Chapter 61

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"Hey Vegeta, why are we here?" Goku asked as they were sat inside his parents living room. He hugged a crumpled porn magazine close to him.

Vegeta groaned and gripped the bridge of his nose as Gine stood there raising a brow at her son. It wasn't long ago the two had to stop Goku from humping the magazine for the eleventh time. They had visited to see Raditz before he left for rehab, Bulma had taken the kids for the night as Vegeta was struggling to care for them as well as ensure the man child didn't get himself hurt. He would of asked Chichi to watch Goten but she had went off in a rant to people how he caused a dent on her car. Best avoid that bitch for the time being. "I don't know what to do, his memory hasn't come back," he said and looked at his mother in law.

Gine sighed and glanced over her shoulder at Bardock who strolled in with a bottle of beer, "Bardock, you were meant to smack Kakarot with the oar if this happened again." she glared at her husband.

"I didn't wanna, the jokes were too good to pass up," Bardock shrugged and took a swig of his beer.

Gine exchanged a look with Vegeta who had the same confusion etched on his face, "what jokes?" she gaped as Bardock threw a joke book at her, she caught it and glared at him the started to read the book.

Vegeta glanced over Gine's shoulder to read, his face soon went crimson and he glanced back at Bardock who was stood with a smug grin.

Gine who was too preoccupied reading the book to notice what was going on around her, "Bardock, I give those at least three out of ten. The jokes weren't that funny," she shook her head and closed the book. "I mean- 'fucked him so hard he lost his mind'?... kinda funny, but meh.."

Bardock chugged down his beer and placed the bottle down, he frowned at his wife, "Not that funny?" he retorted and crossed his arms, "Woman, I spent hours on those!" when he watched Gine's soft expression change and cross her arms, it was that moment he knew... he fucked up.

"What did you just call me?!" she snarled that made everyone in the room flinch.

A nervous bead of sweat formed on the side of Bardock's head, and he let out an audible gulp then glanced at his son in law. "So Vegeta, oak oar or pine?"

Vegeta scrunched his brows, this man can't be serious? he glanced at Gine then back at Bardock who shared the same expression oh 'we are being deadly serious'. "Perhaps we should just take him to hospital?"

Bardock rolled his eyes "oak it is," he ran out the room mumbling about his joke book, leaving Vegeta stood slack jawed.

There were awkward glance shared between Gine and Vegeta as Goku remained sat their gawking at the magazine, unaware that his father was going to return and smack him across the head with an oar. Because that's just logic. Vegeta couldn't help but feel some guilt as he chose not to argue against his in laws further. He had learned the hard way to never question their logic. Bardock ambled into the room whistling to himself with the oar over his shoulders.

"Don't worry son, he won't remember the pain," Bardock reassured Vegeta.

A loud 'whack' sound followed by a painful cry followed shortly after.

"Ow dad! What the hell?!" Goku yelled and rubbed his head.

Vegeta rushed over to Goku and scowled at Bardock, "you said he wouldn't feel pain!" He pulled Goku into a loving embrace.

"No, I said he won't remember the pain," Bardock shrugged whilst placing the oar against the sofa.

"What are we doing here anyway?" Goku asked as he pulled away from Vegeta's embrace and looked around the room perplexed. Last time he recalled he was getting fucked in the garden.

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