12. One big misunderstanding. Or maybe not...

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On the last day of cleaning Jack decided to nourish Tom a little and before he came to his place the boy went to buy some ingredients.
"The cleaned kitchen should be used properly at least once."
Jack thought and smiled to his own reflection while taking out the meat from a shopping fridge.

After coming to 3rd floor Jack get to work immediately. While the boy was cleaning bathroom Tom was trying to write something sensible. He didn't pay any attention to Jack, until...

Yummy fragrant filled the entire house.
"Chicken with some herbs...?"
Tom thought to himself and sniffed the beautiful smell.
-What's that?
Asked and went to Jack. Tom stand right behind younger man and stick his head above boy's shoulder.

-Looks yummy. Is it some kind of extra service?
Man asked and boy smiled a little.
-You can say so.
-Is it also your mother's recipe?
-No. It's a Lidl's recipe. Wanna try?
Jack asked and moved filled spoon to Tom's mouth.
Jack was expecting to hear that.
-No... I'll wait till it's done.

While eating late dinner they talked a little about cooking, their neighbourhood and Jack's extra classes. At some point Tom said:
-If you don't like reading that much I guess you didn't read any of my books?
-Not really...
Jack replied kind of embarrassed. So many people in his school known his books and Jack didn't even know who he is.
-What about the movie? Stretching the air. It's not exactly like the book, but it's still worth watching.
-I didn't but I definitely will!
Jack said with enthusiasm.
-Maybe we'll watch it together some day.
Jack said smiling. He took the dishes to the kitchen and cleaned after dinner.

Jack was about to leave but then he brushed up on something.
-When should be our next lesson?
-Ok. 6 pm?
Tom agreed so Jack was already opening the door but then man said:
-By the way, write an essay for our next lesson. I need to see how's your writing. Any topic will do. Minimum 200 words.
-What, 200 words!?
Jack shouted. Fear filled all his face.

At Sunday morning Tom was almost prepared for his mother visit. She always nagged him because of two reasons:
1. His apartment is a mess
2. He doesn't have a girlfriend
Jack thought a while.
"If I already have one thing out of my head, why don't I just..."
And he decided to pretend that he has not only a clean house but also a girlfriend.
"I should buy some pink towels... and toothbrush."
With such a thoughts Tom went to the nearby supermarket.

Tom bought pink towel, toothbrush, showering gel for woman in scent of lilies and violet slippers with cute pigs. On his way back he thought of one more great idea and went to Sophia cafe.

Jack was quite surprised when he saw Tom walking into his workplace.
"Does he wants to add something to my homework...?"
He thought pessimistic. When Tom said that he only wanted to buy a cake Jack sighed with relief.

Tom went back home and thought of another idea.
"I have to had my girlfriend in contacts..."
And he decided to change the name "3rd floor". He thought a little. In front of his eyes appeared he owner of that phone number. If he would be a girl... And without more thinking he typed "My Cutie".

To make sure that his mother will be convinced he send a message to Jack.
Me: Bring me tomorrow a coffee.
Ten minutes later a reply came. On Tom's cell phone appeared a notification:
Tom thought and left his phone on a table so mother could see it.

An hour later the doors to Tom's house opened and his mother with a broom and a bucket filled with cleaning supplies came in. At first she weren't sure if she came into the right place... She visited Tom once in a while mostly to clean his house. She couldn't let her talented son to live in a chaos. But then...

-What happened to your house?
Instead of saying hello she said that sentence while hugging her son. She looked around amazed.
-It's the first time I'm seeing your home this clean.
Tom's mum was impressed. She even thought that she wouldn't be able to clean it better.
Tom was hesitating, but only for a few seconds.
-My girlfriend cleaned a little.

Tom's mum was heavily astonished.
-Your who?
She asked again. She didn't expect that such a day would come. And so quickly at that. Only two weeks earlier she went to church and preyd for the love for her son. And here we are...
Tom said a little bit unsure, but his mother didn't noticed that.

They sat and talk a little and Tom almost forgot about the cake. He brought it with plates and teaspoons.
-This cake... was is your girlfriend's idea?
Mother asked.
-She bought it especially for you. It's from a cafe she's working at.
He lied fluently.

When Tom went to bathroom his mother, just as expected, looked at his cell phone. There was a notification on it. She couldn't resist her curiosity and clicked on.
My cutie: I told you that coffee isn't good for your health...
"Oh... she's co caring..."
Tom's mother thought with delightful smile on her face.

In the evening, when she was leaving Tom's house she was very satisfied.
-You must bring her home someday..
-Not yet...
He said as if he was thinking that he will when they get to know each other better.
-I know, I know...
When the mother left Tom's house he sat in front of his laptop and started writing.

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