Chapter 4: New School, Old Friend

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I woke up to Green Day’s "Know You Enemy". I woke up feeling energized and ready for school. I went downstairs. Adrian was eating breakfast and so was my mom. “Hey sleepy head.” Adrian greeted. “Morning. Aren’t we supposed to be going to school right now?” I asked him. “Yeah. Let’s go.” He said getting up and gathering his things. “Bye mom!” I told her. “Bye. Have a nice day at school.” She replied. We went outside and Adrian drove to school. When we got there, it was filled with teenagers socializing and laughing. “I have a good feeling about this year.” I told Adrian. “You have a good feeling about everything.” He said. “I know, but this is good. For us. Starting new, fresh teenage lives.” I said. He chuckled. We headed inside, got our schedule and locker combinations. “What classes do I have with you?” he asked. “None, we’re siblings. Although I do have history first.” I said excitedly. History was my favorite subject. It was taught by Mr. Saltzman. I ended up skipping 8th grade and just got into the same grade as my brother in 9th. The bell rang. “Okay. Be careful.” Adrian said. He kissed the top of my head and went to class. I closed my locker and headed down the hallway. “Well it’s nice to see a familiar face around here.” A voice said. I turned around. “Damon, you go here?” I asked him. He was wearing a black leather jacket, with and eerie gray shirt, black jeans with black shoes. “Man, so bad boy.” I thought. “No, I just came to drop a friend off.”He answered. “Oh. Well, I have to get to class.” I said. “Let me walk you there.” He said. I smiled and let him lead the way. 

Damon’s POV (earlier)

I went over to the grill to feed on some girl. Being a vampire had its perks and consequences. I can always blame Stefan enough for making me like this. I stopped for a drink at the bar. I decided after a few minutes that they were no decent looking girls here, so I decided to compel a girl to fall in love with me. I was going to a random chick in the corner when a girl literally fell into my arms. She got up and looked at me. She was really cute, better looking than most of the girls here. “Um, thanks. Sorry, it was my fault.” She apologized. “It’s okay. I’ll do anything for pretty girls.” I said with a smirk. She smiled. “I’m Damon. Damon Salvatore. And you are?” I asked, kissing her hand. “I’m Adrianna. I’m new here.” She answered. That explained the unfamiliarity. A newbie, but too young to be alone. “Really, who are you here with?” I asked her. “She’s with me.” A young, male voice answered. I turned around to see a teenage boy glaring at me with anger. “And who are you?” he asked. “Adrian, this is Damon. We were just talking.” Adrianna answered, getting in between us. He was taller and more on the toned side. “Adrianna, we need to go.” He said. She sighed and turned to me while he headed for the door. “Okay, it was nice meeting you Damon and again, thanks.” She said with a pretty smile. She walked out with her brother. Poor girl.

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