2.3. Gus's relationship (part 1)

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Gus and Patrick were meeting each other since few weeks. They were going on dates at least once a week and Patrick often was picking Gus from work just to drive him home and get a few kisses. But they didn't gave a name for their relationship yet. That bothered Gus a little, yet he didn't want to be pushy so he didn't say a word, hoping that Patrick will be the one to say something.

Me: Date today?
Gus sent a message during his lunch break. He was eating salad, playing some "5 in row" game and waiting for Patrick's respond. He was already used to the fact that his ?boyfriend? wasn't responding immediately.
"It's completely understandable. He's a hard working man, with a lot of responsibilities. How could he have a time to answer my messages all the time."
Gus was thinking like that and break another record in the game. With a satisfaction on his face Gus drank the last sip of his coffee and went out of the "stuff room" to take another client for shower and cutting.

When Gus was getting out of work there still was no response from Patrick. Gus became a little worried but as he made a few steps from grooming salon he saw Patrick staying in front of one of his cars. Boy smiled widely and run to the man. Short boy stood on his fingers and with his arms around man's neck he gave him a long kiss with a tongue.

-I'm soo glad that you came.
Gus said and once more pressed his lips to Patrick's. This time shortly. It felt like a nice touch of a soft butterfly.
-I'm glad too.
Man said and opened the car's door for Gus.

-Should we grab something to eat?
Gus asked while reading message from Jack.
My buddy: Today another failure.
Me: Don't hesitate, just do it!
My buddy: I'm not hesitating!
Me: Did you bought condoms?
The answer didn't came.
Me: So you're not even prepared XP

They stopped at the place with the best chicken wings in the town and ate the biggest portion.
"I guess that tomorrow's breakfast was already eaten."
Gus thought, looking at the chicken's bones and his filled belly.

Patrick pulled the car in front of Gus's house.
-Will you come for a while?
Gus asked with hope.
-Sorry. I'm really tired and I have an important meeting tomorrow morning.
Gus was visibly sad.
-What's with that face?
Patrick asked and gently grabbed Gus's chin. Boy didn't answer, he didn't even looked at the man. Patrick kissed Gus. He softly pressed his lips to Gus's for a second and repeated that few times. Only then Gus looked at him.

Boy finally spoke:
-I have a feeling that you don't have time for me.
-I'm busy...
-I know. I know. It's just...
Patrick looked into the sad eyes of a cute guy sitting in front of him. He was thinking for a long time. When Gus decided to get out and stop this uncomfortable silence man asked the most unexpected question:
-Do you want to live together?

Gus was sure that he misheard something.
-What did you say?
Gus couldn't believe in what he thought he heard.
-I want you to live with me. That way we will be able to spend more time together.
For a while Gus was so stunned that he wasn't able to move. When he regained his full consciousness Gus jumped on the Patrick. He cuddled him and kissed with a bright smile on his face.

Everything seemed to be great. Gus didn't have to pay a rent so he was able to save a little more. He was living in big modern house which suits his taste perfectly. And on top of that there were two beautiful dogs in the garden. They were supposed to watch over the house, but Gus of course won their hearts immediately. There was only one problem...

Gus still wasn't able to spend more time with Patrick. The man was all days at work, sometimes driving Gus to boy's workplace. He was coming back late at night when Gus was already sleeping and when a boy specially waited for Patrick, a man was so tired that he only wanted to go to bed.
"He's soo hardworking..."
Gus thought with understanding and gently kissed forged of sleeping Patrick.

They still only once a week had their sweet time together. Every Sunday, without any exception, they went on a date. Patrick was strict about it and no matter how important thing he had to do at work, he always organized himself a time to take Gus for a fancy dinner, watch with him a movie at the cinema or simply watch together some series while lying in bed and hugging.

At one Sunday morning Gus went quietly into Patrick's office. Man was so focused on the papers lying on his desk that he didn't even noticed Gus's presence. Boy walked around and hugged man from behind.
-What are we doing today?
Gus asked and kissed Patrick's cheek.
"He didn't even had a time to shave."
Boy thought with consideration, feeling man's facial hair under his lips.
-I got tickets for opera. We'll go around 7.
Gus was truly excited. He never saw anything like opera, ballet etc. Patrick quickly kissed Gus and said:
-Give me time to work until that time.
Gus went out and decided to play with dogs. It was his favourite activity while Patrick didn't have a time for him.

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