2.13. How much do you love me?

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-When your exam results will be out?
Tom asked one day when, strangely, he was working hard on rewriting one chapter and Jack was lamping, lying on couch and watching movies on his iPhone.
-Next Monday.
-You know that I must be the first one to know when you will know your score, right?
Man asked looking at Jack. Boy stood up with a mischievous smile on his face and walked to him.
-Yes. And you know that the first thing you'll do after getting to know my score will be giving me a fair reward, right?
He asked and kissed Tom's red cheek.
-Of course.
Man murmured and turned to the computer screen.

At Monday morning Jack went to work before Tom even woke up. Boy prepared for his boyfriend sandwiches and left them with a note:
"Eat well and save energy for evening :* "

The exam results were supposed to be announced at 10.00. When the time came Jack logged in at the school's website. He was standing in the cafe's kitchen, alone with his heavily beating heart. He took a deep breath and looked at the screen.
Relief, happiness, excitement.
It all filled Jack's soul and body.

He wanted to let Tom know right away, bit before he managed to press the right number his mum called him.
-Hi mum.
-Jack! Did you checked the results? Did you pass?
-Mum? Mum! I can't hear you...
And he pressed red button.
"That was close..."

Another phone vibration. It was a message.
Gus: Did you checked the results?
Gus: How did it go?
Gus: Did you passed?
Gus: Answer quickly!

Jack was looking at Gus messages while Cris came to the kitchen.
-So Jack, did you checked the results? Did you passed?
When she asked, Jack lost his temper, he wanted to talk to one person and they all just wouldn't let him. He almost shouted:
-What's wrong with you people?
-What? I'm just concerned... Oh Jack, you failed again?
Cris was ready to console him, but Jack run away to the bathroom and locked the door.

-I've passed!
Jack shouted to the iPhone as soon as Tom picked up.
-Not bad. I'm proud of you.
Tom's gentle voice brought a smile on Jack's face.

After talking with Tom, Jack could've sent happy messages to his family and friends and go back to work. When he was walking back home he was extremely excited.
"This evening will be probably the best in my life."
He thought and opened the door to 3rd floor apartment. The good looking version of Tom was waiting for him in the living room. The first thing Jack did after coming in was hugging Tom.
-But why the suit?
Boy asked looking at his boyfriend.
-We're going for a dinner.

Tom took Jack to a great restaurant with delicious food. They were eating seafood, drinking wine and talking. At some point Tom asked:
-So, which university do you want to enter?
Jack lowered his head. He answered after a long time.
-I don't know yet...
-You don't know? You have to decide quickly. How much time do you have, two weeks?
Tom was sincerely concerned. Tho he didn't want to pressure Jack, so he changed the subject. Tom knew that it's tough decision.
"Is that why he's so down?"
Man thought looking at Jack who suddenly wasn't as happy as a person who passed his exam should.

When Jack went to the bathroom his iPhone, left on the table, vibrate. Tom looked at the screen.
Under that information was the beginning of the message:
Mum: Congratulations my son. I will miss you when you will go to the National Univ...
Tom was stunned.

When Jack came back he noticed right away that something's wrong. Tensed Tom was sitting and looking at Jack's iPhone with a strange feeling on his face.

-Is there something wrong?
Jack asked unsure.
-You tell me.
-What do you mean?
Jack sat in front of Tom who was avoiding boy's eyes. Jack was unpleasantly confused.
-What's wrong?
He asked and tried to look into Tom's eyes, but man didn't let him even do that.

-Seems like you know what university you are going to enter. National University, isn't it?
Jack gave his boyfriend guilty look.
-I didn't know how to tell you... I don't want to be apart from you, but...
Jack was trying to explain, but it didn't really worked out. He felt terrible.

-It's the best university in our country, so if you have a chance of course you should go.
Tom was trying to be rational.
"But it's so far away..."
Man thought angrily and said:
-You can't even be sure if you will get in. There will be countless students applying, right?
Jack lowered his head.
-Well... truthfully speaking I know that I will get in. I won an international competition when I was at 1st grade. It's a part of award, a place in this university.
Tom was looking at boy with a great shock.
-Just how good you are?
He asked loudly but didn't even waited for an answer. He took out off his pocket small box, left it in front Jack and just went out.

From Jack's eyes were falling heavy tears of loneliness and guilt as he was reading the text engraved in gold watch.
"For the one I love. I hope all the time this watch will measure, will be the time we'll spend together."

Days were passing. Jack was still hesitating witch university choose. The National University was the best in the country.
"But it's so far from Tom..."
Those few days was a really hard time for Jack. And the terrible thing was that Tom didn't even wanted to talk to him. Instead he was at "business trips" almost every day. He was leaving home in the morning, coming back in the late evening.
"What business trip? You've never been at any and now what? Five days in a row!"
Jack was screaming looking at Tom's back.

One evening Jack and Tom were sitting in the living room. For more than two hours they didn't say a word to each other. Jack was playing some game, losing, and Tom was reading a book. Suddenly Tom closed the book, put it on the table and asked:
-How much do you love me?
Jack was confused. He asked unsure:
-What do you mean?
-I asked how much do you love me. Describe it.
Jack was in a tough situation.
-I don't know... I... well...
-Because I love you so much that I bought a house at the capital city's suburbs.
Jack was stunned. For a while he wasn't sure if he heard clearly.
"It can't be... Impossible..."
Boy thought, looking by his big eyes, in shock.
-Did you hear me? We're moving to capital city. Together.
Jack jump onto Tom and kissed him with passion.
Jack wanted to say something, but his lips wouldn't let him separate from Tom's.
The sweetness of Tom's lips, the softness of his skin, the intenseness of his scent. It all was magnetic.

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