2.9. Are we going to have a child?

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While waiting for results of his exam, jack had plenty of free time. He was still working, but it was only few days a week. Only then he realised how much time he spent at studying. Tom was busy with retouch of his last book before it will be published. He was also busy writing his new story and he was so into it that it was hard to even talk to him. He was just writing and sleeping, writing and sleeping, and making mess in their house. He barely took a shower or eaten and it was Jack's task to made him do that.

While Tom was busy, Jack was bored to death. At the beginning he was playing computer games all days and nights, but even that became boring at some point.

One day Jack decided to sleep over at Gus's place. They barely had a chance to meet so at Friday evening he went to groomers salon. Patrick came to get them home.
-He has been doing it every day.
Gus whispered to Jack with a smile of happiness on his face.
"I'm glad that they made up."
Jack thought and looked out of the window. They were almost there.

When Jack saw Patrick's house he was impressed.
-I have to tell... this house suites you.
-Isn't it?
Gus respond and with a big smile on his face he show Jack his enormous home.

Jack and Gus were sitting on the couches in a guest bedroom, listening to music and talking. Suddenly Jack became quiet. He only listened.

//ayin an he an dian lan jie deng, go wang zen me shi huai, wu meng bu duan hai pa yong gang...//

[A/N song for today: "The rice omlet of love" by Chen Wei Ru. It's soundtrack from bl Taiwanese drama "HIStory 2- right or wrong". Beautiful song, beautiful story.]

-What's that song?
-Hm? A, it's a soundtrack from HIStory 2.
-From what?
-Right, you don't watch such dramas. It's a Taiwanese story about university teacher and his student. The teacher is a lone parent. He raises his daughter, but he's not soo good in it. The student starts to help him, he take care of the girl, cleans the house, cook... and they became RELLY close, if you know what I mean.
-I guess I get it.
-Wanna watch it?
Jack was hesitating a while, but Gus didn't let him choose and was already turning on the movie.

Boys were sitting comfortably, leaning on each others, eating snacks and watching the movie about two man that became close while caring about the same child. They didn't notice when midnight came. At that time Patrick went to the room and asked Gus:
-Where are you sleeping?
-I'll stay here with Jack. Goodnight.
Patrick responded while giving Gus a small kiss. He looked at the laptop's screen where two man, one without a shirt were kissing.
-What are you even watching?
He asked frowning.
-I'll show you a better movie tomorrow night.
Saying that, Gus sent to Patrick mischievous smile.

-You know what... I usually don't like this kind of dramas, but this one was really good.
Jack said, still looking at the screen even tho the movie ended.
-I guess all kinds of movie are nice when you can identify with characters.
-Maybe... But can you imagine two mans rising a child together. And girl at that. In our society...
-It is a problem, you're right. It would be great if everybody would support it, but it's rather the opposite.
-Yes. I guess there's many people who don't care about gays or lesbians but they wouldn't them rise a kid.
Jack and Gus were talking about the drama for a long time. And even when they decided to go to sleep, none of them was able to stop thinking...

Next day when Jack came back home and was preparing dinner he was absent minded. Tom asked him if something's wrong, but he didn't get a reply. Tom was just about to go to Jack when boy, while cutting vegetables, cut his finger. Man quickly started to look in for first aid kit.
-I'm sure it was somewhere in here...
He murmured. Jack was pressing the cut by the edge of his shirt and said:
-The second drawer under the microwave.

Jack and Tom sat down on the couch. Man gently took boy's hand and cleaned the cut. He was pressing the gauze with disinfecting fluid and blowing softly.
-What were you thinking about so intensively, that you even cut yourself?
Jack didn't answered. Tom put an ointment on the cut and use the small band aid. He was holding Jack hands and looking into his eyes.
-What's wrong? Is there again some problem between Gus and his boyfriend?
-No. Nothing, I'm sorry.
Jack smiled and went back to the kitchen.

After dinner Tom sat on a couch with a coffee and newspaper. Jack was sitting next to him, playing on his iPhone. Suddenly boy asked:
-Tom... Have you been ever thinking about having children?
Tom, who was at drinking coffee, choked and started to cough. Most of coffee ended up on his trousers which unusually, that one time was clean.
-Not really, why?
-I'm just thinking...
-But... You're aware that I can't give a birth, right?
Tom laughed and stood up to change his pants.

-I'm serious.
Jack wasn't in a mood to joke around. Tom, with a dry pants on, sat beside Jack.
-Is that what you've been thinking about all the time?
Jack nodded.
-I guess that's the fate of most of homosexuals. Living without a child.
Jack was visibly sad.
-Does it bother you?
-What bothers me is the reaction of society to homosexual couple having a child.
-I see. But what can we do about it...?
-I don't know. Maybe there's nothing that can be done.
Tom closed Jack in his arms and kissed the top of boy's head.

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