Chapter 15: Hangover & A Huge Surprise!!

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Adrianna’s POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and an arm draped around me. I couldn’t really get up to see who it was because my head hurt so much. I groaned. “Rise and shine, sleepyhead.” Said a familiar voice. I gasped. “Damon! What! Why are you in my bed?” I shouted. “Look around sweetheart. It’s the other way around.” He said. I examined my surroundings; Sky blue bed, fire place and dark walls. This obviously wasn’t my house. “You’re damn right it isn’t.” Damon said. “Ugh! You’re reading my thoughts. My head hurts like hell.” I complained. He got up and I quickly realized he was shirtless. My face went into horror. “Why are you shirtless?” I asked. He turned to me. “Why are you naked?” he said smirking. I looked under the cover. “No!” I whisper – yelled. “Yes.” Damon said smiling.

I quickly got up, but a surge of pain shot through my head. I yelled out. “Hey, get back in bed!” Damon ordered sternly. “Here” He said handing my clothes. “Put some clothes on.” He said. I quickly put them on. “Here” he said sitting next to me. There were 2 white pills in his hand and a glass of water in the other. I didn’t even see him leave the room. I took the pills and drank the water. “I think I need a whole bottle of aspirin.” I said. He laughed. “How? How did I end up here?” I asked him. He sighed then told me.

~Flashback~ Adrianna’s POV

I arrived at the party. Damon had driven off somewhere. I didn’t see Elena, Stefan or Bonnie. I quickly went over to the open bar. I looked at the drinks. Alcohol everywhere. I didn’t even understand why she had liquor at a high school party. Whatever! I pulled out $40 dollars. I handed them to the bartender. “Tequila. Keep it coming.” I told him. He nodded and gave me my first shot. I took it. This was gonna be a long night.

Damon’s POV (Earlier at the Party)

I was the bar talking to some girl. Then I got a phone call. “Well hello, Elena.” I said. “Damon, why didn’t you tell me that Adrianna has a drinking streak!” she yelled over the phone. “What do you mean?” I asked concerned. “Come see for yourself.” She said hanging up. I quickly drove to the party. I arrived to a bunch of drunk, hooting boys and girls all surrounding the bar. I went closer to the bar, pushing my way through people. My eyes deceived me. Adrianna was on the counter, dancing and grinding with some guy with a drink in her hand. She was drinking and dancing at the same time. “Dammit Adrianna, you always have to ruin my night.” I yelled under my breath. Then she fell off the bar. There was silence for a brief moment before loudness returned to the crowd. Adrianna had gotten up and started dancing again. Then Elena came up to me. “You see? You didn’t tell me about this.” She said gesturing to Adrianna’s erratic behavior. “Could you take her home now? She’s a bit too much to handle.” Elena asked. Drunken Adrianna was making out with some guy in the corner. “Eeww!” I said disgusted. I approached them. “Okay, time to go home, Adrianna.” I said. I grabbed her and swung her over my shoulder. “Wait! Waahh… Damon, put me downnnn right nowww!” she yelled slurrily. I took her to my car, put her in the back and drove off.

By the time we got to her house, she was asleep. I decided to drive her to my house, since waking up with a terrible hangover in that house was a bad idea. When we got to the house, I put her on the couch. I went to take a shower. When I came back, Adrianna was in my bed, looking directly at me. “What are you doing here?” I asked her. “The couch was uncomfortable, so I came here.” She told me with a sly smile on her face. “Okay… you can sleep here and I’ll go somewhere else.” I said. She grabbed my arm and pulled me down. “Don’t go. I am really drunk right now. You can do whatever you want with me.” She said seductively. She started unzipping her dress. It was then I realized what was happening. Drunk Adrianna is kind of a slut. “Whoa! Adrianna! We’re just friends! We can’t do this, you can’t do this with me!” I said. “Oh, who care’s! Elena? Damon, she’s with Stefan. You need to find someone new, like me.” She said. I was silent for a while, wondering why she made me feel this way. I knew if i did this, i wouldn't regret it one bit. I've wanted her since the first time i saw her. “Damon, take advantage.” She said coming closer to me. That broke me.

A/N= they did the McNasty, resulting in Adrianna in Damon’s bed.

Back to Present (Adrianna’s POV)

“Oh God, my head still hearts and I don’t believe that happened.” I said. “Whatever. It happened. You happen to be very persistent when you’re drunk.” He said smirking. I rolled my eyes.

Few Months Later

It had been months since I had my fling with Damon. No one knew but him and I. No one else. After that happened, I went home. Adrian was gone. His room was empty. I cried; really hard. I didn’t want him to leave when he saw me like that. My mother didn’t really care, which pissed me off, though I could hear her crying at night. School was about to close, since we just finished spring break. I had apologized to Elena about the embarrassing moments at the party. She forgave me. Damon and I had grown closer, much closer. I have to admit, I really do care for him, and I think he cares for me too. I go to his house almost everyday and we hang out a lot. Everyday I hung out with him, my feelings for him grew stronger. I couldn’t tell if I wanted to be friends or more than friends. Oh My Gosh! Am I in love!

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