~ Part 18 ~ Colby

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I had slept all day thinking about her. I know, creepy and weird as fuck but I couldn't help what I dreamt about. That scent... I HAD to be near it. It was driving me crazy. The feeling of not smelling it making me feel like I was slowly, no, rapidly losing my mind. Since I'd woken up about ten pm, I decided to shower and get ready for the day... night. Whatever. Same thing to us. I walked downstairs, my control completely in check although my monster inside begging me to find that Vanessa girl. To maybe even bite her but definitely to find her scent again. "What's going on with you?" I snapped my eyes to Corey and Devyn stood together in the kitchen. Turns out I'd completely ignored them, just walked in and grabbed a blood bag for the night.

"What did you say?" I stabbed a straw into the bag, not feeling like changing my face or making my fangs come out like normal. I was still thinking of her. As crazy as that is.

"I was asking what we had planned today. You're the boss, remember?" Corey smiled at me cheerfully like the happy guy he is. I just shrugged, throwing the bag into the trash, the special trash.

"Same as yesterday. I gotta head out first." I didn't even say goodbye as I sped out the door. I didn't bother with my old little car. Instead, I followed the scent of Vanessa. It was faint but still lingering in the air. I could also smell Cathy, her scent a bit stronger, and knew they lived in the same building. Soon enough, I was silently following the EXTREMELY strong scent of Vanessa. She was definitely here. Or at least had been in the las... Nope there she is. I was stood on the edge of her balcony, looking into her window. It's so creepy but I could see her peacefully sleeping. Her chest rose and fell with each breath and her face remained immaculate. She was so beautiful just lying there. She looked like an angel. I could even see her tattoo, which brought a strange attraction in of itself. I don't know how long I was there but eventually, I heard her heartbeat pick up and her breathing completely change. Her eyebrows furrowed then her eyes opened. She looked at her phone immediately, rolling her eyes before sitting up. Her eyes seemed fixed on her tattooed arm. She was slowly tracing her fingers over it as if it was the most delicate thing in the world. She was frowning too. What was wrong with it? Oh wait, didn't it hurt when a vampire was near? I could be hurting her! I immediately shot up a few stories and crouched down on a random balcony. It took me just a little while to return, needing to smell her again. Though, the whole building smelt of her. My feet hit the balcony with a louder noise than I would have liked. I quickly ducked into the corner, trying to make sure I couldn't be seen. Just then, her eyes narrowed and I could feel her anger raging. She whispered her little trigger word as she stormed towards the doors. I just leaped over the edge of the balcony and looked up at where I had previously been. She appeared up there, on the balcony. And it honestly felt like Romeo and Juliet. She looked around for the source of the noise she'd heard, no doubt, but couldn't seem to spot me. It was dark. I found myself taking in every detail about her, her curves and her clothing. Her hair. I felt a certain type of way towards her. It made me start to lose control, my eyes changing. The smell of her wasn't helping. Eventually, she spotted me and seemed to just stare down at me for a few moments. She soon yelled at me though.

"Get out of here!" I could smell the anger radiating off of her body. How is her hand angry at me, too? Is that even possible? I silently sped up the building and to behind her. She was still looking over the balcony for where I had gone. Little did she know, I was checking her out from behind. Slowly, she turned around. No jump or anything, just anger. Even when there was some recognition in her eyes, "What the fuck are you doing here?" I didn't answer, just looked at her. My insides were screaming all sorts of things at me. One to leave her alone. One to bite her. One to talk. And one to do what I'd decided on. "Did you seriously follow me?" I waited another second, hesitating. She didn't seem to respond to my idleness, just looked up at me to see what I'd do. Her stake was still in her hand, her skin pale. I gathered what I needed and stepped closer to her, all in barely a second, pulling her close to me and leaning down to kiss her. She let me, turning back into a human. The overwhelming smell of her blood returning should have bothered me but in that moment, it didn't. Only she mattered.

Vampire Hunter // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now