Chapter 35

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"You really took his shampoo?" Ginny rolled in the grass, cackling. "Wow, Harry, I didn't pin you as one to steal toiletries."
Harry blushed as Ginny rolled around, besides herself, Blaise shook with silent chuckles and Draco grinned triumphantly.
"It made my hair soft." Harry murmured.
Ginny wheezed, she was trying to say something however it was drowned out by her laughs. After a minute she finally sat up, tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry," she giggled, "it's just hilarious, Harry Potter stealing Draco Malfoy's shampoo." She burst into another fit of laughter.
The four teens sat surrounded by abandoned textbooks, laughing like there was no worries in the world.
"I'm ready for summer," Ginny breathed propping her body up on her elbows.
"Me too," Draco sighed, "I just want exams to be over."
"Maybe Harry will save us from a life threatening crisis again and they'll be cancelled," Blaise laughed.
"It's been a quiet year," Harry admitted.
"Mate, you have a mass murder out to get you, if a teacher saw that you were unoccupied out here we would be bloody screwed," Draco looked at Harry.
"Yeah," Harry waved him off, "it's not like I haven't had worse, I'm used to people trying to kill me, Voldemort's tried three times and I survived that." Harry had a defiant look plastered on his face. "And if you think I'm going to let the man who betrayed my parents finish me off, you are mistaken."
The group fell quiet, not sure how to respond.
"Harry, we've gotta head in, its nearly time for tea." Draco said, checking his watch.
"You're right," Harry grumbled packing his books. The two boys said their goodbyes to the group and set off towards the dungeon.
"Hi," Harry yawned as they entered Snape's office.
"Good Afternoon boys, you seem tired, Harry?" Snape's eyebrows raised as he watched Harry rub his eyes.
"Been Studying," Harry sighed plopping down in a chair.
"Very Good, your grades have sure improved since last year, you are currently excelling in Potions," Snape nodded.
Harry offered him a weak smile.
"Early to bed tonight," Snape ordered, "you look miserable." He then turned to the blond, "How was your day Draco?"
"I studied with Harry." Draco said taking his seat besides the Gryffindor, unlike Harry who flung his bag across the room, Draco placed his softly on the ground.
Snape flicked his wand and three tea cups whizzed over to the table.
"I don't want you two roaming the castle alone, especially you, Mr. Potter," Snape started taking a sip of his tea, "we are going to every measure to keep you safe, you must do your part as well."
"Yes, Sir." Harry mumbled.
"Don't mumble, you're not a child." Snape corrected.
"Yeah, honestly, Harry, you have a horrible habit of that." Draco commented.
"Well you have a horrible habit of correcting people." Harry shot back at the blond.
"Enough, you two," Snape looked tired, "drink your tea."
"Can we go home for an hour today?" Draco tried, "My show is on today and I haven't seen it in ages."
"Now, Mr. Malfoy, just because you are my charge does not mean you can visit home whenever you please. You are still a student and the rules do apply to you both" Severus warned with a side glance at Harry, "however, I'm heading home today to retrieve  supplies for my exam. I will allow you two to come with me this time."
Draco smiled eagerly. Harry was pleased as well, he was just looking forward to taking a nap without Hermione pressuring him to study or Ron asking him to play Quidditch or chess. Most importantly Harry could sleep in his own bed.

Exam week rolled through and after a particularly hard Transfiguration task Harry's confidence had diminished greatly.

The hardest challenge was turning a teapot into a tortoise. The third years were all annoyed at Hermione for she was worrying that her tortoise looked more like a turtle, Harry's was still breathing steam.

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