorter boy lowered his head.
-I'm not...
He said blurrily.
-Yes you are. I wanted to talk to you...
-There's nothing to talk about! We drank too much and made a mistake. That's all.
-I was completely sober. I'm a sportsman, did you forgot? I don't drink.
Jack face was all red. He was struggling with his own thoughts and feeling. But the emotion he felt the most, was fear. Drake was trying to make an eye contact. He wanted to know true feelings of Jack. He wanted to talk about what's between them. He wanted, but...
-Let's pretend that it didn't happen, ok?
Jack asked with his soft voice, looking up at the handsome face of Drake. His eyes was full of concern.
They never talked again. 

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