2.10. Back in time (part 1)

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Saturday evening Jack was getting off work as the last. He closed the cafe and before going back home, went to the nearby supermarket.
"Beer and snacks. That's what I need. I hope Tom won't be working. Or sleeping."
Jack thought and with his hands filled with cans and packs went back home.

On the big crossroad he stopped for a while, waiting for a green light. At that late time there wasn't many people or cars, but on the opposite side of street was standing a group of young people. They were chatting and laughing. One of the boys looked familiar. When the lights of passing car shined on his tall, well build body Jack recognized him.


17 years old Jack, with a little longer hair and a little too big clothes was sitting at the last desk in class, near the window. On his right side was Gus. Shorty as always, with gold earring, wearing pink t-shirt with a picture of cute dog on it.

Jack was looking outside the window. Basketball team had their training. When Jack's history lesson started they were already warming up, stretching. Later they run around school building and when Jack was completely bored by his history teacher they were starting the game.

Jack never was a sportsman and wasn't really interested in any kind of sport. But surprisingly he enjoyed watching their school's basketball team. At first it was because of the boring history teacher. At Fridays Jack last lesson was history. Right that time basketball team was beginning their training and was finishing it after two hours. Jack was watching them as they were more interesting than history lesson.

Later Jack was watching their trainings not only during his lesson, from the window, but also after his classes while sitting on a bench near theirs school field. He thought that he's looking overall at all team, but one day he realised that it wasn't all team members, their spirit and cooperation that attracted Jack. It was the leader of the team, Drake. The tallest boy in the team. His brown hair with a little bit of red was smoothly jumping with all his body and covering his big, brown eyes. His wet skin was shining, alluring Jack's gaze.

One day, during lunch break, Jack was supposed to see his math teacher and talk about coming competition. He was waiting for the teacher in front of teachers room. And there was also one more person waiting for some teacher. Drake. The taller boy was looking at Jack for a long time before he spoke.
-Do we know each other?
Drake asked. Jack was already nervous while siting next to him. When boy talked to him Jack's face became red.
-Not really... but I know that you're basketball team's leader.
-Right! I saw you at the training. You like basketball.
Jack, still blushed, wasn't looking at the boy sitting next to him, but at his own fingers.
-I wouldn't say so... I just like watching you playing.
Jack tensed. He said something that he definitely shouldn't. Fortunately Drake understood that Jack likes watching their team play.
-It's great to have you as a fan of our school's basketball team.
He said with a genuine smile.

During next basketball team's training Jack was sitting at his usual spot. How surprised he was when Drake waved to him the second he saw him. Jack responded and lowered his red face. After some thinking he stood up and went into the school building.

-Oh, here you are. I were afraid that you've already went home.
Next to "Jack's bench" was standing no one else but Drake. For a second Jack was stunned, but finally moved closer to tired boy, whose body was covered in sweat. He was still breath heavily after a long game. Most of boys were still playing but Drake and few more guy had a break.

-So, how do you like our today's play? We're in a great shape, aren't we?
He said with a big smile on his face. Jack just nodded, unable to say anything. Then he shyly moved his hand towards Drake, blushing, and gave him a bottle of water he just bought.
Drake opened the bottle and started to drink. Few drops of water escaped his mouth and slowly drained off his chin. Jack was looking at it mesmerized.

-We have an important game this Sunday. Will you come?
Jack nodded with enthusiasm.
Drake patted Jack's head gently and went back to his teammates. The math genius was stunned by this good body boy, whom he never expected to talk to.

When Sunday came Jack was afraid of what's going to happen that day. He spend in bathroom much more time than usual, changing his clothes, washing his face, brushing his teeth, changing his clothes once again and brushing his hair in an unusual way. When he finally managed to went out of the house, he was almost late.

Jack didn't have a chance to see Drake before the game, but fortunately he found himself a good sit and was able to watch clearly all the game. During break Drake's gaze was looking for Jack and when he finally found him, team leader gave Jack the most wonderful smile ever.

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