You Got Served

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Mizuki stepped through the doorway of the Run of the Mill pizzeria and found Señor Hueso and Yami speaking to one another. A few of the restaurant guests had already left, leaving the place deserted.

"Let me guess, you called me here for a favor?" The blue-haired girl asked them.

"Señorita Mizuki, thank heavens you're here," Hueso quickly took her by the arm and led her and Yami to the kitchen. "But where are your two turtle friends?"

"Should be here any moment now," she replied.

"Right. Yami, take her to get her uniform ready," Hueso then turned to Yami.

"On it, Bone-Man," the lizard yokai nodded before taking Mizuki to the other room.

"What's gotten into Hueso today? He's never been like this before, apart from being on the most wanted list days ago," Mizuki asked her yokai friend as she was handed a waitress suit.

"The Makers of Brutality and the Masters of Barbarianism meetings are on the same night. Tonight!" Yami explained while waiting outside the dressing room. "But I was the only one to stay behind, and Hueso told me I couldn't handle these guys on my own."

"So you called me, Leo and Mikey here to help out?" Mizuki asked again.

"That's the plan," Yami answered. "Those guys are mortal enemies, and they won't regret bashing each other and destroy the whole place. Hueso really loves this restaurant."

Mizuki stepped out of the dressing room now clad in her waitress outfit. "And I'm assuming the rest of the staff just ditched you guys."

"They were too scared to serve those people," Yami went on. "So, Hueso's appointing you, Leo and Mikey to be temps for the night. The only rules he's laid out are no mystic weapons, keep the Makers and Masters separated, always eating, never let them fight each other, and definitely no trouble."

Mizuki nodded understanding and set her two fans on the table beside her. "Alright. Let's make this night the best we can do."

As soon as they stepped out of the kitchen, they spotted the Makers of Brutality and Masters of Barbarianism on two separate tables, a paper wall standing between. Leo and Mikey are already dressed in waiter outfits and about to be trapped in competition with one another.

"To be honest, if I were on one of their sides, I wouldn't want to compete against you," Mizuki whispered to the lizard yokai.

"True," Yami agreed. "Mind if I take the Makers?"

"It's all yours," Mizuki beamed at her.

The blue-haired girl, now walking alongside Mikey, approached the Masters of Barbarianism. Their leader, a red dragon yokai with an eyepatch, is dressed in a red suit with a black coat and has a sword underneath his arm. Two reptile yokai are dressed in white suits, with one of them wearing glasses.

"Hello, sirs," Mizuki greeted him and bowed respectfully, long with Mikey. "Welcome to the Run of the Mill pizzeria. Are we ready to be seated now?"

The two reptile yokai hissed at the two teens in reply.

"We'll take that as a yes," Mikey acknowledged. "This way."

He and Mizuki led the Masters to their table.

"Would you like for me to hold your coat and sword, sir?" Mizuki asked the Master.

The leader grunted in response and handed her his coat and sword.

Leo gaped at them wide-mouth and wide-eyed before growling.

"Thank you all for coming here tonight," Mikey said to the Masters as he poured them their drinks. "We're Michael and Mizuki, the number one waiters here—"

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