3.20 Unexpected visit

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Tom was aware of Jack's love for music, but sometimes it was hard for him to bare it. Especially when Jack was cleaning and the music was irritating loud or when Jack was finding some new "favourite song" and listening to it all day. Or few days, at worst! One Friday, again, Jack is listening all day to one song and even singing some parts. Tom already had enough of it, but as always didn't say anything. Even when man walked near the bathroom's doors, heard Jack's murmuring.
-Really? Can't you stop singing this song even when you're using toilet?
Jack stopped, but just few seconds later started once again.
Tom thought to himself and went out of the house.
"Beer is what I need."
He thought.
"And it has to be a beer from some far away store..."

One day, when Jack came back home something very unexpected waited for him. Few days earlier his mother asked about his exact address, but didn't say anything more so he basically ignored it. But then...
Jack looked in shock at his older brother, sitting next to Tom at the table, drinking coffee.
-Hi Jack!
-What, what are you doing here?
Jack was looking at Sam and Tom, pretty scared. He didn't even thought that in a minute he will be even more terrified.
-Your brother's saying that you offered him to stay at our place for a few days.
Jack was astonished. Tom's words sounded calmly, but was he really ok with that or was he just pretending. And later on Jack will experience his anger...

-But I don't know anything about it.
Jack said, and Sam looked at him surprised.
-I was sure that mum talked with you about this matter.
Sam seemed to be confused.
-Why would I ask you to stay here?
-No, it's not that you proposed it. I'm planning to open my own business. I was thinking about it for a long time, but just recently decided... I needed to came to the capital to meet with a few people and fill some documents... mum said that she will ask you if I can stay with you. You know the prices of the hotels in here... and I have to save as much as possible on such a things...
-Ok, but... she never talked to me about it. She just asked about the address. I really didn't know anything.
He said to Tom, looking at his eyes like he was begging for mercy.

Sam looked a little bit embarrassed.
-I'm sorry that I put you in an uncomfortable position...
He sighed and nervously drank the rest of his coffee. He was already standing up when Tom said:
-Since you're already here, then of course you can stay. It would be stupid to send you to a hotel if we have a big house to live in.
Jack started, thinking about their bedroom. One bedroom.
-Are you sure?
Sam asked, looking at Tom, still unsure.
-Yeah. If you don't mind sleeping on a couch, then you're welcome. Stay as long as you need.
Sam needed only few seconds to think about the situation he created, but then smiled to Tom and said genuinely:
-Thank you.
Him saying that, reminded Tom about Jack.
-You really are alike.
Man said and smiled pleasantly.

-Here's toilet...
Jack walked his brother around the house.
-Kitchen area, you can take from the fridge anything you want. I usually cook dinner after lectures, so were eating around 6.
-I don't know what exactly my schedule be like..
-That's ok, I'll just leave the food in a fridge. Those three drawers are free so you can put your things in.
-Ok, thanks.
They went upstairs and the most difficult part was about to start.
-Here's the bathroom, you can take the towel from the higher shelf. And our rooms. Mine is soo small that a be barely fits in, but it's enough for one person. Let's go eat something.
Jack said, before Sam would have a chance to ask him about showing him his room.

It was already late evening, Sam was downstairs, Jack and Tom in their bedroom. Boy was lying on the bed, moving around, unable to fall asleep.
-What's wrong?
Tom asked, he was ready to fall asleep and really wanted to...
-I don't think I can sleep... I'm continuously worried that he will come in here.
Tom sighed and tried to hug Jack, he hoped that it will encourage his boyfriend. But it worked right opposite.
-Don't do it!
Boy shouted, moving away from Tom. When he realised how loud he was, Jack immediately covered his mouth, terrified.
-I can't do it... I'm going to sleep downstairs.
Tom looked at him surprised, but didn't say a word. Just looked at his boyfriend leaving the room.

Boy quietly went downstairs and lied beside his older brother.
Half asleep Sam was surprised, seeing his brother.
-We didn't slept together from years...
Boy said and turned into the small boy, hugging his old brother arm.
-You've already grown up...
Sam whispered, patting blonde hair of his brother.
-No I'm not. There are still many things I'm afraid of.
Jack said firmly, hugging tightly man's arm. When they were young and Jack was afraid of something, Sam was always there for him. This time the fear was quite different, but still...

[A/N do you want to know what song Jack was listening to, soo passionately? It was "Bad guy" covered by Suggi]

Something about opposites [ Boyxboy ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang