3.13 Vampire theme (part 1) FICTION

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-Jack, are you coming?
Gus, short blonde boy asked his friend impatiently. They were still high school students, but they life looked nothing like that. They were parting every night, drinking dozens of alcohol. During day, they were barely attending classes. Mostly sleeping, wandering around shopping malls and playing games. That night they were supposed to go to one of Gus's favourite clubs.
-I'm run out cash again...
Jack murmured, walking out of house.
-You can always...
-Forget it.
Jack was sure that he won't make money the way Gus do.

Dark club, colourful lights, loud, music, scent of hundreds people... Jack was dancing... and dreaming about one more glass of vodka. With Sprite the best. He already borrowed a large sum of money from Gus, and few other friend. And it wasn't even the half of a month... Suddenly, maybe not only because the alcohol he wanted to drink but also because of the one he already drank, Jack decided.

-Gus. Gus!
Boy shouted to his friend and took him to a little bit more quiet place.
-Where can I do it?
-Do what? Aa... let's go.
Gus leaded Jack to the back of a club. They walked dark alley, some drugged or heavily drunk man was sitting there mumbling to himself. Another one wasn't even moving.
"Is he even alive?"
Jack thought and walked faster.

There was few doors, but Gus knew exactly which one they should enter. The room was unexpectedly bright. White floor and walls were clean. In the air Jack could smell scent of sterilizer. There was only one person inside. Tall woman with dark hair and unnaturally pale skin.
-Gus? Weren't you here yesterday? You know you can't do it everyday...
-Yes, yes. I've just brought a friend.
Woman nodded and pointed the chair, giving Jack a sign to sit down. Boy sat and the woman, with a needle in his hand came to him.

Quarter later Jack was counting the money he get, with a smile on his face, still pale after losing great amount of blood.
-You would get more if you would be healthier.
Woman said, the vampire with red fingernails.
-What do you mean?
Jack's head filled with vision of money.
-You know, like no drinking, no fast food, more sports... fresh spinach for every breakfast.
Jack nodded and decided to lead the healthier life possible right away.

Jack on his own was surprised that he was able to stop drinking and party just like that.
-Sports? Not a problem for me!
He was so determined that he started to jogging every day. He even tried the spinach!
Well, this one didn't really worked out, but the carrots and apples...
-Piece of cake.
Jack said to himself, watching a movie and eating small carrots instead of his favourite chilli chips.

Two weeks later Jack called Gus.
-What's up?
Asked short boy, lying on his bed, even though it was already 11am.
-Should we go there this evening?
Boy answered, stretching his arms.
-But how do you feel?
-What do you mean?
-All this vegetables and sports and no drinking... I would die before doing that for a week. Not even say about two.
-No, I'm quite good.
-Respect. So, what are you going to do with the money? Are you going to drink again?
-No... I was working so hard for soo long to make more profit from that.
-Truthfully speaking I don't even know how much would you get... my blood never was the expensive one...
-I'm going to buy new version of "Assassin's story". The one in 3D and the new monitor for it.

Around 10 pm Jack and Gus went to the same room as two weeks earlier. The same vampire greeted them, but there was also one more person. Tall, well build man with red eyes and pale skin.
Gus asked surprised.
-Are you here to sell or just with a friend?
Man asked. His voice was frightening cold, but Gus looked like he's used to it.
-Both I guess... but do you want...?
Boy didn't finished when man nodded slightly and went out of the room leaving the door open.
-I'll be back soon, wait for me.
Gus said to Jack and went after the male vampire.

Jack was a little afraid to stay alone with the vampire, but didn't show anything. Or at least he thought that he didn't. Woman could feel his fear.
-Relax. I won't eat you.
She said, smiling like she would.

20 minutes later Jack was standing outside, waiting for Gus, tightly holding his money in the jackets pocket. The amount he get overwhelmed him. He could buy not only a new monitor but also all new computer and there would be still enough for him to live like a king to the end of a month.
-Let's go.
Gus said coming to Jack.
-You have...
Jack said quietly pointing his friend's neck. There was a tread of blood. Boy smiled, wiped it off and pressed the small cut with his sleeve.
-Why are you even doing that with him?
Jack asked. Earlier he didn't understand all this business at all. Taking the money, a lot of money, he started to understand a little. But what Gus was doing...
-Sex with a vampire is the best thing in the world.
Gus said, smiling innocently.

Something about opposites [ Boyxboy ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz