Chapter 62- damn should of ended it on 69

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Vegeta rolled his eyes as he watched his brother being consoled by Raditz, Tarble just didn't cease crying from when they left the house together, to when they got into the car, to even when he had to use the public restroom during their short respite before continuing to head to the airport. Which was embarrassing, for people gave awkward glances and fled the room as they heard the loud wails echoing in the bathroom. The people left the bathroom in an awkward stride, like a confused deer unsure if there is danger nearby and if they should sprint or walk, so do a mixture of between. After that calamity, they were now stood in the airport, what an interesting family day out. Gohan was stood next to Bardock, and Goten was being passed around to whoever wanted to hold him next for Goten had a tantrum being placed in his stroller he had to be held by everyone first and have a good look around before he was content to be settled into the darn thing. Tarble was literally like a koala as he clung onto Raditz for dear life whilst he awaited for his flight. It was so bad that Vegeta was mentally picturing himself throwing Tarble into a dog carrier then throwing him into the cargo area.

"Babe, you'd be the same if that was me leaving," Goku chirped in breaking Vegeta's amusing mental image.

"No I wouldn't be," he rejected and crossed his arms, he'd be a blubbering mess too but like hell would he admit that.

"Sure," Goku smirked at Vegeta and chuckled when Vegeta avoided his glance.

Whilst Vegeta continued to deny he'd be in a similar state as his brother, Gine had Goten cradled in her arms. She slowly trailed her eyes over to Tarble who struggled to wipe away the tears that still ran down his cheeks and smiled as Raditz pulled him into a loving embrace. She then shifted her attention onto her husband Bardock who was giving Gohan some advice. Then lastly she trailed her eyes towards Goku who was being heavily groped by his husband, she peered down at Goten who smiled up at her and giggled. "They just can't control themselves can they?" she smiled back at Goten as they approached the horny couple. "Now boys, you can do that at home," Gine raised an eyebrow at the two and waited for them to part from their making out session before handing Goten to them.

"Uh... sorry," Goku tittered and helped Vegeta place Goten into the stroller, dodging his mother's glances. She had warned them in the car to behave and to try to keep control of themselves.

Gine simply shook her head with a smile in response. She adored her crazy family, and she loved how there was constantly something entertaining going on. "Well, since we got over an hour wait how about we all go into that pleasant restaurant over there for a bite to eat?" she pointed towards a modest restaurant that was tucked away in the corner and looked quiet inside. Perfect for introverts.

The men all exchanged a glance with a widened smile and dashed towards the restaurant with Gine left to push Goten in the stroller behind them.


They were all seated around a large table together, Goten refused to sit in the highchair despite everyone's failed attempts to help seat him in the chair, it was no use so Gine had him seated on her lap allowing him to chew on the menu whilst everyone made an order.

"It'll be roughly twenty minutes till your food will be ready, is that okay?" the waitress asked with a meager smile whilst trying to grab the menu off Goten who refused to let go.

Gine nodded, "we don't mind waiting," she pulled the menu from Goten's grip with ease and handed it to the waitress. "Sorry, he just has to have things in his mouth," she giggled as Goten chewed on his hand instead.

"Just like his dads," Bardock mumbled before taking a sip of water.

The waitress quickly left as her cheeks reddened, it was evident she had some filthy images. Gine gave her a husband a side eyes glance, she knew he wasn't wrong and there was no point to argue otherwise. Goku however pulled a face at his dad to which Bardock winked at his son and snickered as he watched the realization hit him on what his father meant.

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