3.12 Time flies too fast

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When Tom came back to the room, Jack was sitting on the bed, looking at his boyfriend displeased.
-You've got pretty close to Patrick, didn't you?
Jack asked angrily, looking into Tom's eyes challenging.
-I guess...
Man answered unsurely.
-Why are you still on the bed? Aren't we going to their room? You wanted to play some board game or something...
-Do you really want to see him soo badly?
Unhappy Jack was the last thing Tom wanted to see. He was truly concerned.
-What happened? Did you fought with Gus?
-No! I don't fight with Gus. But I will with you!
Tom was deeply shocked.
-What is this, between you and Patrick? All those whispering, sitting close to each other, some secrets, messages, calls, being alone instead of with me and Gus...
Jack was out of breath. He was angry, but really furious he became a second after, when Tom started to laugh.
-What's soo funny!?
He shouted, starting to cry. He didn't want to cry, he really didn't, but the tears started to falling on its own...

Tom sat next to his boyfriend and hugged him warmly.
-Why didn't I thought of it earlier...
He said to himself quietly, holding in his arms crying Jack, who didn't even had a strength to escape from Tom's hands.
-I'm the one who should be jealous and crying, you know?
-No. I don't think so.
Jack said firmly. He stopped crying, but his face was red and wet. He was looking at Tom unhappy.
-Do you know that from the second we get into the Patrick's car you were paying much more attention to Gus than to me?
-There was nothing like that...
-There was. And Patrick noticed it too. That you boys are spending all the time together, and we're just... tagging along.
-You're wrong. Besides, it has nothing to do with you and Patrick getting soo close.
-It has.
Tom said patiently.
-Since morning we were trying to think about some idea to separate you guys.
Jack was looking at his boyfriend surprised.
Tom answered and kissed Jack's forehead. Then nose, mouth and chin. Jack's iPhone called, but he didn't answered. He had a much better thing to do.

Gus was standing in the middle of his room, looking at the screen of his iPhone.
-Why isn't he picking up? They were supposed to come here long time ago.
-I wouldn't call it a long time... it's only 10 or 15 minutes.
Patrick was sitting on the bed, looking at his boyfriend with a hope that he will notice his presence.
-I'll go to their room and check if everything's all right.
Boy said, ready to get out. Patrick grabbed his hand in the last second.
-Let's wait for them in here. Maybe they're doing something... and we shouldn't interrupt them.
-Doing something like what?
Gus looked at his boyfriend with an expression like:
"What nonsense are you talking about?"
-Like having sex...
Patrick suggested, already jealous of Tom.
-Why would they?
-Because they simply want to.
Patrick said and pulled Gus.
-And I want too...
Man continued, putting his hands under Gus's shirt.
He whispered into boys ear, touching his soft skin.

The last day in the mountains went by unexpectedly fast.
-Why did we came here for such a short time?
Gus asked sadly, with his chin at cafeteria's table.
-Because I have to go back to work. And you too. You're the one who said that you can't take longer leave.
Gus was desolate.

They took more pictures. Went to the slope for the last time and the evening before coming back home, wanted to warm up a little in the spa area. Tom and jack were sitting alone in a small sauna, enjoying the heat.
-Do you know how I felt seeing you and Patrick lying next to each other on that lane chair...
-And do you know how I was feeling when I was lying half naked and you didn't even looked at me?
-Of course I was looking. I was just trying not to eat you alive in front of all those people.
Tom's face was intensively red. Maybe because of the temperature, maybe because of Jack's words... maybe both.

Jack moved closer to Tom and touched his thigh.
-Should I eat you right now?
He asked, slightly biting Tom's ear. When the doors started to open, Jack moved away a little. It was some elderly couple. They sat next to Jack and started talking about some difficult rout in the mountains. Jack looked at Tom provocatively.
-See you in the room.
Tom said quietly and went out. Few minutes later Jack went after him.

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