3.21 The truth

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Next evening Jack decided to watch a movie with Sam and fell asleep with him again. Third night Jack bought some beer and insistent that he and Sam should drink it all, as they don't have many opportunities to do that. Man was resisting because he had many thing planned for the next day, but finally gave up. Jack, pretending to be totally drank, slept with him on a couch again. Fourth night was the last one, so of course brothers had to spend it together and talk till dawn. At that time Sam admitted that his wife is pregnant and that's why he decided to run his own business and earn at least a little more.

At afternoon, when Jack was still at university, Sam came to their home. He was supposed to take the last bus so couldn't wait for Jack to come back. He bought for his brother and his roommate some sweets as a "thank you" gifts. They both weren't at home so he decided to just put those things in their bedrooms.
-What a nice room...
Sam said to himself, walking shyly into "Tom's bedroom". Then he opened the doors to the second room.
-What the...?
Sam frowned, looking around the room with two desks, shelves and drawers... but with no bed. He turned around and went back to the previous bedroom. Sam was looking at the enormous bed, confused. He was hesitating for a while, but finally decided. He opened the closed and saw his brother's clothes right beside suits, which definitely wasn't his.

When Tom entered his house, Sam was sitting on a couch with a fierce look in his eyes.
-I was wondering if we'll see each other before you leave.
Tom said gently, calmly receiving man's killing gaze.
-We have to talk.
Sam said and stood up. He was looking like someone who's ready for fight.
Sam had a hard time, he was soo angry and soo confused that he didn't know how to start to talk. Moving his fists would be easier, but he knew that it wasn't the way...
-What do you want to talk about?
Tom asked. He was soo self-confident that it took Sam aback.
-You and my brother... what's between you two?
-What do you mean?
-I saw it. I saw your room. You're sleeping in one bed, right?
Sam had a hard time, saying that. His clithed fists were shaking. Tom was a little bit uncomfortable with this talk, but there was no point in telling something that isn't truth.

-So... so what are you?
Suddenly a terrifying thought came to Sam's mind. He became all pale and asked:
-Is it... is it how he pays you for rent?
Tom just couldn't hold it in and started laughing genuinely. Sam looked at him confused.
-Well, he's not paying rent in cash, that's for sure.
It wasn't easy for Tom to stop laughing. Sam for the other hand was very serious. Tom explained:
-But he's just not paying rent at all. We're just a couple, living together.
-Co... couple?
Sam's eyes became bigger.
-Yes. We've started going out almost year ago. He's the reason why I bought this house and moved here.
-But how... why...
Sam was stunned. The truth was slowly entering his mind, but it wasn't an easy process.

-I would appreciate it if you would not tell anyone about it. It should be Jack's choice to tell the rest of his family about me.
Sam nodded slightly, standing at the door, ready to go out. The taxi was already waiting for him to take him to the main bus station. Sam was already opening the gate, but turned around and shouted to Tom, who was standing by the door, looking at him.
-Take care of him, will you?
-Yeah. That's the thing I want to do the most.
Sam nodded and went to the car. He wasn't sure what to think about it all, but somehow he felt that everything's gonna by all right.

When Jack came back home and Tom said him about Sam, but was shocked.
-Don't you think it turned out well?
Tom asked, sitting on the couch beside Jack, eating sweets his brother brought.
-You think?
Jack wasn't sure.
-Yeah. One of your family members knows about us and accepts it. Isn't that a good thing?
Jack thought for a while, hugging Tom's arm, chewing small chocolate drop.
-Maybe you're right.
He said quietly, and asked looking into Tom's eyes:
-Who should we tell next?
-Next... next thing we should do isn't talking...
Man said and gave Jack a long juicy kiss.
-I've missed your body those past few days...
-I've missed your more.
Jack replied, taking off his shirt.

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