Chapter 31

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Nobody in Gryffindor tower slept that night.

The tower and castle was searched for Sirius Black and everyone was anxiously waiting for McGonagall to report whether or not he had been found.

Harry paced infront of the fire. Knowing Snape it was only going to be a few minutes before he got the news and summoned him.

After all Sirius Black was after Harry. It would make sense that Snape would want to keep a closer eye on him especially after the murderer came so close to Harry.

Ron sat alone by a window, face still pale as paper, his fingers anxiously tapping the stone of the windowsill.

Harry sighed and made his way over to the ginger, sitting down besides him he muttered a soft, 'Hi'.

"Hey," Ron exhaled, looking over at Harry with a solemn expression.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, at least he got the wrong bunk," Ron looked away, "who knows what would've happened if he got yours."

Harry nodded grimly.

"Listen mate, I wanna apologize. I know what I did was wrong. It's just your not yourself, and I know it's none of my business but... I dunno,"Ron's face flushed a deep crimson. "I promise I won't pry anymore, I'll even leave Malfoy alone, as long as you say you're alright? No secret keeping for the greater good like you normally do."

Harry grinned, "I can accept your apology on one condition."

Ron beckoned him to go on.

"You've got to apologize to Malfoy as well and you have to help us figure out how to get Hagrid and Buckbeak our of this mess." Harry held his hand out for Ron. "Deal?"

"Deal," Ron smiled and shook his best mates hand.

"Harry Potter," McGonagall stuck her head through the portrait hole again, "come with me please."

Harry groaned and said his goodbyes to Ron. Just like he predicted, Snape was calling for him.

The portrait hole swung closed behind him and he had to do a light jog to keep up with McGonagall's long strides.

"Professor Snape is requiring you to report to his chambers, you will find Mr. Malfoy is already there. I advise you to remain there as the castle is still being searched."

Harry nodded. The rest of the walk was in silence.

"Here you are Potter, have a good night." McGonagall stopped infront of the Potions classroom.

"You too." Harry opened the heavy dungeon door and stepped inside. He had never actually been inside Severus Snape's personal chambers. He had only been in his office, however Snape had told both Draco and himself how to access his living area incase of an emergency.

Supposedly there were two stones on the back wall behind his desk that you press to reveal a door. Snape had showed the boys the two stones in the beginning of the school year so Harry didn't have that much difficulty trying to locate them.

He quickly found himself standing in front of a door that looks shockingly like the front door of their house. It even had the paint chip from when Harry tripped going up the stairs and his glasses scraped up against the wood. He had gotten in some trouble for that one.
Harry grabbed the door knob and pushed it open. To his utter shock he was back at his house in Spinner's End.

Harry smiled at the familiar sight of books lining the walls. Snape sat in his normal armchair and Draco was shoving his face with his favorite muggle cereal, Cocoa Puffs, they did not serve cereal at Hogwarts.

He looked up from his bowl for a second to wave to Harry before continuing to shovel heaps of chocolate cereal into his mouth.

Harry shook his head and collapsed onto the sofa.
"Good morning Harry," Snape put down his newspaper. Harry groaned remembering that it was in fact early morning and he had yet to achieve and hour of sleep.
"Good morning Professor," Harry yawned, "did they catch him?"
"No, I'm afraid not." Snape sighed, "Dumbledore believed getting you out of the castle was the safest option until security has been tightened."
Harry nodded, "how long are we home for?" He asked. People are going to be suspicious if he was away from school too long.
"You can go back at some point tomorrow, I recommend a nights rest first however." Snape eyed him.
"Yeah you look like Merlin's arse, Potter. Utterly dreadful," Draco chimed in.
"Shove off." Harry waved his hand dismissing the comment. He was painfully used to Draco's cheek and it no longer bothered him.
"Language Mr. Malfoy." Snape scolded, "I need to go help with the search. The usual wards are up around the house. Don't be foolish while I'm gone and Draco, put away the cereal." Snape looked annoyed but a shadow of a smile was upon his lips. "I will be back by breakfast."
He went over to the front door and tapped it with his wand. He turned the door knob the opposite way and opened a gateway into the potion's classroom.
Harry and Draco watched him leave and waited until the door closed.
"What happened?" Draco immediately fired at Harry.

"Sirius Black, in my dorm, knife," Harry yawned as he rolled off the couch. He took of his glasses and rubbed his eyes as he grabbed another bowl from the cupboard.

"He broke in again?" Draco looked shocked, "I thought Dumbledore increased security after last time? How did he get into the tower?"

"He had the password." Harry poured himself a bowl of cereal and sat down besides the blond.

"I wonder why Severus took me out of the castle as well. You I understand, the madman is out to kill you, it would make sense to remove you from the situation." Draco thought out loud.

"I dunno." Harry responded.

"He's my uncle, you know. Well technically my cousin" Draco said, "My mother was a Black."

"He's my Godfather." Harry sighed.

Draco nodded. "We're cousins too, you know," He suddenly remarked as if just remembering.

Harry looked at him, "What? No we aren't."

"Yes we are." Draco argued, "I've studied the family trees of purebloods. Distant albeit, but still, we share a great Aunt, Dorea Potter nee Black. It's by marriage. All purebloods are related by blood somewhere."

"But I'm not a pureblood." Harry remarked.

Draco rolled his eyes, "No, you aren't, but your father was. The Potters were a highly respected family in the wizarding community, your grandfather, Fleamont Potter invented Sleekeazy's Hair Potion. You're set to inherent the Potter manor when you're of age."

"There's a Potter Manor?" Harry asked.

"Honestly do you not know anything? Yes, it's a mansion, not quite as big as Malfoy Manor but it's a decent size. Your the last of the Potter family, therefore you inherit it."

"Nice." Harry commented, he was too tired to actually comprehend what Draco was saying so he was just nodding along as he ate his cereal.

"I'm going to get some sleep." Harry finished his bowl of cereal, Draco was already on his 6th.

He climbed the staircase and turned into his bedroom. His bed, made from the day they left after winter holiday, never looked so appealing. Sure, his four poster at Hogwarts was comfortable but it had nothing on his bed at home.

At Hogwarts he had Rons rumbling snores besides him all night long and his curtains were always getting twisted and tangled and made it hard to find his glasses in the morning. Also, Hogwarts didn't have night tables.

Merlin, Harry had missed his room, he missed the soft green over the roaring red, the books, the remote quiet besides Draco's comments here and there and most importantly, the television.

Hogwarts lack of technology was very outdated.

Harry kicked off his night slippers and climbed under the covers. The last thing he saw before he fell asleep was the glow in the dark stars on the bedroom ceiling.

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