Mrs. Cuddles

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The turtles, girls, and Splinter sat in the living room watching a commercial, the one that April has a job on.

"Congrats on the acting job, April," Raph glanced at April. "I'm so happy for you, I could punch a rainbow."

"It's just a tiny basic cable show," April waved it off.

"Not so tiny," Splinter grumbled. "It knocked 'Scorpion Treadmill' out of its time slot."

"Say, how'd you like to sit in the front row, Raph?" Leo asked Raph with a smug expression.

"Okay!" Raph smiled.

April giggled to herself as Raph went to sit with his brothers and Mizuki.

The blue-haired girl noticed out of the corner of her eye Donnie and the others holding back their laughter. She raised a questioning eyebrow at them, and Donnie signaled her to wait.

"Hi, kids!" April popped up on the TV screen wearing a bunny onesie. "It's time for 'The Laughy Fun-Time Hour with Mrs. Cuddles'!"

As she said this, she stepped next to a stuffed bunny on a pedestal. The bunny had a yellow bow tie on her head, with red, yellow, orange and green ears, a dark blue body, and cutesy eyes.

Raph tensed up and stared at the screen with fear growing in his eyes. "Hm?"

"Let's be friends forever!" The bunny said to the screen.

"What?" Raph whimpered, shaking with fear.

"Raph?" Mizuki studied him with worry. "Raph, are you alright?"

He didn't answer her as his eye twitched. He then screamed loudly and jumped over Splinter sitting in his chair.

"No! Not Mrs. Cuddles!" Raph cried.

The other turtles and April laughed at him.

"It's just as good as I thought it would be," Donnie remarked.

Mizuki titled her head perplexed until she realized something.

Raph is scared of Mrs. Cuddles, and they're using that as a prank against him!

"What is wrong with you guys? Have you no respect?" She narrowed her eyes at them as she rubbed Raph's shoulders.

"Relax, Mizzy, we're just joking," Leo reassured.

"Yes, but if you keep this up, it will bite back at you," she lectured him.

"Yeah, you guys know I can't watch this," Raph stared them down, trying to sound brave.

"Is my acting that bad?" April asked, her hands on her hips.

"No, no, no. It ain't you, April, it—" Raph started.

"Let's be friends forever!" Mrs. Cuddles appeared on the screen again.

Raph yelled and accidentally ran into the wall before landing on the ground hard.

Mizuki gasped and covered her mouth with both her hands.

"Raph's fear-flops make me laugh every time," Splinter laughed, upside down on his chair. "Oh, red one."

The light violet-eyed girl glared at the rat mutant and the others.

Raph got up from the ground and growled, standing over them. "What? You think I'm afraid of Mrs. Cuddles? Uh, I'm just upset about something else, which I'll think of what that is later."

"Be nice, guys," April smirked. "You know, I bet a sandwich would make you feel better, Raph."

Mrs. Cuddles jumped in front of the camera again and giggled.

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: From Allies to Lovers (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now