Chapter 24

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Vegeta had reluctantly travelled to the hospital with Chichi and her newborn in the ambulance. This was just not his day, of course he did find the baby adorable it was just a shame who his mother is.  awaiting for others to come visit the baby, Vegeta sat on the chair next to the bed waiting for his husband to arrive. Fuck was he needing to bleach his hands after where they had been. After a torturous hour of sitting in the room with the woman he despised, Goku walked in with Gohan alongside some other guests. Just fucking typical they all chose to show up now and not earlier. An hour, a pissing hour he was sat making awkward glances at his husbands ex. He jumped off his seat and ran into his husbands arms, oh how he has seen some stuff, and he needed the comfort of his husband to try help erase such image. Whilst Bulma, Gohan, and Tarble were stood along the bedside cooing over at the baby. The couple were stood in a firm embrace. Goku was actually surprised Vegeta had even managed to deliver the baby without fainting.

"Why didn't you call me earlier?" Goku asked whilst slowly pulling back from their embrace, and resting his hands on Vegeta's shoulders.

"And have you witness the opening to the netherworld?" he widened his eyes at his husband, if anything he had spared him from such disturbing image.

"what?" he raised his brow at Vegeta who crinkled his nose up recalling such image.

"Not only was it unkempt down there, I think I witnessed the bloody gates of hell open and spit out a demon spawn!"

"Oh god-"he tried to suppress a laugh by looking away from his husband, knowing if he made eye contact he'd burst out laughing causing the whole room to stare at them both. He was just not willing to explain exactly what he was laughing at. Thanks to his husbands colourful description he could only imagine what he had saw.

"There was nothing godly about it!" he shuddered slightly. He cocked his brow watching as Goku avoided making eye contact with him. The bastard was seeing this whole ordeal as hilarious. "I can tell you are trying to not laugh, could try and at least show some sympathy since I did deliver your son from that thing," he jerked his thumb behind him towards Chichi in the background.

Goku glanced over at Chichi cradling the newborn with everyone else crowding around her. He then averted his attention back on Vegeta, cupping his hand under his chin so lovingly. "I'm sorry, it's just- you have funny way of describing things." He bit his lip feeling himself get hard as Vegeta was pressed against him, oh fuck, now is not the time to get a boner. Of course with Vegeta's slight glint in his eye and quirked brow, he could feel it too. "Sorry," he blushed.

"Maybe we should sort that out?" he licked his lips with a grin. He needed something to clear his mind after what he had seen earlier today. They both exchanged a seductive look, before excusing themselves out the room.

"where you two going?" Bulma glanced over at the pair trying to sneak out the room.

"We are going to get a drink," Goku smiled hoping no one had noticed his boner, as he quickly pulled Vegeta to stand in the way.

"dads, please not in the hospital," Gohan shook his head at them both knowing exactly what they were planing to do.

"We are allowed to have a drink in here, we will be right back just stay there," Vegeta said sternly, before giving Goku a small nod for them to both run out the room.

The couple scanned around the area, trying to find a decent spot for a quick fuck. From the corner of their eye they spotted a small empty room with a couple of beds, they gave each other the look with a wicked grin. This was a perfect place for a quick fuck, no one will know. They ran into the room making quick glances around them ensuring no one had noticed they had entered the room. Goku wrapped his hands around Vegeta's waist planting soft kisses down his neck before pushing him onto the hospital bed.

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