Chapter 87

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"The decorations are so pretty," Luna commented as Draco spun her.

"They are," Draco agreed, "so are you."

Luna giggled as they danced around the hall, "I love to dance," she commented, "daddy used to take me to parties all the time."

"I was never one for parties personally," Draco watched her smile fondly, "but the parties I knew weren't all that."

The music turned upbeat and with a shriek of glee, Luna clapped her hands together and began to jump.

"Come on, Draco!" She laughed, tugging at his wrist, "dance!"

Draco blushed, "I—I don't know how to dance like that."

Luna stopped, taking both his hands in hers, "like this," she instructed, starting to jump again.

Within a couple minutes, Draco was bouncing on the balls of his feet, hollering the words to the songs with Luna.

"Oh no," Luna stopped dancing, her gaze focused over Draco's shoulder.

"What?" Draco stopped, looking over his shoulder, "oh..."

Hermione and Ron were engaged in a screaming match over by the tables.

"That's no good," Luna frowned  as Hermione stormed out of the hall.

Harry, from his position beside Ron met Draco's gaze with wide eyes. He nodded towards the entrance, while stopping Ginny from following the brunette, "go," he mouthed.

Draco shook his head slightly, he couldn't leave Luna by herself, that would be inconsiderate.

"Go," Luna seemed to read his thoughts, pushing him slightly off the dance floor, "I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" Draco asked hesitantly.

"Of course," Luna smiled, going on her toes to kiss his cheek, "I'm going to get something to drink."

Draco didn't need to be told twice, he hurried off after a particular Gryffindor. 

"Granger!" He called, running through the corridors to find her.

"Hermione," he gasped, coming to a halting stop as he spotted her sobbing on the staircase.

"Go away," she cried harder, digging her palms into her eyes.

He ignored her, lowering himself to sit besides her, "what's wrong."

"Ron's mad that I came to the ball with Viktor," she sniffed, looking at him with red eyes, "Merlin he's so stupid."

"Well I could've told you that!" Draco exclaimed, "do you see anyone prancing around saying Weasley is brilliant? Because I don't."

This brought a teary smile onto Hermione's face, "sometimes he's alright."

"He's a moron," Draco mumbled, tucking a strand of her styled hair back into place, "he's just jealous, that's all. He wished he had asked you before Krum beat him to it."

"Look at me! This is pathetic," Hermione moaned, trying to wipe the smeared makeup from under her eyes, "I'm ruining your night...and Luna's...and Viktor's."

"You're not," Draco reassured her, "but you will ruin your night if you keep on crying, not to mention all that effort that went into your hair and makeup...which look stunning by the way."

"You're right!" Hermione said, standing up furiously, "I have been looking forward to this all month! I'm not letting Ron ruin it for me."

Draco grinned, "are you ready to go back in?"

"I think so," she nodded, "I just need to clean up first."

The blond nodded, waiting as she hurried off towards the girls restroom.

She was back in a matter of minutes, looking flawless as she did before.

"I'll escort you back to your date," Draco offered his arm.

"Thanks," she smiled at him, "save me a dance?"

"Of course."


Draco woke up in his room the next morning with no recollection of how he had gotten there.

"Harry," he groaned, rolling onto his side, "Harry, get up."

"Mhm," Harry pulled the blanket over his head, "it's too early."

"How'd I get here?" Draco propped himself up on his elbows.

"You passed out at the tables last night," Harry took a second to reply, "we levitated you."

"You levitated me?" Draco repeated.

"Uh huh," Harry yawned, rubbing his eyes, "why'd you wake me up?"

"Because if I can't sleep, why should you be able to." Draco stated as if it were obvious.

"You're a real prat sometimes, you know that, right?"

"Naturally," Draco rolled his eyes, "do you want to play chess or something?"

"What I want to do is sleep," Harry flipped over and pulled the covers up once again.

"Harryyyyy," Draco whined, throwing a pillow at him, "don't be mean."

"Shove it."

Draco frowned, rolling off the side of his bed. He quickly brushed his teeth and pulled on his slippers.

"Where are you going?" Severus asked as he walked by the kitchen.

"Across the street," Draco replied, "Harry won't get up."

Snape gave him an exasperated look, shooing him out of the house.

The December air was chilly and Draco crossed the street in a rush, not even bothering to knock when he reached the house.

"Morning!" He yelled, pulling open the fridge, "ooh! You went shopping."

"Draco, what do we owe the pleasure?" Remus sat at the counter, his hair disheveled and bags engraved under his eyes.

"I was bored," Draco shrugged.

"Put coffee on at least," Remus shook his head, "I can't keep up with you sometimes."

"It's all a part of my charm" Draco winked.

"You've been spending way to much time with Sirius," Remus chuckled.

"He's spending just the right amount of time with me, thank you, Mooney." Sirius came out in a bathrobe.

"Sorry," Remus held up his arms in mock-surrender, "I was wrong, we need a mini-Sirius in our lives."

"Where's Harry?" Sirius asked, scanning the room, "normally the two of you come together."

"Sleeping," Draco shrugged, "can't blame him, he was dancing with Ginny practically all night."

Remus and Sirius shared a knowing look.

"And you?" Remus inquired, "how was your night with Luna?"

"I had a lot of fun, actually," Draco smiled fondly, pouring coffee as he spoke, "I even danced with Hermione for a bit."

"Nice one," Sirius clapped him on the back, "we should have some firewhiskey later to celebrate, don't tell Sevvy though, he'll skin me."

"Sirius Orion Black, I know you did not just offer him firewhiskey!" Remus glared.

"C'mon, Rem, let the kid live a little," Sirius rolled his eyes, "a little alcohol won't do any harm."

"I'm surrounded by blundering idiots."

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