Chapter 16

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It was Thursday afternoon when Madam Pomfrey released Draco from the hospital wing. 

He had pressed to be released before classes begun that day, alas, he had to walk into double potions with the Gryffindors halfway through the lesson. 

His right arm was bandaged, he denied the sling that Madam Pomfrey attempted to strap his arm in.

He opened the door to the dungeon and forty heads turned curiously towards the blond. 

He tried to suppress the blush creeping up his cheeks as he quickly sat in the closest seat, to his dismay, it just happened to be next to Weasley. 

"Settle down," Snape snapped, silencing the whispers that had broken out. 

The class was beginning to brew a shrinking potion. In silence, Draco took out his textbook and flipped to the ingredient list. 

Attempting to cut up daisy roots, Draco swore under his breath for every slice he made agitated his injured arm. 

He tried to shake out his arm inconspicuously, however it was to no avail as he caught the Potion Master's eyes. 

"Mr. Potter, please assist Mr. Malfoy in cutting his roots," Snape called across the room.

Draco wanted to disappear in his seat as once again all eyes were upon him. 

"There's nothing wrong with your arm." Ron Weasley hissed. 

"Ron," Draco saw Harry shoot a stern, warning look at the ginger as he slid Draco's ingredients towards him. 

He carefully chopped the daisy roots for the blond and passed them back.

Harry swapped seats with an irritated Weasley and continued to aid Draco in the preparation of the potions ingredients. 

The class went by rather uneventful, Longbottom got scowled at per usual and Granger didn't hold her tongue.    

"Hey, Harry," said Seamus Finnigan, leaning over to borrow Harry's brass scales, "have you heard? Daily Prophet this morning, they reckon Sirius Black's been sighted. "

Draco's breath caught in his throat, he knew more about the backstory of Sirius Black then he assumed Harry did. 

It was very likely that the man was heading towards the castle. 

His assumptions were confirmed when Finnigan stated that the murderer was spotted not too far from their current location. 

Harry seemed confused at the news but not nearly as concerned as he should've. 

The class finished brewing their potions and were waiting anxiously for Snape to test Neville Longbottom's potion on his toad, Trevor. 

The majority of the class watched anxiously as the Potion's Master dropped the potion on the toad, besides a small portion of the Slytherins who looked excited. 

However, the tension in the air disappeared as Trevor transformed into a tadpole with a satisfying 'pop'. 

"Five points from Gryffindor, I told you not to aid Mr. Longbottom, Ms. Granger." Snape drawled. 

"Ron Weasley looked furious, "why didn't you lie Hermione!?" He asked outraged, turning to where the brunette sat. However, the girl was already gone. 

"Dismissed," Snape waved the students away as the bell rung, "Potter, Malfoy, stay after class."

With a pitiful glance at Harry, Ron swaggered away, leaving the two teens and the Potions Professor alone in the dungeon. 

"Come over here, boys." Snape summoned them. 

"How's your arm, Draco?" Snape looked genuinely concerned.

"It's fine, Sir." Draco nodded. 

"Very well, I trust that you will report to the Hospital Wing of it worsens," He rose his eyebrows expectantly at the boy. 

"Yes, Sir," Draco assured. 

"I request that the both of you to join me for tea Saturday, it will be a weekly meeting and I expect you two to be punctual."  

Both boys nodded, looks of confusion upon their faces. 

"That is all, enjoy your classes." Snape turned and began reorganizing the ingredients they used in today's class. 

The teens took this as their cue to leave and the excited the classroom. 

"What was that about?" Harry wondered. 

"I'm not too sure myself," Draco said.


Harry had Defense against the Dark arts with the new Professor after potions. 

He was a middle-aged man, possibly in his mid to late thirties with sandy brown hair and scars that littered his body. 

Something seemed familiar about the man but Harry couldn't quite place him. 

He addressed the class and introduced himself as 'Professor Lupin'. The class made out to be one of the best classes Harry has had in a long time. 

Lupin led the class to a teacher's workroom where a boggart was located. He began the class by Snape dressed in Neville's grandmother's clothing. Although that was hilarious, it will never come close to Severus Snape's fashion of T-shirts, jeans, and ponytails during the summer months.   

The class was enjoying the hands-on learning and Harry's turn was approaching fast, Ron had already gone, his boggart turned into a big spider, there was no surprise there. 

However, Harry was not sure what his biggest fear would be. When it was his turn he stepped up to face the Boggart, it began shifting but Professor Lupin ran and jumped in front of the teen at the last second. 

"Class dismissed," Lupin breathes heavily after turning a moon into a balloon.

Harry couldn't hide his disappointment. 

Why'd Lupin jump in front of his when he was up to face the Boggart. 

The boy couldn't make sense of what just happened in his head.  He'd have to bring it up with the DADA professor when he next spoke to him. 

Later that evening Harry was making his way down to the Quidditch pitch for his daily practices. 

He didn't like walking outside of the castle due to the unsettling presence of the Dementors, he hurried his pace and was nearly sprinting when he arrived at the pitch. 

Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor team captain was now a 7th year and his drive to win the Quidditch cup was stronger than ever. 

He had the team practicing every night, and twice on Saturdays. 

On top of that, he had installed a strict diet for the players and would make them do push-ups when he saw them lounging in the common room. 

Harry loved Quidditch, but Wood was taking training to the extreme. 

At this rate there's not going to be any players left standing to receive the cup if they were to win.

"Evening Harry!" Wood called, already in the air, "eager to start practice, are we? I thought we'd warm up with a two-mile run." Wood looked ecstatic. 

Harry shot the boy an unsure smile whilst trying to catch his breath, hiding the grimace on his features. 

This was going to be fun...

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