Chapter 13

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"The Grim, Hermione, Harry has got the Grim." Ron looked panicked over lunch the first day of classes.

"That women is a crazy old bat, she doesn't know what she's talking about, useless class if you ask me." Hermione rolled her eyes, slamming her Arithmancy textbook onto the table. "My Arithmancy class was much more interesting than that crystal ball, tea, rubbish."

"Hermione, do you not understand the severity of the Grim?" Ron turned on her angrily, "people have died!Wizards have gone crazy, it's a death sentence."

Harry ignored Ron and the twisting feeling in his gut.

"Hermione, what are you talking about, you've been with us all day, you haven't gone to your Arithmancy class yet." Harry looked at the brunette quizzically.

Hermione just groaned, snatched her bag and stalked away.

"Say Harry, have you seen a big black dog anywhere recently." Ron asked.

Harry studied his memories, come to think of it he had in fact seen a big black dog that he just assumed was a stray a couple times at the lily field this summer.

"No." Harry lied, not wanting to discuss anything that would bring up where or what he did last summer, he didn't need Ron and Hermione figuring out about anything.

"Maybe it was really just a sheep and Trelawney is bat crazy.

"Yeah," Harry gave Ron an unconvinced smile.


"What's got your panties in a bunch, Draco?" Pansy frowned, poking the zoned blond with her fork. Something about Draco Malfoy had changed since she last saw him and she was determined to uncover what he was hiding.

"Shove off Parkinson." Draco rolled his eyes at the pug-faced girl.

It was weird being back at Hogwarts, Draco almost felt like he didn't belong anymore.

Over the summer when it was just Potter and himself, he didn't have to worry about upholding his reputation. It was different around his Godfather and one other student compared to an entire school, he would be ridiculed if anyone found out what happened over the summer.
People would no longer respect him, he was no longer the Slytherin Prince he once was.

A lot changed over the summer, Draco had started to question the prejudice beliefs that were drilled into his head as a child, he simply didn't understand how blood purity was a factor in an individuals capacity when a muggle-born like Granger was at par with him, a pure blood, academically and magically.

It just didn't make sense.

Lunch ended and Draco made his way down to Care of Magical Creatures. He spotted the Golden Trio ahead of him, Weasley and Granger seemed to be arguing about something.

Crabbe and Goyle followed Draco down the hill and in front of the Gamekeepers' hut where the half-giant was waiting for them.

Once they all arrived, Hagrid beckoned for the class to follow him.

Draco had a brief pang of fear that the Professor would take them into the forest, after what happened in his first year, Draco didn't like the forest.

To his relief, they stopped before passing Hogwarts boundaries.

They went around the trees and stopped in front of a seemingly empty paddock.

"Now I got a treat for you all, but first let's open your books!" Hagrid said brewing with anticipation.

"How?" Pansy snickered from besides Draco, he gave her a soft nudge and she shot him a nasty glare.

The rest of the class glanced at their shoes and shuffled on their feet. They all hesitantly took out their books that were wrapped up.

Draco remembered the night he got the book;

Harry had been going through his school supplies while Draco was reading a book.

Draco's eyes were dropping when he was shocked awake by a shriek.

He looked over to see Harry standing over him, pointing at the floor.

"For Merlin's sake, what are you doing, Potter!" Draco yelled, sitting up.

"Book, teeth, bite." Harry gasped.

Draco looked over the side of his bed and almost got his face bit off. The blond jumped up and started to shriek and jump on his bed next to Potter. The two boys started throwing whatever they could find at the monster book, from shoes to pillows and books, however the book just chomped all the items.

"What's going on in here." Snape came into the teen's room.

"Severus Watch!" Draco yelped.

"Book bites!" Harry gasped.

"Oh, you nitwits." Snape flicked his wand and the book collapsed on the floor.

In a few minutes Harry and Draco's books were bound and shoved in their trunks.

"Hasn', hasn' anyone bin able ter open their books?" said Hagrid, looking crestfallen.

The class all shook their heads.

"Yeh've got ter stroke 'em," said Hagrid, as though this was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Look," He took Hermione's copy and ripped off the Spellotape that bound it.

The book tried to bite, but Hagrid ran a giant forefinger down its spine, the book shivered, and then fell open and lay quiet in his hand.

"I , I thought they were funny," Hagrid said uncertainly to Hermione.

Draco felt bad for him, he knew how much Hagrid was looking forward to his first lesson.

Hagrid crestfallenly walked into the forest and out of sight of the students. He returned a few minutes later with creatures that looked like a mix between eagles and horses.

"Hippogriffs!" Hagrid boomed. "Beautiful aren't they. You lot can come closer."

Nobody moved, Hagrid started on the proper way to approach and handle a hippogriff.

"Anyone want to try?" He asked once he finished his speech. Most of the class took a few extra steps backwards.

"No one?" Hagrid asked desperately.

"I'll do it." Harry took a step forward, the crowd gasped and one of the Gryffindor girls told him to 'remember his tea leaves' whatever that meant.

Harry turned and caught Draco's eye and Draco didn't hold back his snicker at the boys scared expression.

"Scared, Potter?" Draco teased.

Hagrid smirked, "thanks for volunteering Draco."

Draco's face paled but he stepped forward nevertheless.

"Scared, Malfoy?" Now Harry was teasing.

"Right then boys, let's see how you two do with Buckbeak here." Hagrid untied a blueish grey hippogriff.

Draco's breath caught in his throat as Harry and he approached the creature, bowing upon Hagrid's orders.

"Ah," said Hagrid, sounding worried. "Right...back away, now, Harry, Draco, easy does it."

But to everyone's shock, Buckbeak bent his head in an unmistakable bow.

"Well some boys!" Hagrid grinned, ecstatic. "You can touch him, go on pat his beak."

The two boys hesitantly reached out their hands and patted the hippogriff.

The whole class was applauding the boys as Buckbeak leaning into their touch.

"I reckon he'll let you ride him," Said Hagrid.

Draco and Harry's hearts dropped upon hearing those words.

They were both accustomed to broomsticks but an actual living creature was a different story.

They awkwardly clambered onto Buckbeak's back, trying to find somewhere to hold when Hagrid slapped the Hippogriff's hide, causing him to take off.

Caught off guard, Malfoy hung onto Harry who was sitting infront of him.

Harry was desperately gripping onto the Hippogriff's neck. The ride was nothing like a broomstick, it was uncomfortable and nauseating.

Draco didn't open his eyes until they were safely back on the ground, his heart beating out of his chest.

Harry didn't enjoy the ride either but he was in better shape than a certain blond.

"Great work!" Hagrid smiled at the pair. "Who else wants to give it a shot?" Several other students raised their hands and Draco was relieved he wouldn't have to go through that again, he was about to sit down and observe the other take their turns when something knocked into him, throwing him into a Hippogriff.

Draco scrambled, trying to get away, but it was too late as he felt a shooting pain go up his arm.

He heard shrieks and somebody yelling for Madam Pomfrey before he hit the ground and his eyesight turned fuzzy.

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