~ Part 71 ~ Colby

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I heard a low growl come from Vanessa inside but knew better than to respond. I stared at the vampire standing up straight and smiling politely at me. "Hello again, Colby." He bowed ever so slightly towards us, taking a step. I looked at the people with me, Elton, Mike, and Corey. Good, we have some strong vampires just in case. Plus three vampire hunters inside and even more vampires. I could also hear Vanessa and Kat whispering inside about what was happening. That of course meant I heard Sam, too.

"I wouldn't." He sounded slightly panicked and rushed. Vanessa's growl told me what was happening. If she comes out here I swear...

"You don't tell me what to do." Edward smirked knowingly at me and the other three. He recognised her voice which begged the question of how the hell he knew her voice well enough. He'd only seen her that one time, right? But wait, how's he here of all places?

"I promise you I am no threat or danger to any of you. I wish to make a deal regarding protection. Of course, it is up to you." The moment he stopped speaking, the front door slammed open and my girlfriend's sweet scent filled my senses. "Vanessa!" The large smile on his face sickened me for too many reasons. The anger was radiating off of Ness. "Fancy seeing you here." He said cockily. I sped over to Ness to help protect her whether she actually needed it or not.

"What are you doing here, Edward?" She was restraining herself, not trying to offend the old guy. Taking a daring move, Edward stepped closer.

"I'd like to make a deal. I have grown... fond of your clan here and would like to help protect it." What the fuck does he know about our clan to have been able to grow fond of it? And why would we need protecting? He knows something and has some explaining to do. "That's if the older vampires were to decide to attack you, of course." My face had changed without me knowing, making me grow more and more nervous by the second. I didn't trust him at all.

"And in return?" My stomach flipped. She's considering this. Or maybe just wants to know what the hell he wants to start with. You don't go to a vampire clan offering protection no matter how old you are. Especially not if they're a strong clan like mine.

"I want the same thing in return. Protection." From what? Again, he was leaving me with more questions than he answered. I wanted to just snap his neck to shut him up for a few hours but restrained from doing so. "Or at least, somewhere I could go in a time of need." I narrowed my eyes at him, examining him for the first time. His black suit had stains on it that looked blood-like but not quite... vampire blood. Who's he been fighting? So many questions, so little time. And I still needed to get Vanessa away from him.

"Who are you running from?" I asked impatiently, done with his vague explanation. Everyone knew there was more to it. Edward opened his mouth to answer but stopped and gave us a smile.

"I shouldn't bore you with the details." He seemed nervous all of a sudden, looking at the ground and shifting his feet.

"Tell us or we won't even consider protecting you." Vanessa snapped quickly. It made me feel some type of way. She'd be an amazing leader. It's just a shame she can't be the queen of her own clan, though she's welcome to be the queen of mine. Woah, that escalated fast.

"Fine. I'm running from the same people who may decide to come after you."

Vampire Hunter // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now