2.8. The exam is only an excuse

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Days and weeks were passing by and finally came the most important day of an year. The day of Jack's Matura exam. In the morning he went up to Tom's place for a "good luck kiss" and went out.

It was over a month since they DID IT for the first and only time. Tom was repeating that Jack has to be focused on preparation to his exam, he should sleep well and use all his energy for studying. They were kissing, of course, but since Jack tasted something more he couldn't wait for the next time.

The time for an exam came. Jack was sitting at uncomfortable chair and reading, and writing, and changing his position, and reading, and writing... he was sitting in the classroom to the end of given time.

When Jack was getting out of the school building he had a feeling that this time he finally made it. Ann was writing her test in another school, but she already texted Jack.
Ann: How was it? I'm so nervous... the first five questions were easy, but the part about that poem...
Me: I'm afraid that I've screwed all first page...
But the rest wasn't that bad.
During his way home Jack was texting all friends and family members. Everybody was curious how did it go. It was a third time after all...

-So, how was it?
Tom asked when Jack entered his place right after the exam.
-I guess it was ok. I really have a feeling that I will pass.
Tom came to the boy and kissed him.
-Only that?
Jack asked surprised how short the kiss was.
-You don't know if you passed yet.
-So... will there be a worth reward after the results come out?
Jack asked and gently bite Tom's ear.
Man answered and pulled Jack closer. Their chests were touching. They could feel each other's heart beats.

Jack promised Tom to make a lasagne at the day of his exam. It was his first time cooking it and he himself was curious if it will be tasty. Or at least edible. He was washing vegetables and herbs... and thinking. All this time he spent a night at Tom's place only once. He was trying to talk about living together a few times, but it did never worked out. Tom decided that THIS topic should be banned until Jack's exam. Tom insisted that Jack should sleep well etc.
"But how good my sleep would be if I were lying beside you after some physical exercises..."
Jack was thinking each time.

-So, I'm after my exam...
Jack started talking when they finished eating surprisingly tasty dinner and he was washing dishes after that.
Tom answered, sitting on a couch and reading some newspaper.
-And I don't have to study anymore...
-Then, should we discuss THIS topic?
Jack had a feeling that Tom's responses were mindless. He narrowed his eyes.
-So, I should just move to your place, right?

Jack sat down beside Tom and grabbed his chin. He moved man's face toward himself and pressed his lips onto man's in a short, juicy kiss.
-What's that?
Tom asked, putting down the newspaper. He smile to Jack without knowing anything.
-You've just agreed to live together. I'm really glad you finally did.
Jack kissed stunned Tom once more and went downstairs. There was more than a few things that he needed to pack and take with him to his "new house".

Jack wanted to arrange all the clothes in Tom's drawer. He took out all of Tom's clothes and started to folding them and putting back in an order. That way there was more space for his clothes. After an hour it still wasn't done and bored Tom went into the bedroom. He sat on the bed and observed Jack.
-Do you really have to do it? It's pointless.
-No. For me it's very important. Look, here are your shirts, here t-shirts, there jeans and over there, shorts.
All clothes were ordered by colour. Tom was looking at it and... didn't really understood.
-And where's underwear?
-I didn't touched it, it's still at the same place.
-Maybe you will finish it later...
Tom asked quietly. Jack didn't saw it but man was sitting on his bed in unbuttoned shirt and with a sweetly pink blush on his face.
-No, I want to do it right away.
Jack said firmly and fold next of his shirts. After a while Tom asked again with a pleasant voice.
-Are you sure...?

That made Jack turn around. He looked with desire at the naked part of Tom's chest. Boy sat next to man and kissed his pink cheek. His hand was touching Tom's warm skin.
-You're soo hot.
Jack whispered and started to kiss Tom's silken lips. Still kissing, Jack took off his own clothes. He was exploring Tom's body inch by inch, slowly taking off man's shirt and trousers. He moved down and his wet lips were touching Tom's tigh. Man was groaning quietly, but when Jack's tongue licked his skin right next to the briefs his voice became lauder.

An hour later Jack was lying on the bed, breathing heavily, hugging half sleeping Tom.
-It was exhausting.
Jack said quietly with a smile of satisfaction on his face.
-It was great.
Tom murmured and hugged tighter Jack's waist. Suddenly all Jack's energy became refilled. He asked excited:
-Wanna do it once again?
Tom didn't move. He was breathing slowly, sleeping.

After Jack finished unpacking he decided to go shopping. It took him more then an hour. It was already 6 pm when Jack, with heavy bags full of food and cleaning supplies went up to the 3rd floor. All that way up there made him really tired.
-Can you remind me why we'll be living at your place and not mine. It's one floor less to walk every time...
-I have no idea. It's you who decided like that.
-Ok. Change of a plans.

It was already late afternoon but Jack wanted to get everything done at that day. He started to move all his things and things of Tom downstairs, to his apartment. Tired, he sat down on a couch.
-I really don't understand why didn't I thought earlier that we should live here.
Jack sighed and lie his head on Tom's shoulder.
-Maybe you just wanted to have sex on my bed one more time.

Man laughed, but Jack straighten suddenly.
Tom asked.
-That's why we were supposed to be in your place. I have a single bed!
Tom looked at Jack with disbelief. Then looked at all the stuff they just brought down there.
-Are you saying that we have to take it all back upstairs?
Jack nodded and lied down on Tom's tigh.
-I guess that your idea of saving energy didn't really work out...
Man said and patted Jack's head.
-We won't do it today, ok?
Boy asked and closed his eyes.
Tom put a small kiss on Jack's forehead and also closed his eyes. Somehow it was a tiring day.

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