Chapter 64

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"How was your summers?" Blaise slouched against the back of his chair.

"Fine," Pansy inspected her perfectly-painted nails.

"It was alright," Theodore Nott sighed, "my siblings drove me mad, Avery's starting Hogwarts this year so I can't even catch a break during school."

"Avery's starting school?" Draco turned to his friend.

"Yeah," Theo groaned, "I love her but my Merlin."

"I bet she'll be in Ravenclaw," Pansy stated, "she's always been a little geeky."

"At least she's not dense like you," Blaise coughed.

"How was your summer, Drake?" Pansy asked, flipping off the tan boy besides her.

"Good," Draco shrugged.

"Look at us," Blaise groaned, "we're all part of esteemed pureblood family's but in reality our family life is fuc—"

"Language," Draco said absentmindedly. It had become second nature living with Harry to correct foul language. After all, Severus didn't permit cursing.

"Excuse me?" Blaise laughed.

Pansy and Theo stared at Draco and choked back sniggers.

"Sorry," Draco blushed, "habit."

"Did you lot hear what's happening at Hogwarts this year?" Theo changed the subject.

"No, what?" Draco looked at him.

"The Triwizard Tournament," Pansy replied.

"Really?" Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "didn't that stop because it was too dangerous? Students kept on getting killed?"

"Yeah," Theo nodded, "apparently there's new restrictions to make it safer. It's something about school unity."

"Mum's furious," Blaise spun his wand between his fingers, "she thinks Dumbledore is off his rockers... I mean I can't really argue."

"Maybe it'll be fun," Pansy shrugged, "I wouldn't want to participate though."

"Yeah, me either," Theo snorted, "who's stupid enough to enter a competition like that?"

"Blaise, be a dear and fetch me something to drink," Pansy flipped her hair.

"Why don't you get it yourself?" Blaise groaned.

"Because I am a lady and you should behave as a proper gentleman," Pansy chided, flicking his forehead.

Blaise grumbled under his breath as he left the compartment in search for the snack trolley.

"I wonder what Crabbe and Goyle are up to," Theo thought aloud.

"Why would we care about what those two blunder-heads are up to," Pansy shot him a look.

"I don't," Theo chuckled, "I'm just glad we don't have to drag them around with us anymore."

"Yeah," Draco said emotionless, "one of the perks of no longer having a father, I don't have to pretend to be friends with his friend's kids."

Pansy and Theo stared at him.

"A—are you ok, Mate?" Theo spluttered.

"Yeah," Draco looked away from the window, "why wouldn't I be?"

"No reason," Theo said with wide eyes.

The compartment fell into an uncomfortable tension, the only noise was the rolling thunder outside of the train.

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