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Just a short chapter for you all...a sort of intro I guess?

It's been a just over a year since the couple got married,and moved into their own family home. The pair adopted a ten year old called Gohan. This was where the couple learned that they had their own parenting style. Vegeta was more strict but fair, whereas Goku was a little more relaxed. However, they both were a little too overprotective despite Gohan reminding them he is ten years of age. The parents still child proofed the whole house, which turned out to be more adult proof than anything else.

Gohan had arrived back from school, he sat on the coffee table facing his parents,who were sat on the sofa opposite him. He brought out his notebook and pen looking at the two.
"I been given a school project on about how our parents met."

"Oh," Goku smiled and exchanged a nervous look with Vegeta. "Do you you want to tell him?" He asked, knowing Vegeta was usually better at coming up with some believable story than him.

"Sure," Vegeta rested his hand on Goku's knee and smiled back at their son. "So, we were invited to a party and your father couldn't stop looking over at me."

"Hm, I believe it was the other way round?" Goku raised his brow at Vegeta.

"I'm telling the story here," he glared at Goku before continuing on. "Anyway, all night he was following me around and-"

"Wow now Vegeta, I am -" he was quickly cut off by Vegeta pressing his finger against his lips.

"Now dear, we are suppose to allow the other to finish talking, it is rude to interrupt. What kind of example are you showing our son?" Vegeta grinned and pulled his finger away. "Basically,we both felt a connection and that's when we had our first kiss. We um, we went on many dates getting to know each other better."

"I mean the first time we had-" Vegeta covered Goku's mouth and shook his head at him.

"Keep it PG!" He hissed before moving his hand away.

"I know what sex is," Gohan sighed seeing them both sat open mouthed.

Vegeta cleared his throat, his cheeks slightly crimson. "So after our dates, we realised we really liked spending time together, so we chose to start a relationship."

Gohan tapped his pen against his lips, he looked at his fathers who exchanged a kiss. "Huh. Grandpa Bardock said that you two met through having an affair."

The two pulled away from their kiss, eyes widened,they looked back at their son not sure how to even respond.

Vegeta then smiled slightly at his son, there's no way his son even knows what an affair is. "Oh, he probably means we met at a fair?"

Gohan furrowed his brows, he could see Vegeta was trying to convince him that he miss heard. "No dad, he said you were dating aunt Bulma and -"

"Wow now, who said you could call her aunt?" Vegeta raised a brow. Sure they were on talking terms now, and Bulma had made friends with his in-laws. But since when did he give permission for his son to call his ex aunt? He looked over seeing Goku pointing his index fingers together. "Kakarot?"

"Well, she has been around the family since we been married." He gave a nervous laughter and looked away.

Vegeta pursed his lips and folded his arms, he looked back at his son who was impatiently tapping their pen against the notepad. "Anyway, what else did grandpa Bardock say?"

"Basically, you two were dating someone else at the time. And you both did stuff behind your girlfriends backs?" Gohan raised a brow as they both sat opening and closing their mouths unable to articulate a sentence. "Are you two okay?"

"Fine, we are absolutely fine...just um...don't put that down on your school work okay?" Goku smiled before heading towards the kitchen to get a drink of water.

"What your father said, best just put down we met at a party and went on many dates..."

"And by many dates you actually mean having sex?"

"You mean special hugs," Vegeta cleared his throat looking around the room as Gohan raised a brow at him.

Gohan quickly scribbled on his notebook as Goku joined Vegeta back on the sofa.

"Is, is there anything else you need our help with?" Vegeta hesitantly asked.

Gohan shook his head. "No, I think I've got all the information I need," he smiled and headed towards his bedroom whilst glancing at his notes:

My parents are in denial how they met, but basically they had a lot of sex...

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