3.7 What Jack would find in Tom's drawer...

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One day at the university, waiting for a lecture, Jack noticed something strange. He was sitting on a bench, playing in the new game on his iPhone. Olaf was supposed to go to the nearest machine for some coffee, but he wasn't back for a strangely long time. When Jack looked around he saw his friend talking with Patrice, laughing. It would be strange if not one thing... the boy was keeping his hand on girls waist. And they were talking for an unnaturally long time at that.

When Olaf came back to Jack, he asked:
-Is there something between you and Patrice?
Olaf choked with his hot coffee.
-No! I mean...
-Well, she's a really nice girl. And smart.
Jack said with a genuine smile. Olaf blushed a little and said, looking at the floor.
-Truthfully speaking, I've asked her out. Kind of.
-What does kind of mean?
Jack frowned, putting his iPhone into the bag and standing up, the lecture hall was already open.
-We were talking and I asked her if she could come with me to the mall and help me buy a gift for my sister's birthday.
-You have a sister?
Jack asked surprised.
-Of course I don't.
Olaf whispered.
-I just needed some excuse. Isn't shopping mall a must for one of the first dates?
Jack thought a while about Olaf's words. He never was in a mall with Tom.
"Is it really a must...?"
He asked himself, but already decided.

Tom wasn't easily persuaded, but finally he agreed to accompany Jack to buy some clothes. They were walking around the huge mall with all kind of shops and restaurants.
-Have you ever ate sushi?
Jack asked when they were passing SUSHI KUSHI.
-Of course. I even was in Japan twice. You didn't?
Jack lowered his head, a little bit embarrassed. He had a feeling that Tom has a bunch of experience that he hadn't.
-Do you want to eat here today then?
-No! I wouldn't like to eat with chopsticks in front of people and compromise myself.
-You can always eat with a fork. Many people do that...
-No. We better take-out sushi someday. Can we?
Tom smiled to his cute boyfriend and they walked to the next shop.

Jack was trying on many clothes, but couldn't decide what to buy.
-Just take them all...
Tom said, standing outside the changing room.
-I don't want to spend all my paycheck in one day.
Jack murmured and changed the sweatshirt again. Suddenly he opened the door and looked at Tom.
-What do you think?
Jack asked with impatience. He was wearing long sweatshirt in a colour of violet. It has a deep V-shaped indentation, so the fair skin of Jack's chest could be seen a little.
Tom whispered unintentionally.
Jack blushed and disappeared in the changing room, saying:
-So it's a not.

After buying two sweatshirts and a pair of Air Max for Jack and, how surprising, a tie for Tom, they eaten ice creams with a lot of chocolate crème and nuts.
-Should we go anywhere else or are we going home?
Tom asked, licking the tea spoon. Jack was looking at it hypnotized.
-Let's go back home.
Boys head was already filled with thoughts of what would he do with Tom that night.

That night Jack couldn't fall asleep for a long time. He had a great time with Tom, who was soundly sleeping for the last two hours, but he was just unable to sleep. Then he thought about something. Boy quietly went out of the room and went into the study.
"What could be in Tom's drawer that he wasn't soo happy about me looking there precisely?"
Jack thought and opened the little doors.

Boy was taking out everything that was inside, looking at it closely. There were some books, papers, notebooks, CDs, documents...
-Looks like he's quite smart...
Jack thought, looking at Tom's graduations certificates. There was also some pictures...
-But nothing like naked shoot... no pictures of his first love or anything like that, only family pictures.
Jack was quite unsatisfied. With some kind of disappointment he started to put the things back inside.

Then, on one of the Tom's handwritten notes Jack saw his name. Boy folded the paper and started to read from the beginning. With every word his eyes became bigger and bigger. He suddenly stood up and went to the bedroom. Jack turned on the light without any warning and shake Tom's arm forcefully.

-What...? What?
Tom quickly sobered up, thinking that something serious happened.
-When was I raped and killed by some blonde? With hands and legs tied to four chairs? "He was breathing heavily feeling the cold of bare concrete under him and the hot of his torturers body above him."!!!
-What do you...
Then Tom noticed the paper in Jack's hand. He tried to catch the paper and take it from Jack, but boy moved quickly.
-"Jack was still alive when Rosemore cut open the soft skin on his tigh. With a pleasure, he licked he blood off, hearing boys moaning in pain." Who even read this crap!
-A thousands of people, to tell the truth...
Tom said but quickly regretted it, seeing Jack furious gaze.
-I've changed the name in the book. It's just a draft...
Man tried to explain, but Jack looked incredibly angry.

Tom hugged boy's waist tightly, so he couldn't escape, even though he tried.
-Let go of me.
Jack said coldly. It was a first time Tom heard such a voice from his boyfriend.
-Why are you soo mad?
He asked sadly. He really didn't want to hurt Jack's feelings.
-How can you be so timid in bed with me and write such a thing?
Jack said finally, but his voice wasn't even a bit nicer.
-Cause it's just a fiction...
Jack didn't seem to listen.
-So what, would you like to do all this things with me? You don't like the way we do it? Right? You're soo unsatisfied with a sex with me that you have to imagine yourself such a things!

-You understand it in a wrong way...
Tom said quietly. He was really sad that his boyfriend thought that way.
-So explain it to me!
Jack's tone wasn't the one of someone who wants to hear an explanation, but Tom wouldn't let this chance go.
-It's me who wrote it, yes... but Rosemore isn't me. And the Jack in the story, it was changed to Jason by the way, isn't you. It's a different world, different people... it has nothing to do with my desires or sexual preferences.
Jack didn't seem convinced.
-And I'm very satisfied with sex with you.
Tom said looking right into Jack's eyes. He pulled him onto himself, so they were lying on a bed, Tom under Jack.
Jack asked unsurely.
Tom said and started to kiss Jack passionately. Their linked bodies didn't part till 4am. After Jack took a shower it was already the time for him to "get up".

[A/N I was considering writing a long part of Tom's book that Jack read, but I really couldn't. I guess that I don't like the rape theme soo much that I was unable to write it. Sorry, I know that it would suit here perfectly.]

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