3.14 Vampire theme (part 2) FICTION

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One of the most powerful vampires was sitting on an antique chair in the middle of his huge living room. He was soo old that no one knew how many years exactly did he already lived on the earth. And there was no one who would dare to go against him. When he was young and stupid he drank blood of all kinds of human.
"It made me strong."
He was saying. But now, that he is strong enough and powerful enough... He chooses to drink blood only from a glass.
"I will never touch those dirty humans again."
He said once and since then, for the last century, keep that word. The blood he drinks is always tested, always the best quality.

-Mr. Pritchett, we have a new delivery of blood for you.
Said his assistant, a guy named Stew, who looked a little bit older, but truthfully was much younger then Tom.
-Great, I was getting thirsty.
He said solemnly, looking at the red flamed in the fireplace.

Younger vampire came to Tom with a glass of red fluid. He sniffed it and frowned.
-You know that I don't like A+.
-I'm sorry master. I don't know how it ended up with yours deliver. I'll bring another one immediately.
Man said and went out, leaving the first glass on the small table beside Tom.

The old vampire was sitting in his favourite chair, drinking tasty blood and contemplating his precious art collection. He took another sip of blood and tensed. He looked at the glass in his hand and then at the one on the table.
-How could I make a mistake and drink this stinky thing?
He asked himself, looking at the glass filled with dark red. He smelled it once more... and took one more sip. And another one. And one more.
Tom shouted suddenly. Frightened assistant came to him immediately.
-Yes, my master?
-This blood, the A+ you gave me today, do we have more?
-I'll check...
There was one more portion. But only one...

After that incident no other blood was good enough for Tom. He had the urge to drink exactly that one. Stew checked the info from the bottle the blood was delivered to them. He found the place where the blood was drew... but that's all. They had no information about donor, only his gender and age.

Tom was furious. Hungry and furious. Every day he was trying to drink something else. His favourite type AB+, the blood of young and healthy virgins.... they even gave him the blood of newborn child to ease his lust. It was all pointless. After one sip he was just spitting out everything he had in his mouth.

Two weeks later Stew brought to his master a bunch of glasses, all filled with A+ blood from the place THAT ONE came from. After sniffing ten of them Tom felt nausea.
-Take it away from me!
He barked at his assistant and covered his own head with hands.
-I'm soo hungry...
He murmured, clenching his teeth.

At dawn, when all vampires are going to sleep, Tom who wasn't sure anymore if he's a vampire or a zombie, went to the basement. He looked at the box filled with glasses of A+ and started to trying them one by one.
-It's the worst day of my life...
He murmured, spitting out the awfully tasting blood.

Suddenly Tom's face brightened.
-I've found it.
He whispered and drank all the rest of a glass in one sip. He woke up Stew, quite roughly and ordered him to find the donor and bring him immediately. Finding him was easy because they changed the company policy. Everyone who was giving the blood was obligated to leave his phone number.

Jack was heavily surprised when someone called him saying that he has his number from donor company and can offer him an enormous amount of money for his blood. At first Jack was suspicious, but when the number was said he didn't think anymore, just put on his shoes and went to the given address. The thing is... shouldn't he be more cautious when hearing how much someone is ready to pay for his blood? How much of blood will be taken out of his veins when we're talking about such a huge compensation?

When Jack saw the house he was supposed to enter, he was shocked. It was a huge, old residence. Like the one from a movies about mighty vampires who lives thru century, gathering priceless pieces of art and antiques. The more surprised he was when he entered the mansion and it was exactly how he imagined. Tho there was one that he didn't predict...

In the middle of a spacious room was sitting a tall deadly handsome man. He was wearing black, slim suit, half unbuttoned, without any shirt under it. His pale chest was clearly visible. Jack's heart beaten herder.

When Tom smelt the scent of human who was walking into his house, he frowned. The scent wasn't appealing at all. Just like the scent of the delicious blood. Minute later entered a young boy, maybe 16 years old, soo cute that even an thousand years old vampire's heart would melt.

Stew prepared equipment to draw out boys blood.
-He's the one, my master.
Vampire said, but Tom didn't pay any attention to his words. He just came to boy and looked closely into his eyes. Second after the vampire gently shovelled his sharp teeth into humans neck.
"I haven't done it for soo long..."
Old vampire thought with overwhelming pleasure.

-My master, you will kill him!
Stew shouted, trying to move his master away from the boy. He didn't care about humans life, but...
"What will Mr. Pritchett drink if the boy will die?"
Assistant thought, pulling the old vampire's arm. Annoyed Tom pushed him and Stew ended up on the other room's floor, making the big hole in a wall on his way.

It took Tom a while to came to his senses. He was holding in his hands body of unconscious boy. Vampire quickly put the boy on a couch and called for his befriend doctor.
-What have you done to him?
Colby asked, looking at the boy with a PVC he just connected up to the drip. Tom didn't answer. He hoped that this situation won't be known to anyone else.

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