Chapter 12 : Java 'Bout It

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We walk into the coffee shop on "sugar lane," I know right, it's cringe. We walk in and the bell on the door rings.

I recognize a lot of these people. You see, my brother, boyfriend, friends, kio and his group, they are all seniors and I'm still a freshman. Most of the people in here are seniors.

Sierra is waving at a table and when I look I see Morgan, amber, Dixie, Jason, the other boy...and Kio.

Holy shit. I was not prepared for this at all. And I'm wearing his jacket!

I freeze when I see him. Morgan is on his lap and she's playing with his hair. I don't even know what to do, I mean I can't take off the jacket cause I need a jacket with this shirt. Damn it. Morgan turns around to see Sierra and climbs off of his lap.

When he takes in my view he sits up and his eyes go wide, then he starts smirking. Ugh.

Kio fold his arms and lays them out on the table as I sit down. They're all sitting on a long rectangular table. There's 4 chairs on one side and 5 on the other. Me and Anthony sit down and I'm in the chair in front of kio.

He smiles at me as his eyes follow me down when I sit down.

"I like your jacket Elena," I don't make a reaction to what he says, I just kind of stare at him. Anthony looks at me weird.

I never mentioned the jacket.

I give him a fake smile, "Oh really? I honestly don't really like it, I got it from this crappy thrift store, I don't have any jackets and I'm cold."

He narrows his eyes but keeps a smirk, "It looks cute on you," I get annoyed since my words weren't enough to piss him off.

Do I say thank you?

I give him an even bigger fake grin but glare my eyes so that the rest of the table doesn't notice, "Thanks Kio."

I order a panini sandwich and a sweet tea, Anthony gets the same. After about an hour of eating and talking, amber sighs super loudly.

"Guys can we go to the party now?" she pouts.

"Yeah, Elena you should come with us," Sierra offers but I shake my head.

Sierra rolls her eyes, "you want me to drive you home babe?" Anthony asks but James stops him.

"No you're coming with me anthony, if you go with her, you'll just stay there.

"It's fine, Anthony I can take your car," I don't want to stop him from having fun so I don't really mind.

"You sure?" I smile with a nod.

We all leave after exchanging byes.


After lunch

I change into a large red shirt and some grey pants. I'm bored out of mind and I'm debating whether to text Anthony. I decide not to because I don't want to bother him. I lay on my bed and look out the window behind it. After a while I look around my room to see if there's anything to do, I spot my diary.

I bring over to my bed and look through it. I haven't written in it in forever. I decide to write in it.

After what seems like an hour I've written so much, about my mom, my dad, freshman year, and stupid fucking kio. I put my diary aside and wrap my hair into a bun. I take a nap.

𝐊𝐢𝐨 𝐂𝐲𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲 - 𝐤𝐢𝐨 𝐜𝐲𝐫Where stories live. Discover now